Book Presentation
"The Aquarian Cross"
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

The Aquarian Cross is one of the cosmic symbols. The cosmic mind is represented by a fourfold cross. It speaks of the fourfold existence at all planes. Each time we look at it we must get the recollection of our own fourfold existence. Then the purpose is well served. The symbolism of the cross and the astrological significance of the Aquarian Cross are well explained with deeper symbolism coupled with ancient wisdom.
The book is based on lectures, which K. Parvathi Kumar gave during a group living in Posadas, Argentina, in December 1993.
Content: The Symbol of the Cross; Taurus – The Light of the Aspirant; Scorpion – The Light of the Disciple; Leo – The Light of the Initiate; Aquarius – The Light of the Master.
Dhanishtha Publishing House, Visakhapatnam, India 1998.
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The Aquarian MeditationThis is a presentation of Aquarius, and there is a way to meditate upon it. Without meditation, how would we know all this? We have to meditate and know. There, is a meditation in our own being to contemplate upon a state where there is no sound, no colour, no shape, no idea, and no thought - which is the meditation of Aquarius. Because 'it' is not yet a shape, 'it' is not yet a sound, 'it' is not yet a thought, 'it' is not yet light or a colour. It is a state where colour and sound are merged. That is exactly what Master CVV wants us to do. Uttering the sound, we close our eyes and keep seeing what is inside; there is no further mental contemplation of the sound, and there is also no mental contemplation of Master CVV's figure. What Master CVV says is: Look to 'me' and close your eyes. Because through my eyes the channel is created". Likewise we can look into the eyes of Christ if we have the authentic living picture of the Christ, but not a picture out of our own imagination. The eyes of the Masters are channels of the Absolute Energy. Whenever we think of meditating with the help of any Master, it is recommended to look into the eyes and closing our eyes.
When it comes to the realization of the Aquarian Energy we just keep seeing inside. By virtue of the habit that the mind carries, in the beginning we see the forms with which we interact with, but the moment we think that they are all the forms that we know, they disappear. Then we get thoughts, concepts, which are proximate to our living. We realize that they are all frames of thought that are coming out of us, arising out of our perception. Most of these thoughts or visions, which we see, are nothing but the impressions of our memory. When we regularly sit and keep ventilating these images and thoughts, we get released of them. We are released of the images, we are released of the thoughts. There are myriads of thoughts and images in the memory, so it takes time before they are all liberated from us, and consequently we are liberated from them.
Each one is hopelessly impressed with thoughts and images. From the ancient-most times the thoughts and images are impressed. When all these get out, we see what we are as the nameless ones, shapeless ones, colourless ones, soundless ones, which is the state of Absolute Being, which we are. The residence of that Being in us, is in-between the Heart and the Throat Centre. It is an eight-petalled lotus.
When there is no occupation in other things, this Existence is experienced. When there is occupation, the occupation exits and Existence ceases to exist. We fill ourselves with so many things, including even the thoughts relating to a concept of God. We are generally filled with concepts only. In truth it is just 'being' without anything else. "nil, no one, no thought". We realize that all is a big dream, that all conceptions are all games, too many games of the dreams. Each one is stuck with his own dream, even in the name of God. Now, with the realization the dreams disappear.
There are high scholars who get stuck with their own thoughts. When we are rid of all that which is, and all that which is impressed on us, we only remain as silver screens, and for the first time we can breath happily. Images can come to us as concepts for us to function, but as far as we are concerned, we are a clean screen, which is the ultimate death. It means, we are dead to all things other than I AM. There is no such thing as someone above us and someone below us. "I AM THAT I AM', and there is no second thing to it. That is how the meditation is recommended for the Aquarian man. No real Master ever asked to meditate upon his form. The Master only remains a channel to that which is beyond. Out of lack of comprehension we settle down to forms names, colours and sounds.