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Newsletter: Cancer Full Moon 2024 astrosign

Dear Friends,

Full Moon

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac. Cancer is the dusk hours of the year and Cancer represents the home and the mother. The Sun in Cancer is said to be at home with itself. The soul finds its rest in the heart. The quality of the heart is love and belonging. It creates warm relationships. At home, in the heart, we can reflect on our life's purpose and tune into divine intention to enable inner revelation. For the ordinary person, Cancer represents instincts, for advanced humans, intuition.

This year there are two full moons in Cancer, the first full moon on 22 June and the second on 22 July, at the transition to Leo. There will be no second Lunar Messenger in Cancer, but the Lunar Messenger in Leo will appear earlier.




The Lunar Messenger

Lunar Messenger

We are to become aware of the Masters, their work and their teachings; then the expansion of consciousness will continue. Once we have understood the basics of their teachings, we must demonstrate this by fully and consistently engaging and acting on our own. It is an important first step to adhere closely to the guidance given by the Hierarchy and apply it with unwavering commitment. This is also practical and beneficial.
The subject of this Lunar Messenger is "Vistas of Wisdom 138: The Appearance of Hierarchy".

Book of the Month

Book presentation

As per Madam Blavatsky, the word Master denotes mastery over many things. Mastery over the physical body, mastery over the desire nature, mastery over the mind and thoughts and finally mastery over themselves. They are the Masters who can handle the human constitution, to make the machines of the body and the mind function in their proper manner so as to tune them to the higher intelligence in man.

The book “Masters and Disciples in the Modern Age” is like a textbook to the aspirants and disciples who want to understand the Divine Plan, the work of the Great Masters who have been helping humanity at large to go further in human evolution.

Picture of the Month

Images of Synthesis

During the interval between departure from physical and reincarnation where does the soul remain? It remains here only experiencing through the causal body. Since the soul is bodiless (physical), its movement is like the Earth’s orbit. As the instincts and urges grow heavy for want of satiation, the soul moves towards the Earth and seeks reincarnation.
The interval between the death and entry into the mother’s womb is according to the degree of the urge for material belonging and satiation of desires. The one who overcomes his behavioural instincts need not come back for there is no downward pull towards Earth in his case. He is the liberated soul that finds expression in higher planes of existence. (Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: The Teachings of Kapila)

The picture of the month, “Cancer - The Force Field of Rebirths“, illustrates this symbolism.

Vaisakh Newsletter

Vaisakh Newsletter

You can find here the English version of the Vaisakh newsletter for the month of Cancer at the beginning of the sign. The Vaisakh Newsletter is always published at the beginning of the sign. If you would like to be informed as soon as the letter is published, we can include you in the Vaisakh Newsletter mailing list.

You can subscribe to the electronic version from  The WTT-Global (please indicate your address).

"Flowers on the Wayside" - Blog


We have a blog with the title "Flowers on the Wayside - along the roads of Good-Will". A blog is like an online-diary. We post there in intervals little comments about events from daily life, linked with the spiritual work, which is at the basis of the good-will website.




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