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Picture to the Month of Cancer

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Cancer - The Force Field of Rebirths


During the interval between departure from physical and reincarnation where does the soul remain? It remains here only experiencing through the causal body. Since the soul is bodiless (physical), its movement is like the Earth’s orbit. As the instincts and urges grow heavy for want of satiation, the soul moves towards the Earth and seeks reincarnation.
The interval between the death and entry into the mother’s womb is according to the degree of the urge for material belonging and satiation of desires. The one who overcomes his behavioural instincts need not come back for there is no downward pull towards Earth in his case. He is the liberated soul that finds expression in higher planes of existence. (Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: The Teachings of Kapila)

The picture of the month, “Cancer - The Force Field of Rebirths“, illustrates this symbolism.



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