Book Presentation
"On Change"
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

Change is inevitable. It is inevitable even to rocks! Acceptance of change is Wisdom. The Wise always look to the tide of change and always move forward. Resistance to change brings in friction, conflict, decay and death. Learning is to change – to change for the better.
The flow of thoughts on change has flown out for those who look for change.
Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2006
ExtractsChange means
change of
patterns relating to you -
- of speech
- of use of senses
- of thoughts
- of routine.
The need for change is to align
the mutable in you
with the immutable.
Until right alignment happens,
the urge to change
When the alignment happens,
you settle in the immutable
and enjoy the mutable!
Changing with time is to be dynamic.
Dynamism is to be
in comfort with every change.
Change is constant in Nature.
To remain afl oat in Nature,
one needs to learn to accept
the change that
Life offers.
Change is refreshing.
Change is the flow of Life.
Lest, it is death.
Change is the expression
of the unchangeable -
the immutable is the basis
for the mutable.
He is the dweller.
She is expression.
He is the essence.
She is the envelope –
a sevenfold ‘envelope’.
Through the cycles of Time,
she expresses Him
and gets absorbed into Him.
Discipleship is learning to change.
Discipleship is accepting
the changes thrust
by Life.
Discipleship teaches the
know-how of changing
to enable dissolution
of conflict.
Discipleship is to neutralize
the opposing currents
of conflict.
If change is inevitable,
accept it with grace.
Many times it would be a graceful
exit that Life offers.
If one does not take to it, he falls.
Entry is change
exit is change too!
Observing change is the means
to stay afloat.
Non-observation of change
drowns you.
A role model is the one
who knows when to enter,
when to exit and what to do
while in Life.
An initiate enters, conducts
healing and teaching,
and exits dramatically.
He knows the drama of Life.
Change is the drama of Life.
Change is natural.
In Nature, change is constant
and is so consistent
that one does not perceive it.
Change is imperative in Life.