Book Presentation
Gurupoornima Messages
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

The Gurupoornima Messages given by Master K Parvathi Kumar during Gurupoornima celebrations at Bhagyanagaram, now find their expression in the form of a booklet on the occasion of Gurupoornima - 2023.
The readers may be initiated into the path of Discipleship.
The World Teacher Trust, Bhagyanagaram, India 2023
Gurupoornima Message 2007
Master may visit your house. Clean the house and keep it open. Wait to receive Him.
Wait ardently.
Your Heart is his House.
Gurupoornima Message 2008
The Golden Lotus of the heart is the Master's abode in the disciple.
A true disciple meets the Master in the golden aura of the heart lotus. The meeting place for the Teacher and student for communion and communication is verily the lotus of the Heart.
Aspirants are therefore well advised to contemplate upon the golden twelve petalled lotus of the heart and learn to Wait there to receive the Master.
May the Full Moon of Cancer fulfill this effort of the Aspirants.
Let the heart be open to meet the Teacher and the Divine as well.
Gurupoornima Message 2009
Meet the Teacher in you.
He is ever available in the inner chambers of the heart. Learn to meet Him there to listen- to and to follow Him.
The teacher is no other than the Higher-self in you.
The teacher appearing outside, is the one that leads you to the teacher inside, until you have met the teacher in you.
Until you have learnt to listen to Him to follow, you haven't really met the Teacher.
The Full moon enables this reflection in the month of Cancer in particular.
May this Full moon help such union with your own Teacher.