Book Presentation
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

Prayers are inevitable on the Path. They are helpful to orientate to the Divine. Prayers do good
to the beginners, the aspirants and to the adepts, to men and to Masters as well. Prayers do not belong to the
mind, they belong to the heart. They are the cry of the Soul, if they are ardent and hearty. They develop
cordiality and establish a cordial link to the Divine. A cordial link is considered the best. The Divine too
find the way to reach through such cordial link.
The prayers in this book are some such ardent ones. Ardent
prayers culminate into true meditation. It enables musing of the soul with the super soul.
Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2008, ISBN: 978-3-9523145-8-6
Copies: The World Teacher Trust-Global • Wasenmattstrasse 1
CH-8840 Einsiedeln •
Extracts from the book31.
The trees are the givers.
We are the receivers.
They give much –
the flower, the fruit, the cool shade, the breeze,
the firewood and so on.
They keep giving and
keep growing too!
They grow towards the sky.
They ascend to meet the Sun, the sky.
We stay receiving.
We learnt to receive.
We remain Pigmies.
That we may give and grow,
grow to be,
to be with You,
to Be one in all –
We pray!
As our prayers touch sincerity,
Your fire generates within
and starts to purify.
The process, we realise, is painful.
Please make haste
but slowly.
We really cannot stand Your purification.
Let the pain of fire be friendly,
bearable and encouraging.
We pray!
You prevail over the creation
as the Lord of love,
why the beings pursue power?
Is not love the basis?
From Your Presence,
Your Love,
mankind draws power!
When do we learn to love?
Please help us to be in love
and not in power.
We pray!
Let all our acts be service,
based on Love.
Can there be real service without love?
May we be helped
in this direction.
We pray!
Let our association
be with men of love,
of service
and of goodwill.
Let the three (love, service, goodwill)
be in action,
not so much in speech.
We pray!
We ardently wish
to relate to You
through our prayers.
But our minds
reduce our ardent prayers
to be ordinary,
Help us to pray ardently –
with heart,
not with mind.
We pray!
Our hearts say,
“We like to pray,
we love to pray.”
Our minds say,
“We have to pray,
we should pray.”
Mind imposes power.
Heart trumpets love.
Let not our prayers be from mind,
the powerful.
Let them be hearty.
We pray!
Power enslaves.
Powerful Religions enslaved us.
Powerful Preachers
injected fear of You.
Power as means
cannot help to reach You
as Love does.
Lead us unto You through Love of You.
We pray!
We are grateful
for what is given.
We are regretful
for what we are.
We could be better.
We pray!
We pray.
We stay in 1st Person
and pray You as the 2nd Person.
But You are the 1st One,
we are the 2nd.
This inversion is inevitable in our prayers.
Pardon us for this.
We pray!
You exist as
I am.
We too exist as
I am.
We are the duplicates,
Your mirror images,
Your shadows!
But we forget our status.
We forget You,
the Original.
We pray!
We realise that it is futile
to run around in the world.
The world revolves
around You.
To run
around You,
to revolve
around You
helps us to overcome
the revolutions of world,
of death
and birth.
Moving around You,
we pray!