Book Presentation
Symbolism of the Scriptures. A Compilation
by Dr E. Krishnamacharya

The World Scriptures are hidden treasures. They remain veiled until and unless an ardent student makes an appropriate approach. All world scriptures are invariably presented through symbols and through allegory. Unless the science of symbolism is studied and comprehended, the intended meaning of the scripture is not revealed.
In the book “Symbolism of the Scriptures – A compilation” by Dr E. Krishnamacharya you find the teachings and symbolism from the scriptures of India, Egypt and other nations, and also from the Old Testament, New Testament, Pyramids, Solomon’s Temple, Triangles, Pythagoras teachings etc.
Lectures in this book: Symbolism of the Scriptures; The Science of Symbolism; The Symbolism of the Triangle; Pyramids and Temple of Solomon
Kulapathi Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, India 2023
Symbolism of the ScripturesI am asked to speak about some important aspects of the "Symbolism of the Scriptures".
It is an important subject when we see the present trends in human society. We have seen some unrest increasing in human minds, which is quite natural when we consider the various stages of evolution of the human being. The same type of unrest took place with every batch of human beings in the past ages whenever a new batch of human beings was sent from the animal kingdom to the human kingdom.
The evolution of the human being involves a bit of responsibility, that was not there with the other kingdoms and also the instinct to know things is there in the human being. These are the two things which make human beings different from other living beings on this earth. But for these two aspects, the other things are common.
The appetite and the thirst are common; sleep is common; the instinct of reproduction is common; the pain and pleasures are common. All the other things are common between human beings and the beings of other kingdoms.
Responsibility of Human Being
The instinct to know things and understand is the one thing that differentiates them. The responsibility that is placed upon the human kingdom by Nature depends upon the maturity of the stage of evolution in the human kingdom. Human beings are classed as more evolved than all the other kingdoms on this earth and therefore the power to decide is given to human beings. Through trial-and-error method, the human being uses the power to decide. Sometimes he decides it in his favour and sometimes to his unfavourable conditions. This is because of a lack of experience through evolution. It is only after some experience that we the human beings understand that we are capable of creating our own happiness and unhappiness. It has been proved time and again by many wars that the human being created against himself.
Civilization and Culture
Civilization is manmade and no other creature on this earth can have the concept of what we call civilization. Civilization permits us to enjoy some privileges from Nature. But there is a higher aspect of civilization which the wise people call culture. Culture is a little bit different from civilization. Culture reminds us of our responsibilities and duties, whereas civilization assures us of some enjoyments and privileges. So, our pioneering spirit allows us to increase and improve our civilization and permits us to enjoy certain things in Nature which the other beings are not entitled to enjoy. At the same time, culture warns us that there are certain responsibilities. It also reminds us that we are the makers of our own fate, and we are expected to create our own happiness or unhappiness.