Book Presentation
Teachings of Master CVV. A Compilation
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

Yoga is as ancient as the creation itself. The Yoga of Master CVV is no different from the path of Yoga propounded by the ancient most scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Master CVV gave out a new Yoga, which gave a new impetus for the evolution of life. It works to hasten the process of evolution. Master KPK (Dr K. Parvathi Kumar) continued the work, striving relentlessly for over four decades, to reach out the Yoga of Master CVV in its true sense to the sincere seekers all over the globe.
The booklet “Teachings of Master CVV” is a compilation based on the teachings given out by Sri Kumar through the monthly magazine “Vaisakh News Letter” and a set of 40 teachings titled “Criteria for Yoga”.
Dhanishta Editions, Visakhapatnam, India 2024
14Persons with worldly name, fame, position and property do not find my path of Yoga comfortable. Those who grow excessively into the world are generally distant to the Truth. The reason being, untruth prevails in the world more than the truth. The Yoga that I propound is ‘Satya yoga'. It demands truthfulness at mental, vocal and physical levels.
If you have gained anything in the world through untruth, you better not invoke ME. The fire of the truth relating to my Yoga will burn up your worldly gains just as a flame burns up camphor. I let only truth prevail. I do not let much untruth around you, for it hinders your progress as a Soul. Look for the splendour of the Soul and not so much for the splendour of the world. If it comes in a truthful way let it be so !
Remember that every Yoga promotes only truth and does not let untruth coexist!
When I start working in you, you would get certain thoughts of goodwill and of discipleship. You need to note them and translate them into action. If you do so, you would progress in Yoga. If you feel proud of your deeds, you would encounter impediments.
As you progress on the path of discipleship, people gather around you. Remember that it is the ‘ME' in you that attracts them for the work of goodwill. If you start using them for your personal purposes, their Karma will flow to you.
Continue to be useful to them and use them in the work of goodwill. If those who gather around you volunteer to help you at personal level you may use them with discretion.
These are a few hints on my path!
The body contains centers of force. It is not just a form of flesh and blood. The chief centers relate to the five elements, the mind and the man.
The man is expected to preside over the six centers relating to the mind and the five elements. However, depending upon his exposure and the related experience in a series of lives, he stays in any one of the six centers, until he becomes a Master.
Each center has its detail, represented by the number of petals of the lotus of the center. When the petal-wise experience, in relation to each center, is completed, one can take to the higher center. This is an orderly progress, a scientific progress.
We follow many practices, which may stimulate different petals of different centers, without making an orderly progress. In such situations, they are held back until the petals of the lower lotuses are also experienced. The Yoga of sound that I introduced, does not let you jump to a higher experience, until you have gained the lower experience.
It is a Yoga for all round development.
Expect not miracles from me!
Accept patience and workout every step!
I am your Saturn, and your Pluto that would lead you to deep experiences, but not superficial ones!
Realise that the obstacles you find on the way are none other than the things you neglected in the past.
Whatever you negate, neglect, exclude and eliminate, will come back to you, to be resolved by you. Every problem of today can be traced to your neglect of the past. Everything you neglect today, is the problem of the future. The one who neglects, is building a path of obstacles. To such ones, the path is tiresome.
If you neglect health rules today, sickness encounters you tomorrow. If you neglect people today, their non-cooperation encounters you tomorrow. If you neglect riches today, poverty encounters you tomorrow. If you neglect duty today, a failure encounters you tomorrow. See the lesson of the present obstacle. Rectify your attitude, neutralise the obstacle and move forward. Every obstacle is a saturnine message. Stop, think, rectify and proceed !
The Yoga I impart has the quality of speeding up. This is due to the stimulation of Uranus in you. In consequence, you are stressed and pressed with too many events within a short time. You should learn to accept stress and move forward in Yoga.
Even for the tension and stress, practice of My Yoga is the solution. As much as there is stress, so much you anchor in Yoga. Normally you do the contrary ! As the stress in life grows, you cease to practice Yoga. That is where, the trouble for you is Know that the stress is the price you pay ME, for the Yoga that I impart.
The one who does the prayer twice daily, regardless the stress, is fulfilled of My Yoga and stands in life earlier and serves better!