Book Presentation
The Masters of Wisdom (Overseas Messages - XI)
by Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya

The difference between a Master and all the other people is, mastery not upon any subject or any branch of wisdom, but at first a mastery upon themselves. For this reason, they are separately called the Masters of Wisdom. They have made a scientific study of their own constitution and discovered a wonderful mechanism having many dimensions in themselves.
Dr E. Krishnamacharya (Master EK) gave many discourses during his tours to Europe which are profound and enlightening. This 11th volume of Overseas Messages, “The Masters of Wisdom”, contains 9 lectures on various topics.
Content: The Masters of Wisdom; The Present World Crisis; The Symbolism of Solomon's Temple and Pyramids; The Spiritual Citizen; Spiritual Psychology; Healing and Cure; The Masters and their Purpose; Music as an Expression; Education Centres
Kulapathi Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, India 2020
The Masters of WisdomThank you all for the happy presence you have given me this evening. I thank our host who has organized this opportunity and I am asked to speak something about the Masters of Wisdom today. The word Master is used with a special significance in this century. We know the word, a philosopher, a scholar and a man of Wisdom. All these terms are used to different persons to indicate an extraordinary and super human efficiency in certain branches of wisdom. Apart from it, the word Master is significant in its own way in its special sense. It is for the first time used by Madam Blavatsky to indicate a group of people who work in their own way for the perfection of humanity in a multi-dimensional direction.
The word Master indicates mastery and that is the significant part of those people. We can gain mastery in one subject or two subjects. One can show an extraordinary skill, discover new dimensions about wisdom. But, the difference between a Master and all the other people is, mastery not upon any subject or any branch of wisdom, but at first a mastery upon themselves. For this reason, they are separately called the Masters of Wisdom. Those people, who are called the Masters are called the real Masters. They have made a scientific study of their own constitution and discovered a wonderful mechanism having many dimensions in themselves. For example, the physical body and its functions, the vital body and its functions, the mental body, the intellectual body, the creative will and what they call Soul and a doorway into what they call Spirit. They understood that the human constitution is an exquisite piece of machinery having many mysterious computers.
Apart from the functions of all the machines discovered by man, the constitution includes a creative consciousness which is not present in any machinery except himself. They also discovered that anything created by man can never be greater than man himself. For this reason, they have become Masters. Otherwise when a person who is not a Master, discovers something wonderful, immediately he goes into the foolishness of believing his creation is greater than himself. The result is, he loses his birth right of Mastery and within a short time, he becomes a servant and not a Master of his own creation. That is what we often see in those who are not Masters.
For example, a rare spark of human intellect has discovered money in this world and from that day till today, the intellect of the majority of the human beings began to believe that money is greater than themselves and they have sold themselves to money. They live as the slaves and servants of money instead of Masters. Similarly, when the scientists discovered scientific truths and when the technologists discovered the many conveniences of man, they immediately believed that these aspects of civilization are more valuable than themselves and they had become slaves of their own creation and the result is, we are being crushed by ourselves under the heavy weight of the wheels of civilization.
In this single aspect, the Masters stand aloof from us. Their common sense never permits them to believe that their creation is greater than humanity. Can we believe that the mustaches and the beard we grow can protect us and save us and give us livelihood? It is foolish. Similarly, it is equally foolish to believe that the money we have created, the properties we have made, the houses and the lands and the fields we have, do they protect us, do they save us and do they make us live?
If we believe this, we will be equally foolish. The Masters are those who do not commit this mistake. They know the value of humanity up to such an extent that there is no human being on earth who is not honoured by the Masters. There is no question of ignoring any living being in the view of the Masters, for the simple fact that life is a gift of God, and the living being is a specimen of God existence on this earth. This is the single aspect which keeps Masters above and beyond us and for the same fact we can never grow in stature as far as the Masters are concerned.
Unless we sacrifice all our complexes, all our self- made ideals, our sectarianisms and the worship of what we love and we make a sacrifice of all these things and unless we burn mercilessly all that we have created in our mind, we can neither understand the stature of the Masters nor dream of attaining such a state.
Now, let us go into the facts of a few Masters.