Book Presentation
"Venus. The Path to Immortality"
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

There is much misconception by the human minds of the function of Venus as a principle and as a planet. It is often associated with desire and sex. This book clears such misconception and hints at the glory, the beauty and the experience of Venus. It also hints at the process of purification and detachment from the matter through a proper understanding of and working with the Venus Principle. Venus stands for pure Love-Wisdom, and immortality. It also paves way to build the Etheric Body, the vehicle of light. The secrets of that are hidden in Venus principle.
A dimension relating to the discipleship of Maria Magdalena is also narrated.
Content: Experiencing versus Knowledge; The Divine Path; The Path to Immortality; The Principle of Venus; How to Build the Etheric Body; Appendix; Maria Magdalena – A Dimension.
Dhanishtha Publishing House, Visakhapatnam, India 1997.
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The Principle of VenusVenus and the Sense of Colour
It is stated that Venus governs beauty, balance and love. Venus also governs the colour sense in man, but the sensitivity to light is an aspect that comes to us from the Sun. The Sun governs the light and Venus governs the colour. Venus stands for etheric matter. When the light passes through matter, there is the manifestation of the colour. The Akasha is the astral light and by itself it does not manifest any colour. The manifestation of colour is on account of the interaction of the light with the matter. Where light interacts with matter, the colour manifests. Otherwise, there is no colour: it is all light. Colour is a manifestation due to the resistance of matter to the flow of light. The light moves in velocity and when it is resisted by matter, there is the colour formation. In fact, that which we see as light itself is matter. It is the interaction of the unknown with the Primordial Matter that makes the light formation.
Venus gives the subtle matter, hence the light manifests through the subtle matter into a variety of colours. It is like the solar ray passing through a prism manifesting the colours. The colour sense in us depends upon the Venusian principle functioning in us. The response to colour depends upon the placement of Venus in our horoscope. The best painters are the ones who carry a good relation with Venus. They have a better sense of colour. Colour as we see it today, is only the effect of colour, but not the colour as such. Depending upon the density of the matter we have from radiant to dull colours. If the matter is subtle, there is the radiance of the colour. If the matter is dense, the colour tends to be dull. What we see as difference of colours is only the effect arising out of the density of the matter. It is the effect of the colour which we see, but not the colour as such. The colour as such can be seen when we have grown into subtle matter. That is what happens to a painter. The painter feels the colour inside and tries to produce it on the canvas. His perception of colour in his being is far more radiant than what he can bring out on the canvas, because his visualization of the colour is in the etheric form and his production of the colour is on the canvas. That is why a painter is never satisfied with his paintings. What he visualizes inside is so good, so beautiful and so radiant that when he tries to bring it on the canvas, it does not come in that radiance.
Working with radiant colours makes us more and more sensitive towards the etheric matter. It is the Venusian principle in us that enables us to respond to colours in nature. Responding to colour is responding to beauty.
Venus governs the sense of colour. The Sun governs the sense of light, Jupiter governs the sense of sound and taste, Mercury governs the sense of smell and Mars governs the sense of touch. If Mars is afflicted, one would like to touch everybody....
Some Hints Relating to Colour
The orange colour stimulates the etheric body and helps building up that body a great deal. The students are initially recommended to meditate upon the orange of the sky during the sunrise and the sunset hours. Remember, all mendicants in India wear orange robes as a principle. This enables them to absorb the colour through mental engagement on the colour. They also wear an orange brow-mark on their forehead. Orange dispels the negative energies of emotion; it removes congestion and enables the free flow of life currents. Worship of Lord Hanuman, the monkey God, in orange colour is used popularly till date in India as the sixth ray key to overcome the dominance of the emotional body. Tuesday and the sixth phase of the moon are also linked to the orange colour.
The Rose colour is worshipped through the beautiful form of the goddesses, for the rose colour tranquilizes, eliminates depression and arrests devitalization. "It improves the will to live", says Master E.K.
Contemplation upon brilliant colours tightens the etheric web and strengthens the etheric body, thus it shuts the door to the entry of the emotional feelings through the emotional body. When cleavages exist in the etheric web, the stimulants of the objective world activate the emotional body and permit the entry through the relaxed elasticity to the entities from the emotional plane. Gradually the physical body turns sick. Disease, decay and death thus occur to the physical body when the etheric web is weak. "May we seal the door where evil dwells", instructs Master D.K.
"Master, please, let us receive the influx of Thy ‘Plenty of Prana’ into our systems, so that we may transcend disease, decay and death, realize the highest Truth, the pure love and the bliss of existence and serve humanity according to Thy Plan", is the daily prayer suggested by Master CVV.
The chief work of Master CW is to strengthen, develop, vitalize and magnetize the etheric body of the humans, through invocation of prana and conduct of transference of such prana into the physical body, thereby delinking the physical from the emotional body. He thereby aims at two things: one is to build a strong and healthy physical body and systematically develop the etheric body to its natural electric and magnetic power, so that it survives the physical; meaning, surviving death !
It should be remembered that the primary expression of the etheric body is through the colour violet. Violet precedes the dense physical state. Violet again is reflective of the blue the higher counterpart. Blue stands for synthesis in the higher worlds, while violet stands for such synthesis in the manifest world. Violet links the Deva kingdom to the visible kingdom and is therefore the medium that unites the human to the Devas. It is the bridge between the visible and the semi-visible and leads to the realization of the invisible.
Esoterically, violet is white and white is violet. So also, blue is white and white is blue. Venus represents all the three shades of Light. Lord Krishna, the blue boy is said to have descended upon our Earth via Venus!
Gayatri, the light of the three worlds, is one of the chief keys of meditation followed by the Himalayan Aryans from the ancient most times. Contemplation upon Gayatri is a "Sound and Light technique" given by the ancient Seers for realization of one's own etheric form. It is interesting to note that the five faces of Gayatri carry the five aspects of the colour, namely the solar light, the lunar light and the colour blue, red and golden yellow. In recent times, Master E.K. is believed to have realized his etheric state of existence through contemplation upon Gayatri. Consequently he stood as an outpost in initiating aspirants in the Gayatri mantra.