Book Presentation
"Violet Flame Invocations"
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

Violet is the colour and the world into which the humanity walks through initiation. It is the
Kingdom of God, called by such names as Eden Garden, Paradise, Devachan, Supermundane and so on. The Violet
Flame relates to the 7th ray of Swaraj. Swaraj stands for self rule. Self rule demands discipleship. There are
aspirants all around the globe who follow the discipline to be disciples and who endeavour to rule
Self-rule is governed by 7th ray and 7th ray functions through Violet
Flame. Violet Flame is worshiped in all the subtle Temples of 7th ray in all the four corners of the globe.
Violet Ray inaugurated its activity in this cycle, in the year 1675 AD. The work is subtly taking
place and many are introduced to the functioning of the Violet Flame. Esoteric temples are becoming active,
transmitting their presence to the seeker all around.
333 years of work is accomplished by the
year 2008. In celebration of a grand work a few invocations are given out to the ardent seeker of
7th ray activity.
Copies: The World Teacher Trust-Global • Wasenmattstrasse 1
CH-8840 Einsiedeln •
I am the Violet Flame
in me the Flame is in action.
I am the Violet Flame
to the Light alone I bow down.
I am the Violet Flame
I blaze like the Sun.
I am the Light of God
I shine forth ever, forever.
I am the sacred Power of God.
I am free. I free every one, at once !
Oh Radiant Violet Flame !
Come ! Descend !
Blaze through us.
Oh Radiant Violet Flame !
Come ! Transmute !
Transmute all Darkness to Light.
Oh Radiant Violet Flame !
Lead us. Lead us from Darkness to Light,
Death to Immortality, Fear to Freedom !
Oh Radiant Violet Flame !
Come ! Establish Your outpost of Love in us,
Transmute and set Free !
Oh Spiral Flame of Radiant Violet Hue !
Descend. Transmute.
Transform to
Set Free !
Oh Spiral Flame of Radiant Violet Hue !
Blaze forth in and around !
Establish Order, Rhythm, Ritual !
Set Free !
Oh Spiral Flame of Radiant Violet Hue !
Descend, reveal and resurrect
the Planet, the Humanity !
Set Free ! Set Free !
Oh Spiral Flame of Radiant Violet Hue !
Descend ! Bring forth the Mercy,
the Love and the Grace of God !
Set Free ! Set Free ! Set Free !
Oh Venerable Violet Flame !
To Thy Light we bow.
Enter into us and
fill us through and through
until You exist as I AM.
Oh Violet Flame of Mercy !
Expand us by Your Presence.
Transmute the ignorance to Knowledge in us.
Blaze through all our deeds.
Sweep the Earth and the earthy by Your
Power, Mercy, Forgiveness and Presence !
Oh Merciful Flame of the Violet Hue !
Be Merciful !
Be Merciful !
Be Merciful !
Oh Victorious Violet Flame !
We pledge to live, move and have our being
within Your freedom !
Be merciful to cleanse us, the humanity
from all ignorance by Your Power, nine-fold
and Free us !
Set Free ! Set Free ! Set Free !
Oh Victorious Violet Flame,
Glory to You !
Glory to You !
Glory to You !
Oh Saint Germain !
You are the Mighty Victorious Presence
of God !
You are the Venerable Violet Flame
of Cosmic Freedom !
You are the God that bestows Freedom
on Earth with Your Violet Ray !
You are the Angel of Forgiveness,
of Mercy, of Transmutation and of Freedom.
Take dominion Now
in all of us, Your servants !
In the name of the Great Architect
of the Universe
and the Mighty Victorious Presence of God
standing in the Light of I AM, we invoke:
The Beloved Mitra, Varuna and Aryama,
the Great Central Sun,
the Alchemist Narada (St. Michael),
the Seven Cosmic Seers,
the Four Kumaras,
the Sublime White Brotherhood,
the Brotherhood of Victorious Violet Flame,
with the Merciful St. Germain.
Expand the Violet Flame in our Hearts.
Purify our four lower vehicles (bodies),
transmute all misqualified energy
and set the Earth and us
Free !
Oh Violet Flame of Rhythm,
oh Violet Flame of Dance and Song,
sing & dance rhythmically to release the imprisoned life !
We, the prisoners of life find no way out.
We, the prisoners reach not Your heights,
tune not to Your rhythm.
We, the prisoners of matter,
nevertheless sing and dance,
though not rhythmically.
Descend, descend, descend !
Release, release, release !
Oh Violet Flame of Rhythm.
Oh Violet Flame of Twilight !
You are a gift of God, most high,
You are presented by Him to us during twilight.
You are the door,
the door to liberation.
You are present in the twilights
of morning and evening.
Your Flame leads us unto the world of freedom.
We bow down to You,
to the door of the twilight.
Thank You, thank You, thank You,
for the Initiation.
The Flame of Twilight is the Flame of Violet.
The Flame Violet blesses, blesses gently
during the twilights.
The Flame Violet touches gently
during the twilights.
The Flame Violet enters gently
into the oriented ones.
We orient and wait ardently to perceive,
to receive and to assimilate the Flame Violet
and – to fulfil our part in the Plan !
May that be our daily plan.
Oh gentle Flame of Violet Hue,
we perceive Your friendly touch of the dawn.
The angelic touch is seen
with flowers and bowers.
The angelic touch is seen
over the mountain and in the valley.
The angelic touch is seen
with the tree and the field.
You touch all at the dawn unfailingly.
You are the early friend of the day !
Thank You !
Thank You !
Thank You !