Images of Synthesis
Pisces – Colours of Pisces
and the Cosmic Person
13 December 2024
“I live in all. Because they live in me, I live within and above them all” says Lord Krishna. Such is the path of meditation about the sign Pisces. The sign mainly concerns with the greater mysteries of the initiation temples.
The colour of the sign is that of the pure sky in bright daylight, difficult to be described through language. The colour has two phases. It appears blue but is white as the brilliant magnesium flame. Some call it light blue; some others call it brilliant white or transparent white all of which is but a play of words. The true colour is always given by the guru at the time of initiation. Even the very concept of “colour”, a perception of the individual, differs from man to man. The common language of colour and sound can only be learnt at the soul-level.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology, Capricorn
Aquarius - Vena the Gandharva
16 November 2024
Gandharvas are the musical intelligences beyond creation. In the chapter on Aquarius in Spiritual Astrology, a Gandharva named Vena is described. His counterpart is Markandeya. Markandeya is the path of Aquarius, from the known to the unknown, from the positive 0 to the negative 0, from awareness to sleep.
And Vena, the Gandharva, knows the path from the other side to this side. When he settles in us through the seven-stringed lyre - it is not ours, we only have permission to experience it. The seven centres of our body correspond to seven musical sounds and the seven colours. When we utter the seven musical sounds, the corresponding sounds and colours happen and the whole system is harmonised.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: Seminar on Spiritual Psychology, Kandersteg, Switzerland, 2003
Capricorn - Dawn of Creation
17 October 2024
The birth of a universe is a ripple on the surface of the absolute. The absolute is beyond all at-tributes (Nirguna). The first ripple is called “the will to create”. The ripple starts as “I create” from the level of the Absolute as the creator. But from the level of the Absolute, who is above creator, the ripple is “he willed” in the language of the Vedas. After many a series of chain actions, this manifests through the Neptune potency of Makara. At this stage it is called ‘Kama’ (desire to create).
Dr Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology, Capricorn
Sagittarius - Hayagriva, The Lord
of Cosmic Consciousness
17 September 2024
The profundity of Sagittarius is incomplete if the grandest Vedic symbol namely Hayagriva is not introduced to the listeners. The Second Logos Vishnu is worshipped in Vedic tradition for purposes of gaining wisdom as the horse-headed Lord, Hayagriva. Hayagriva means the Lord with horse head and neck. Haya means the horse. Griva means the neck, more appropriately the throat.
Lord Hayagriva presides over cosmic wisdom. In Puranas it is said that he restored the Vedas to the Creator when the latter lost them out of arrogance.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: Seminar über die 14 Manvantaras, Visakhapatnam 2014
Scorpio – The Indweller of the
Cave of Consciousness
16 August 2024
The power of Kumara is not only the power as we usually know. It is the power to will. If he wills, it happens. There is no deterrent to the will of Kumara. No one can stand across the currents of his will.
The Kumara is also said to be resident of a cave. The cave is nothing but the central spinal column around which the scaffolding of the human form is built. He also constitutes the Taurus-Scorpio axis around which the zodiac is formed. Since he resides in the innermost column, he gained the name Guha, meaning indweller of the cave. Since he is six-dimensional, he is called Shanmukha. His colour is of molten gold or that of pure liquid honey.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: Mars - The Kumara
Libra – Fishing the Souls
2 July 2024
The self-effulgent soul within can be realised only when you stop hunting for power and search for love instead. In the current age, this can be done. After the Mahabharata war, that was the teaching given by Lord Krishna to Lord Maitreya, “let's start with ‘fishing the souls’ through love”. The book Music of the Soul, relating to Krishna’s post-war teaching, speaks of neutralising all the centres within ourselves with love. 'Let me grow not powerful but loveable.' When you are loveable people gather around you. By sharing you grow.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: Seminar on The 14 Manvantaras, Visakhapatnam 2014
Virgo - The Splendour of the Soul
13 June 2024
In so far as matter is pure, the soul shines forth. The glory of the soul is expressed to the sheath of matter. But in so far as matter is not adequately pure, the soul gets imprisoned and suffers from the ill effects of matter.
Soul is but the glorious shine. The matter should enable the transmission of such shine. The quality of such shine is Will, Love and Light. Virgo stands for the pure matter through which the soul shines forth.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: Vaisakh Newsletter Virgo 2014
Leo - Group Consciousness, Influx of Energy
9 May 2024
The death of the personality and the birth of his soul into group-consciousness becomes possible through the love-activity of the Anahata chakra. This is the point which makes the student a disciple. The birth of love causes the birth of wisdom and this wisdom raises the thought of man into the level of intellect.
The birth of group-consciousness that is worked out through Leo is called the birth of the Son. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac, which denotes the relationship between father and son. This relationship is always through the soul-consciousness and its culmination is the spiritual realisation of the father in the son.
Dr Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Cancer - The Force Field of Rebirths
10 April 2024
During the interval between departure from physical and reincarnation where does the soul remain? It remains here only experiencing through the causal body. Since the soul is bodiless (physical), its movement is like the Earth’s orbit. As the instincts and urges grow heavy for want of satiation, the soul moves towards the Earth and seeks reincarnation.
The interval between the death and entry into the mother’s womb is according to the degree of the urge for material belonging and satiation of desires. The one who overcomes his behavioural instincts need not come back for there is no downward pull towards Earth in his case. He is the liberated soul that finds expression in higher planes of existence.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: The Teachings of Kapila
Gemini – Descent and Ascent
of the Divine Spark
7 March 2024
Mercury enables crossing over from subjectivity to objectivity and from objectivity to subjectivity with ease. He enables pass-over. In fact, Mercury enables passing over from plane to plane until one reaches the Absolute Truth. And the one, who enables one to reach the most high, would also enable one to descend. Ascent and descent can be done with ease with the help of Mercury.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Mercury, the Alchemist
Taurus - Vaisakh Full Moon Meditation
13 February 2024
Forget not Aldebaran, the all-seeing Eye that can pull you up to the state of the most sublime. It exists in you as the Eye of the Lord. It presides over you in all walks of your life. In the Cosmos it presides over the whole Creation. Contemplation upon the column of Light from the Heart Centre up to the higher Third Eye yields fruitful experience. The month of Taurus can thus be consecrated for such contemplation.
Remember that the Full Moon of Taurus is the culminating point for such contemplation. Buddha is born through such contemplation. Such contemplation, through such consecration, gives you the status of the Sacred Bull.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Vaisakh News Letter 1999
Aries - The Impulse of the Divine Will
18 December 2023
Agni, which is the spur or the impulse from pure existence, generates the expansion of space and manifests the fiery breaths. The breath is called Vayu, which transforms into a space pulsation (refer to the proem of “Isis Unveiled” by H. P. Blavatsky). Through time, Rudra conducts Agni as Vayu. The exhalation of space results in creation; the inhalation of space results in dissolution of the creation. This is called the breath of the Creator or Brahma.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Rudra
Pisces – Chintamani, the Philosopher’s Stone
of Heavenly Origin
23 November 2023
The Lord of the world is the One Initiator. HE is the hierophant of our rites. HE is called in the Bible ‘The Ancient of Days’ and in the Hindu scriptures as Sanat Kumara. From HIS throne at Shambala in the Gobi desert HE presides over the White Lodge of Masters and holds in HIS hand the reigns of the inner government. HE is chosen to watch over the evolution of men and Devas on this planet. He is the guardian angel of Chintamani, the philosopher’s stone of heavenly origin.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: The Teachings of Sanat Kumara
Aquarius – Agastya drinking the Waters
of the Ocean
13 November 2023
The sage Agastya is described in scriptures as drinking away oceans. There were some demons destroying the welfare of humanity on this earth and they were hiding themselves under the oceans during day time and during nights they were coming and eating the human beings. The devas of the deva kingdom felt helpless and they came to Agastya and asked him to help them. He asked, “What do you want?” Then they said, “We want a method to empty the ocean so that the fellows are out." Then the sage took the water of the oceans and drank into his belly and the demons were out, and they were killed by the devas. This is a periodical story. That is an allegory narrated about the human race of the Aquarian age. Whenever the Aquarian age occurs this story happens with all of us.
Dr Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Overseas Messages II: Advanced Astrology
Capricorn - Overcoming the
Saturnian Limitations
16 October 2023
Saturn rules over the ring of horizon which is only a limitation relative to an observer. Saturn sus-tains this ring in the mind of man as a self-imposed barrier. He actually hatches the conscious-ness of man within this ring and widens the ring through the necessary unfolding of man. He makes the process of unfoldment inevitable by virtue of this ring of limitation. Man has to cross it by a proper understanding of god’s creation and the ‘how it is’ of it. One has to attune himself with the ultimate fitness of things to cross his own Saturnine nature.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Sagittarius - Alignment from Individual
to Universal Consciousness
15 September 2023
Sagittarius is the most sublime sun sign and is specially dedicated to spiritual practices from ancient most times in accordance with the Vedic tradition. Bhagavad Gita quotes Lord Krishna as saying that, “I am Sagittarius among the 12 zodiacal months.” Krishna stands for the universal consciousness and that universal consciousness is presented annually through Sagittarius, the 9th of the 12 sun signs. From Sagittarius to Gemini, and from Gemini to Aries (in the reverse path), the path exists in Sagittarius. It is a path from muladhara to visuddhi and visuddhi to ajna and sahasrara. The path is called the ‘Path to Narayana’ and the specific days in Sagittarius are called the ‘Days of Narayana’.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: OM Namo Narayanaya
Scorpio - Fusion of Individual, Groupal
and Planetary Kundalini
10 August 2023
One aim of Master CVV's yoga is to awaken the Kundalini of the individual and to coordinate it with the Kundalini of others. The awakening of the Kundalini is called the vertical plane. Coordinating with the Kundalini of others is called the horizontal plane. The next level is connecting the Kundalini of humanity with the planetary Kundalini and with the solar and cosmic Kundalini. This stage perfects humanity on Earth towards the spiritual light of the Brotherhood.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Seminar on Saraswathi - The Word, Rigi 1999
The image is a visualisation of the "Master CVV Sharing" prayer.
Libra - Rainbow Bridge between Shambala
and Shasta
10 July 2023
The Lord of Shambala, Sanat Kumara, the most ancient one and the most sublime one, is not only the ruler of the beings on the planet but also the teacher and the awakener. In him, the will, the knowledge, and active intelligence are in their complete manifestation. He is called Shasta. Shasta means a synthesis of the three energies namely will, knowledge and action. On the Western horizon, a mount is dedicated to Shasta which is popularly known as Mount Shasta. The Lord works from Shambala in the East and from Shasta in the West, to synthesize East and West at all levels.
Lord Sanat Kumara abundantly manifests the Aquarian energies through Mount Shasta which in turn awakens the entire state of California to usher in the electronic age. California is the pioneering province for global evolution now due to ever unfolding innovations in the field of electronics, communications and information technology.
Imagine the rainbow bridge between Shambala and Shasta, to realize the energies of Aquarius and thereby transform the self. The effort of Shambala and Shasta is expected to manifest the golden age by the age 2424.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Shambala
Virgo - The World Mother and the Seven Seers
7 June 2023
The month of Virgo is dedicated to the sons of virgin, who are also called the sons of God. The Seven Seers, the Great Bear, and Sirius are all recollected and worshipped during this month of Virgo. Even the pitris are worshipped in the descending arc of moon in Virgo.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Vaisakh Newsletter Virgo 2019
Leo – The Mystery of the Dog-Star
3 May 2023
During the first phases, Leo is called the dog in the Vedic and Puranic symbolism. In its higher functions, it is called the lion. Dog is the symbol of vigilance. It keeps awake at the gates be-tween heaven and hell (the bliss and the misery of life).
The Dog-star has a mysterious relationship with the sign Leo. The vibrations of the sounds of this star are so high as to be inaudible to the ear of the ordinary man. Dogs on this earth contain the vibrations of the Dog-star. They can hear the whistles or sounds not heard by the human ear. The presence of a dog hastens the stimulation of consciousness into the higher vibrations of sound to a student of yoga. For this reason some adepts have dogs around them. At a particular stage of practice, the student attracts dogs around himself and he cannot understand the reasons at first. He is not expected to drive them away, if he wants to derive the benefit. Lord Dattatreya, who is the Lord of the whole science of yoga, has four dogs around him to aid his devotees and disciples.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
The Mother Principle, Dattatreya and the Descent
in 10 Steps into Creation
Painting from 20 November 2011, reworked on 30 April 2023
The supreme God principle is self-existing without mother and father. When He wants to come down as creation, He gives out the mother-principle which was hitherto slumbering in Him. She comes down and conceives Him in her womb as her child. Then the Lord comes down as the first manifestation of the Lord who is called Virat or Hiranyagarbha, the self-effulging egg. The mother-principle descends into all the series of planes of creation upto the grossest material plane.
The Cosmic Person (Purusha) has come down in 10 steps and presides over creation. The 10 points together form the Universal Soul, and the central point represents the individual soul.
From the teachings of E. Krishnamacharya (Vishnu Sahasranama) and K. Parvathi Kumar (Dattatreya)
Cancer - The Descent of the Soul into Matter
2 April 2023
The growth of the foetus in the womb, when man is buried in the grave of the physical plane, imitates the drama of the whole evolution. This is an inevitable experience through the process of evolution. The wise spiritualist can cross this only by experiencing this through the rituals of the higher order. When man is made to imitate the whole process of gestation under the spiritual guidance of a guru, in the halls of the temples of initiation that are arranged in correspondence with the structure of the uterus, man, by this experience, crosses the necessity of undergoing many of his physical births. This is one of the secrets of the rituals of “The Dying God”. Falling into cycles of birth (spiritual death) and death (spiritual birth) through the gateway of Cancer and Capricorn is called the repeated death of man.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Gemini – The Two Pillars of the Temple
27 February 2023
The principle of Mercury tells us not to judge and not even to be critical. Look at the two pillars of Gemini. The glyph indicates a portal. One needs to walk through the two pillars to go through the portal. The Lord of Gemini, Mercury, tells us to enter into the temple and not to hit either of the pillars. Men with viewpoints invariably hit the unseen pillars of the temple and break their noses. One can never enter into a temple when he is with one view or the other view. Viewpoints do not lead one to wisdom. Only visions lead one to wisdom.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Mercury – The Alchemist
Taurus: The Three Phases of the Word
3 February 2023
Sun in Taurus is called the fertilising bull. This represents the import of the word. Moon in Taurus is called the cow. This represents that which is impregnated. Word is twofold: the concept and the language. Language is feminine by nature and the content is masculine by nature. Their union is wisdom as creation. This is symbolised by Mercury as the calf also in Taurus. Thus we find that The Word, in its four stages of expression, has three phases.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Aries - The Inner Path to Shambala
19 December 2022
In the thousand-petaled lotus of the earth, the mystic village of Shambala is posited. It is called the White Island by some members of the Hierarchy. You can envision Shambala by relating to the 'Sahasrara Padma' in you. Align the 'Self' with the 'Super-Self' in you who is but the Master. As the alignment finds its atonement Shambala can be seen. Maitreya, Adi Sankara, and Gautama the Buddha are the ones who are graced with the presence of Shambala.
Know that the way to Shambala is in you as your Sahasrara. Shambala is beyond all dark dreams, religions, and traditions. The culmination of the enlightened ones is in the light of Shambala. One stands to be a universal citizen as one realizes Shambala in him.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Shambala
Pisces - Saraswathi and the Flow of Energies
3 December 2022
Water in its subtlest form is electricity. So you have electric fire in Pisces also. That is why it is called a spiritual sign. Saraswathi is the one that conducts the flow from up above to down below; all movement of all beings, be it horizontal or vertical; all movements of the planets and even the movement of the sun around the central sun. It is all arising out of the flow, just like we see the flow in a river. You can visualise a circular flow of the energies in creation, which is called the wheel of creation.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Seminar on Saraswathi - The Word, Rigi 1999
Aquarius - The Manu and the Spirals of Time
1 November 2022
The constellation of Aquarius is called The Man in the Heavens. He is the guide of humanity through ages and centuries. The Masters of Wisdom recognized him and called him Manu (the prototype of man). The set of highly evolved Solar Systems which we call the Stars of the Constellation Aquarius shed their light upon the beings of this earth through the Sun of our Solar System in sparkling looks. This light is a light of blessing for spiritual realization and the perfection of our mankind through ages along the spirals of evolution quite in tune with Nature's Law. This Law of the human evolution is called the Law of Manu. The stages of evolution are called Manvantaras which are 14 in number in each round. Each Manvantara includes many Mahayugas (great periods) as the petals in a flower. Each Mahayuga includes Yugas, centuries, years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds and so on. All these divisions await their unfoldment like the tender folds of a bud.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Full Moon Meditations
Capricorn - Blessing and Protection
7 October 2022
The emblem of the hand with its five fingers stretched out in a posture of benediction is called Abhaya Mudra in Sanskrit. Through the means of this Mudra the Wisdom is transmitted in silence. The disciple receives and transcends. The five fingers of the hand in Sanskrit is called Makara. Makara is also the Sanskrit name of Capricorn. Varuna is said to be riding on it, meaning he presides over. The hand of five fingers is the vehicle of transmission of all states of wisdom. Students who enter into the heart and contemplate, receive it and ascend. The cardinal sign of Capricorn marks the dawn of Gods and Varuna presides over it. Major initiations happen to the students who accomplish Antahkarana in the month of Capricorn to be one with Gods.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Uranus - The Alchemist of the Age
Sagittarius – Preparing the Dawn
2 September 2022
The second half of Scorpio and Sagittarius are excellent periods for practising spiritualism every year. They must be specially utilised for spiritual activities, so that when we reach the dusk in Capricorn, we are ready to receive the light.
Sagittarius is said to be the "two hours before dawn." When we get up two hours before dawn, we are very much ready to meet the dawn. Thus, the preparation in Sagittarius is very important to receive the vibrations of Capricorn. If we have not prepared well, then we are not ready by the time the morning sun visits us. In the same fashion, the preparation is to be made in Sagittarius.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Saturn
Scorpio – The Central Vertical Vibration
6 August 2022
The central vertical vibration enables us to experience all planes of existence and that we are pure consciousness. And around you, there are the planes of consciousness. The central vertical vibration is in you. Within the column, it is light. It is that light which enables the Sun to shine. The Sun cannot shine by itself; it is THAT which gives us our comprehension in the morning. It is experienced in the subtle column of consciousness. Inside the spine, there is light. It is not a fluid, lumbar fluid; it is light. It is the base for everything. It is available in the core of our being, that is our home. We can move from above downwards and up; then you are called a yogi. That is what is called amrita inside the cave of the Master. It is inside our central column.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: December Call, Bangalore 2016
Libra - At the Deep
5 July 2022
Whoever is encountering the illusion of the material, eventually shall have to remember the Light. If we do not remember, the energies that Libra offers are such that we will very easily ski into passion. It is not walking into it, it is not even slipping, it is just skiing into it, taking us into the bottomless pit! The Libra - Scorpio is the pit into which everyone will fall, through passion, when we are disconnected with the thread of Light. The need for the thread of Light to continue with us during the dark hours is an important step. The importance of recollecting the Light is emphasised in the sun sign Libra.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Hercules
Virgo – Meditation on the World Mother
8 June 2022
While Cancer represents nature as mother, Virgo represents the second aspect of the Logos as mother. If we can have a comprehension of the matter that fills the Maha Para Nirvanic plane, we can have a true understanding of the symbol of the World Mother that is located in this sign. All the creation in the Logoic plane consists of four states of the emanation of the Lord as word, from himself to the objective world.
This World Mother is the object of man’s meditation, his becoming and his merging. When the disciple meditates over this concept of the World Mother, he is raised by her into the state where the personality merges and the soul finds its place in the Mother, to be perfected and taken by her to the Father.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Leo – The Jewel in the Lotus
8 May 2022
For this planet, the center for the Will is Sambala and it exists at the Sahasrara in each one of us. Sahasrara is the place of Sambala. That is where we have the gem. The gem is referred to by the Buddha as ‘the Jewel in the Lotus’ (Mani Padma). Many of you are familiar with the sound ‘Mani Padme Hum’. ‘Hum’ is the seed sound to relate to the jewel within the thousand petalled lotus that is at the top of the head. When your energies ascend to that level, you find yourself as a self-effulgent jewel. Buddha realized it. Maitreya had realized it much earlier. Masters of Wisdom are those who have realized the Mani in the Padma meaning the jewel in the lotus.
So, whenever we think of Sambala, think of Lord Sanat Kumara and think of your Sahasrara and think of the jewel that you can be, as you reach the Sahasrara in you. That is what is set as the goal of evolution upon this planet.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Shasta, Shambala and Sanat Kumara, 2021
Cancer - The Cardinal Cross
6 April 2022
The unit of a solar day with its four cardinal points imbeds all the secrets of the creation and its time-conditioning as a self-sufficient specimen and symbol. The sunrise is a true symbol of the beginning of our creation in the scale, our individual birth on another scale and our awakening from sleep every morning in another scale. The sunset is the symbol of the ending and our sleep is the symbol of all subjectivity which we call Pralaya. The day is an epitome of the year and the year is an epitome of bigger cycles through centuries and Yugas.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Wisdom of the Heavens
Gemini - The Guiding Star
9 March 2022
Just as Lord Maitreya exists and Sanat Kumara and all the other great beings exist, there is also a physical embodiment of the feminine energy in the Himalayas called Shaila Putri. She is the one who moves around in the Himalayas on a lion. She is the guiding star for the entire Hierarchy. Many times when the Hierarchy needs a solution in a crisis, she provides the appropriate solution. You will find her described in the book "Man Sacrifice" written by Master EK. She is the Star which Master Djwhal Khul calls "The Exquisite Jewel, the Star of the Sea". This is the Mother of the World for our Planet.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, St. Moritz 2002
Taurus – The Paths of Ascent and Descent
7 February 2022
In Sanskrit, Narayana means the path of God. The downward or the descent path of God is called creation and the upward path of God is called realization of Man. God comes down as this creation and exists as His presence in this creation. Man ascends into God by his spiritual practice and merges into God just as the lesser light merges in the greater light. So, this path of descent and this path of ascent put together form the two hemispheres of God's kingdom. The whole wheel rotates around every one of us and we are expected to complete this third practice. I am giving this Narayana Mantra to you.
See the God outside and see the God inside. Instead of meditating that God is within yourself, also meditate that you are in God. Just as a bottle immersed in a river has water in it filled, only because it is immersed in the water; simply because the bottle is in the river, the river is also in the bottle.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: The Ancient Indian Thought: “How to live the Spiritual Life”
Aries - The Three Great Fires
and the Serpent of Eternity
8 January 2022
Aries is the first of the three fiery signs. These signs of the fiery triplicity are called the three great fires of the ritual (Tretagni). In the cosmic fire they exist as the electric fire (Vidyut), the solar fire (Jyothi) and fire by friction or the terrestrial fire (Pavaka). The ritual of the whole creation is described as the great day with three fires. The star dust is given out as the jet of fire which is known as the great serpent Ananta, who takes shape in the great constellation of the Dragon (cosmic Kundalini). This star dust forms into three great centres in a space globe before it is distributed into stars or solar systems. This whole story is epitomized in the three signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Pisces - The Blessing of Lord Maitreya
6 December 2021
Lord Maitreya is the Ancient-Most One About Whom little is recollected by the Indians, though the Indian Puranas contain information about Maitreya. The very first Purana, which is the original Purana, out of which 17 other Puranas were conceived by Veda Vyasa, was carved out by Lord Maitreya for 50 years under a Ficus Religiosa (sacred fig) tree near a cave called Sravasti, which today is called Shigatse by the Tibetans or Chinese. The caves of Shigatse are his residence. From this cave, He blesses the entire planet and humanity twice daily, during the morning and evening hours. So, when we do prayers in the morning and evening hours, we should think of Him because it is His rays of grace that we keep receiving.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, December Call Celebration 2019
Aquarius - Cooperation in Goodwill and Light
12 November 2021
In the Age of Aquarius your ability to translate your knowledge and your skills to the benefit of others is the only measure. The measure of knowledge is not the measure of light that one carries in the Aquarian Age. Aquarius is the eleventh sun sign. The eleventh house in astrology indicates the group relation and the social relation. How qualitative are these relations? How much is shared with the group or the society? What is one’s contribution to the group or to the society? Is one useful to the group or using the group – this needs to be measured. Aspirants with no good group relation cannot aspire much to move vertically. “Use not the group, but be useful to the group” is the dictum. Share, contribute, distribute, serve the whole are the seed thoughts that the sky transmits.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: Uranus
Capricorn - Peak of Search and Dragon of Wisdom
8 October 2021
Our earth is moving at great speed as we all know around itself. But we the beings on earth never feel it. It is moving around itself and yet we do not experience its move-ment. It is also the case with an adept. An adept seemingly sits in a cave but he influ-ences the whole earth. He is seemingly non-active but is much more active than many who are seemingly very active. A piece of magnet vibrates into the surroundings. Its magnetic waves express all around but remain imperceptible.
A subtle hidden activity apparently inactive is what is expressed by the term Naga. There have been Nagas on earth right from Lemurian times. They are called dragons of wisdom, serpents of wisdom, men of cosmic will, of yoga and of cosmic fire. Like serpents they live in hidden caves of mountain ranges. They emerge according to a plan to conduct ordained work and disappear.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: On Secret Doctrine
Sagittarius - The Three Suns
2 September 2021
The Sun we see has two preceding centres, namely the central Sun and cosmic Sun. These three Suns are called in the Veda as Aditya, Savitru and Surya. They are called in Chaldean and Assyrian theologies as OM, SOL and AN. These three terms are jumbled to bring out the word ‘SOL OM AN’. ‘SOL OM AN’ is a mythical expression of the threefold Sun, is no different from the Islamic version of Sulayman.
In the human being there are three centres relating to the three suns. They are the heart, the ajna and the sahasrara. When these three centres fall into alignment, one is said to have formed the Solomon’s Temple in oneself. When the Solomon’s Temple is formed, the Divine Plan can be worked out upon Earth. The utterance which is beyond, finds its expression through the three Suns.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: Sun – That I Am
Skorpion - Die Schwelle zur Unterwelt bewachen
6. August 2021
Sarama ist einer der weiblichen Devas, die die unterbewussten und unbewussten Ebenen des Denkvermögens regieren. Diese Ebenen werden bildlich als die Unterwelten oder die unterirdischen Reiche beschrieben. Daher wird sie auch als ein weiblicher Hund der Devas beschrieben, der die Tore der niederen Regionen bewacht. Sie wird auch mit einer Silbe aus drei Tönen indentifiziert, die als der erste, zweite und vierte Ton der Tonleitern hervorgebracht wird, die durch die drei Töne Sa-ra-ma verkörpert werden. Cerberus, der dreiköpfige Hund mit dem Schlangenschwanz, der in der griechischen Mythologie die Tore zwischen Himmel und Hölle bewacht, muss wohl dieselbe Gottheit sein. Die Namen Sarama und Cerberus haben viel Ähnlichkeit miteinander. Auch der Klang ist ähnlich. Sarama wird auch mit den Funktionen des Hundssterns identifiziert. Da das klangerzeugende Bewusstsein das Gewahrwerden und das Erwachen der unterbewussten und unbewussten Schichten verursacht, wird es mit dem Hund verglichen, dem Tier, das für seine Wachsamkeit bekannt ist.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spirituelle Psychologie
Libra - The Wheel of Creation
25 June 2021
Narayana is the source for expression of the creation of which the first is the impulse. As the impulse comes, the wheel of time starts. As the wheel moves, air emerges and sound happens. As the wheel moves, the rays of light emerge. The rays gather their velocity and form. The forms successively gain denser matter forming the creation. Vishnu, Vasudeva, Narayana is the sum and essence of the four-fold creation of matter, force, consciousness and existence.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Vishnu Suktam
Virgo - Ydun giving the Apples of Immortality
26 May 2021
Light assumes different gradations according to its interaction with matter. Light actually takes on eight different gradations. Different parts of the body shine with eight different gradations or types of light. The light of the bones, the light of skin, are different from the light of flesh. Bone is the hardest form of matter. The light of the eye is the subtlest form of matter. Both bone and eye are light but their lights are very different.
The soul light shines through the eyes. The soul is also in the bones but there is a difference in the shine. There is one nature with nine gradations of light. The ninth is called the diamond. The ninth is called the Mother. All eight other natures precipitate from the ninth nature. Existence is called ten. Nine with ten is eternal.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Seminar Iguazu, June 2011
Leo - The Man-Lion. Opening the Heart Centre
23 April 2021
The advanced humanity of Leo in Aquarian age has the symbol of man-lion in the Puranas. Its manifestation is through the breaking of the vertical column of the house of the giant, Hiran-yakasipu. The limitation of love in the form side is broken to give way to the manifestation of love as protection and liberation. Then the giant (self) in the house of love is once again liberated and raised to the level of a custodian of the gate. This story from Bhagavatha is so very powerful and elevating that a mere meditation will give an expansion to the student.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Cancer - The Golden Bowl and the Silver Bowl
26 March 2021
At the beginning of summer solstice there is the descent of the souls into the bodies as an annual drama. The birth of the souls into matter happens through Cancer. On the opposite side, the liberation of the souls from matter occurs through Capricorn. That is why the arc from Capricorn to Cancer is called the Divine Arch; and from Cancer to Capricorn, it is the Royal Arch. From Cancer to Capricorn, it is called the Silver Bowl, and from Capricorn to Cancer it is called the Golden Bowl. This is the soli-lunar bowl of a solar year.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: Gemini Full Moon 1999
Gemini - Working out the Reversed Wheel
23 February 2021
Im Horoskop eines spirituellen Menschen beeinflusst Saturn die Zwillinge. Im Horoskop eines Durchschnittsmenschen herrscht er zusammen mit Mars über den Skorpion. Der Geist steigt auf einem konvergierenden, spiralförmigen Weg im Skorpion herab. Dies zeigt die Art des Todes an. Wenn der Mensch die Richtung des Rades umkehrt und denselben Weg zurückgeht, stößt er auf denselben Serpentinenpfad. Es ist der Pfad des neuen Lebens, und die Windungen dieses Weges werden immer größer. Nachdem die Reise der eingekerkerten menschlichen Seele vom Skorpion zu den Zwillingen in der umgekehrten Richtung beendet wurde, arbeitet Saturn durch die Zwillinge und erbaut die Antahkarana des Jüngers. Dann ist die Seele von den Fesseln der Materie befreit und wird über den gleichen spiralförmigen Weg zum Stier geführt. Diesmal ist der Pfad jedoch strahlend weiß und wird als geflügelte Schlange bezeichnet. Durch weitere Umwandlungen wird sie zum Adler.
Dr E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Taurus - Apollo and the Seven Centres above the Neck
24 January 2021
There are seven other centres above the neck (the portion of body ruled by Taurus) which bear a direct correspondence and relationship on the solar-cosmic level (second bridge) with the seven stars of the constellation of Pleiades. The guru establishes a direct link between these centres of the disciple and the stars of that constellation. …
When the link is established through a continuous process of improving the fitness of the disciple, Pleiades begin to shower the spiritual food as principles upon him. They are appropriately called the seven mothers of Kumara, a newborn babe and an eternal child. The disciple becomes a kumara only after the second birth (spiritual birth). The Pleiades are also thought of as the wives of the seven great seers (the constellation of the Great Bear). Pleiades establishes a link between the seven stars of the Great Bear and the seven centres above the neck of the disciple.
Dr E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Aries – The Midheaven Sun Alignment
28 December 2020
On our Earth there is a Sun centre called Shamballa, which provides the way-out from the Earth. In man, the highest centre of the Sun is the sahasrara. At that point man can experience the highest illumination of his Sun. When man stands vertically on Earth, the path of his head orients to his meridian. When Sun is at its meridian during the midday, he stands a chance to get aligned to the Sun. When the link is established, the initiation takes place. The highest point of illumination is said to be in the sign Aries, for Aries represents the top of the head of the man. For every man his meridian is the place of his initiation. This gives a clue for every individual to find out the mid-heaven in his or her horoscope. The days during which the Sun transits the mid-heaven constitute the time for initiation.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: SUN – THAT I AM
Pisces – The Rod of Initiation
30 November 2020
The Kundalini power in each one of us is the power of the Mother. She can initiate it, she can alert it, she can awaken it and ensure that it moves up. This movement is through the cerebro-spinal column, from the tip of the column up to the head of the staff. That is what Moses holds in his hand symbolically. That is the rod of power bestowed on him by God. It is a crawling serpent and also a vertically raising power. That rod of initiation is in us but it is dormant, and the Mother can cause its upward movement.
If you close your eyes, visualise your head as a globe of light and your ears as etheric ears, further visualise that this globe is standing on a staff, the spinal column, and visualise this spinal column as a column of light, and also visualise a subtle sound emerging from the base of your spinal column and its movement upward like a serpent.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: Seminar on "Sri Suktam" 2002
Aquarius - The Spiral Hieroglyphs of Ages
28 October 2020
All this is written as the story of man on the pages of the Heavens in the mystic script composed by the spiral hieroglyphs of ages, centuries, seasons and days upto the split-second. Let us meditate upon the glittering body of the Heavenly Man – Manu - in the sign of Aquarius and try to understand his message to the present mankind through the pictures of the constellation of Aquarius.
Dr Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Full Moon Meditations
Capricorn – The Blood of the Saviour
21 September 2020
The daily movement of Sun’s chariot is conceived as a grand ritual by a sage called Dirghatamas, which is enacted on the midnight hours of 22nd December in tune with the winter solstice. Today this ritual is conducted in a different fashion as ‘the birth of the saviour’. As explained in the earlier chapters the Sun God is the true saviour and the rays of the Sun emerging from him on the first day of the Capricorn (23rd December morning) are seen as the blood of the saviour that saves the world. During the hours preceding the dawn the ritual given by Dirghatamas is enacted in the ashrams. Madame H. P. Blavatsky presented in English this ritual in her epochal work ‘Isis Unveiled’.
K. Parvathi Kumar: Seminar on “Ashwins (Healing Devas)”, Visakhapatnam 2019
Sagittarius – Before Dawn. Fiery Aspiration
24 August 2020
The fire of aspiration has to be applied to yourself for needed transmutation, transformation and transcendence. I can only add fire daily, but it is for you to pick it up and cook for yourself. Unless you cook, the food is not formed, the fruit is not formed. Don’t look to me to cook for you. I am your fireplace not your cook. You can come to me to collect the fire. The cooking material is with you, in you. Your body is the vessel. Commence cooking. The material transforms.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: Master MN - The Fiery Flame
Scorpio - The Journey of the Disciple
23 July 2020
Discipleship is the path for the son of man to become the Son of God. One is a Son of God when one is seated in the centre of Ajna. It is the seat of mastery. Kumara means a Son of God. He is the messenger of God.
The disciple’s journey starts from Muladhara, represented by Scorpio. The man in Muladhara is the man in the world. He lives in objectivity. As much man projects into objectivity so much he gets conditioned. Only a Son of God can project into objectivity without getting conditioned. Conditioning is the principle of Saturn. As much as man works with desire, so much Saturn conditions him in Muladhara. The conditioned awareness of man in Muladhara is described as the serpent Saturn.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: "Occult Meditations", meditation no. 45
Libra - The Exaltation of Venus
25 June 2020
In the path of reversed wheel, in the axis of Aries-Libra the inversion of opposition is reversed. In Aries, Mars is exalted and in Libra, Venus is exalted. This exalted relation between Mars and Venus transforms the opposition into a marriage, in the sense, the two energies unite and find their harmony. The presence of a woman is therefore strongly recommended by seers for man and vice versa for harmonious progress.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: Mars – The Kumara
Virgo - Blessing of the Mother
21 May 2020
The World Mother can give us the experience of the seventh plane of existence. This is called the Mahaparanirvanic plane, the seventh plane, the radiant Light of the Universe. This is also true for the Second Logos. This is the origin from which, from time to time, the Sons of God are born by the grace of the Mother who is also called the Virgin. Therefore, another name for the Sons of God is "Sons of the Virgin." Every Son of God is a product of virginity. If we aspire to become an accepted disciple, it is absolutely necessary that we aspire towards this purity, so that the grace of the Mother showers down to lift man up to Her state of purity and being.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: Virgo New Moon 2002
Leo - Group Consciousness - Common Purpose
18 April 2020
We all have a common purpose when we gather here. That purpose makes us gather now and then. That purpose has been guiding our lives. That purpose is better known to the Master. It is that purpose which has been guiding us and it is that purpose which makes us meet now and then, because the purpose wants to be made known more by itself. Each time when the light wants to shine forth more, it makes its own plan to gather people, so that there is a little more light in our lives, and also transmit a little more life around us. It is a process of light manifesting itself and in so far as the vehicles co-operate the light shines forth more and more into the vehicle, and gradually, as the vehicle is transmuted, the same vehicle is also used to transmit light. So, the transmission of light is possible when the vehicle is transmuted.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar: The Theosophical Movement
Cancer - Descent into Matter
12 March 2020
The southern movement of Sun brings down the consciousness into matter. It is the drama of the solar year with the spirit descending into matter and resting in matter, and spirit ascending from matter. There is the ascent from matter which is called the evolution and the descent into matter which we call involution.
Cancer marks the descent into matter, which begins on 22nd June. The longest day of light in the year is the 22nd June. Thereafter, the daylight lessens and night increases. This is how the spirit from Cancer to Capricorn descends into matter, and from Capricorn to Cancer matter then ascends back to spirit.
Dr K. Parvathi Kumar, seminar in India, January 1991
Gemini - Gateway between Unity and Separation
11 February 2020
Master Djwhal Khul writes in his book "Destiny of the Nations" that it will be good for the world if Britain remains in union with the other European nations. This Brexit indicates that good days for the world be postponed. A similar thing is happening in America as well. USA was formed with an idea that it would allow migrants from all over the globe to settle on that land, and now they are deviating from that core principle.… In this manner, people are deviating from the splendorous creational principles of inclusivity and synthesis.
"Unification within and without is Yoga." We should be inclusive, both inside and outside. Only then we can be in a path of Yoga. This inclusivity is very much required in present times. We should stop thinking in terms of differences. If we start differentiating, then nobody remains with us. This kind of exclusive thought process is expected to last for 5 years. And during this time, we should be cautious that we do not fall into such thoughts. However, we should be prepared to live with such thoughts around us for a time.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, New Year Message, 29 March 2017
Taurus - Transmitting the Impulse of Consciousness
13 December 2019
On the day of Aries full moon, a sound uttered forth from higher circles is received at Shambala by the Lord of the planet, Sanat Kumara. This seed sound is the annual plan for the planet Earth. The Dhyani Buddhas who work with Lord Sanat Kumara contemplate on this seed sound for a period of one month. Then in the month of Taurus, this sound is communicated through Gautama Buddha to the Hierarchy. Hence, the Hierarchy and their disciples join in Vaisakh Valley on the full moon day of Taurus to realize this sound in them. This is known as the Vaisakh Festival. The Hierarchy gives out the plan relating to this planet, to the humanity on the next full moon, i.e., the full moon of Gemini. Gemini therefore is known as the month of initiation for Humanity.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: The Teachings of Sanat Kumara
Aries - Sun cuts the Equator of Mother Earth
1 December 2019
The sun cuts the equator from south to north as he enters the sign Aries. It is said, the head of the year God is cut and the head of a ram is supplemented when the sacrifice of the year is completed into a circle. All the creation of this earth awakens into the body of the year God as it gets created into the various living beings of this earth. Invisible fire exists as sky and visible fire exists as the Sun God. The splendour of the Sun God makes its manifestation into the forms of the cycles of the season when the Sun enters the sign Aries.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Full Moon Meditations
Pisces – Spiralic Ascent
31 October 2019
Solar energy descends down through Aries and then there is a further descent into Cancer. Thereafter the activity happens up to Capricorn. Then the solar God slowly and gradually proceeds via Pisces into Aries and enters into higher circles. Before entering the higher circles, he hands over a kind of Olympic fire to the next cycle of time.
Each cycle of time the solar God offers a different energy. Every year is therefore different from every other year, though in the calendar we find the same dates. Many times, the energy comes, many times the energy descends from higher circles, entering into the causal, the subtle and the gross physical matter, and the once again ascends from Capricorn via Aquarius and Pisces into higher circles from Aries.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, Seminar in Bad Essen, Germany 2009
Aquarius – The Magic of Creation
10 October 2019
Let us meditate upon the glittering body of the Heavenly Man – Manu - in the sign of Aquarius and try to understand his message to the present mankind through the pictures of the constellation of Aquarius. Now we are running a minor period called "The Aquarian Age". Every year during this month of Aquarius the Heavenly Man showers down the flow of the spiritual light from his pot. You remember that the man with a pot pouring down water to sprinkle the drops of Spiritual Wisdom upon the evolving souls of this earth is the symbol of the sign Aquarius. Let us meditate upon THE ONE MAN who has descended into the forms of the many human beings busy through the work of their evolutionary journey. Let us read his message and try to follow it by realizing the spirit of universal life and impersonal work through centuries, races, nations, ages and stages. May the Man in Heavens bless us all.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Full Moon Meditations
Capricorn - The Mount of Initiation
5 September 2019
The basis for reception of the five-pointed brilliant star is a pure mind. It is this five-pointed star which descends into a pure mind. This is called the white dragon. The white dragon is in truth a blue dragon. White in its great depth is blue.
To bring this white dragon more effectively into us, the month of Capricorn helps us. It is recommended that we make a posture of a five-pointed star facing the East during the dawn hours, so that we will be able to invoke the white dragon into us. This posture in the month of Capricorn during the hours of dawn makes the white robe to descend more into us. Understand that the white dragon is nothing but the white robe which descends into us. That is the reason why this exercise is recommended.
K. Parvathi Kumar, extract from a talk on Capricorn, January 1991
Sagittarius – The Axis of Rotation
12 August 2019
Manu and Sanat Kumara have a correspondence with the head centre of every one of us. For example, the north pole of our earth has its correspondence with our head. The south pole of our earth has its correspondence with our coccyx and the whole vertebral column has its correspondence with the axis of rotation of our earth. And what the Masters do in their meditation is, they direct their disciples and followers to make a meditation daily through a process of what they call superimposition. That is, they imagine themselves occupying the whole earth from head to their tail and then meditate the north pole in their head centre and south pole in their coccyx and gradually they make a contact on higher planes with the corresponding points of the earth’s axis of rotation. And they receive a contact with the seven centres in their vertebral column and gradually the sub-centres also. While doing so they will experience the consciousness of the various continents of this earth and the various races and nations and their collective minds on this earth. This is one of the regular meditations of the Masters and their disciples.
E. Krishnamacharya: Overseas Messages II: Advanced Astrology
Scorpio – Ascent of the Winged Serpent
8 July 2019
"Loosening the spirals of Karma, the serpent shines winged and escapes through the bore of the Sun’s body from above the eyebrows. Henceforth the serpent is the winged messenger of the Gods. He is Mercury."
The spirals of Karma exist until the Sun centre, which is the Ajna centre. Once the awareness escapes the bore (the ladder), explained in the previous meditation, beyond the pituitary body, which is also called the brow centre, the serpentine consciousness escapes into higher realms and transforms itself into a winged shining serpent. The awareness of the disciple moves in the etheric states of Akasha as a winged being. It carries the etheric shine and moves in the expanse of the blue. The journey is thus complete.
K. Parvathi Kumar: "Occult Meditations", meditation no. 28
Libra - The Jewel of the Seventh Lotus
17 June 2019
From the path of the zodiac, the disciple enters the path of the Sun through the third, fourth and fifth steps of Raja yoga. Through the sixth and the seventh steps, he transcends the seven-fold planetary path of the Sun and enters into the soul of the Sun. In the eighth phase he attains the centre of the spiritual Sun who is the lord above all creations. He sits in the lotus above the head-centre. But he is one with the centre which is everywhere, with its circumference nowhere.
The sign Libra in the zodiac conducts the functions of the fourth as well as the fifth phase of Raja yoga and ends with the whole frame of zodiac in the sixth phase. It is replaced by the six lotuses. Henceforth, the emblem of the disciple is not the wheel with centripetal and centrifugal forces, but it is the lotus with only the unfolding activity. The highest form of Buddha in man is seated in a lotus. He is called the Jewel of the Seventh Lotus.
E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Virgo – The World Mother,
Planetary Chains and Root Races
9 May 2019
The World Mother of many ancient religions is decorated with an arch of rainbow around her head. The grace of the Lord comes down through the World Mother in seven planes, seven colours, seven scales of musical sounds, seven rounds of planets, seven planetary chains, seven root-races, etc. The whole creation is the result of His grace through seven periods of time that are called the Seven Days of creation. Hence the rainbow represents the unfolding of the Lord’s grace.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Leo - The Pulsating Heart of the Lion
12 April 2019
Simha (the lion) is the interplay of Spirit and matter. That interplay works as the pulsating principle in the creation. It is the same pulsating principle that exists as the centre of all beings. The pulsating principle is worshiped with the sound SOHAM.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: „Occult Meditations", meditation no. 19
Cancer – Moonlight seals the Sun
13 March 2019
“Moon is silver. I AM the lake. Lake is moonlight, I AM healed. I AM silver. In me the moonbeam awakes. I AM moonlight. In me the Sun is sealed.”
Moonlight is but the reflection of sunlight through Moon and hence it seals the Sun in its light. Likewise, the silver mind that admits beams of moonlight also seals the Sun (soul).
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: „Occult Meditations", meditation no. 16
Gemini - Through the Throat Centre
23 February 2019
The throat centre is considered the centre of Gemini and its ruler is said to be Mercury. Gemini stands for duality in creation and the principle of Mercury can help us either to dive into duality and thereby die or to rise above duality. Disciplining the speech enables one to rise above duality.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Mercury - The Alchemist
Taurus -Downpour of Divine Will
1 February 2019
Forget not Aldebaran, the all-seeing Eye that can pull up to the state of the most sublime. It exists in you as the Eye of the Lord. It presides over you in all walks of your life. In the cosmos it presides over the whole Creation. Contemplation upon the column of light from the heart centre up to the higher third eye yields fruitful experience. The month of Taurus can thus be consecrated for such contemplation.
Remember that the full moon of Taurus is the culminating point for such contemplation. Buddha is born through such contemplation. Such contemplation, through such consecration, gives you the status of the Sacred Bull.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Vaisakh News Letter Taurus 1999
Aries – Spring-up of Awareness
19 January 2019
Aries is connected with the spring season. Spring is a principle; the awareness springs from seeming nothingness and conducts the complex activity through its triangular forces. This spring commences with Aries. The very symbol of Aries is a spring. It is spring-up of awareness from the background, which is Absolute. Every spring-up has its periodicity, its cycle for birth, growth, decay and disappearance.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Mars. The Kumara
Pisces – The Spiritual Waters of the Sky
16 December 2018
In Pisces we have the spiritual waters, the waters of the sky that are in a continuous flow. When we say “waters of the sky”, people think of the waters which are in the clouds. That are not the waters of the sky mentioned in the scriptures. Water in its subtlest form is electricity. So you have electric fire in Pisces also. That is why it is called a spiritual sign. Saraswathi is the one that conducts the flow from up above to down below; all movement of all beings, be it horizontal or vertical; all movements of the planets and even the movement of the sun around the central sun. It is all arising out of the flow, just like we see the flow in a river. You can visualise a circular flow of the energies in creation, which is called the wheel of creation.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Seminar on Saraswathi - The Word, Rigi 1999
Aquarius – The Flow of Spiritual Light
4 October 2018
Every year during the month of Aquarius the Heavenly Man showers down the flow of the spiritual light from his pot. You remember that the man with a pot pouring down water to sprinkle the drops of Spiritual Wisdom upon the evolving souls of this earth is the symbol of the sign Aquarius. Let us meditate upon THE ONE MAN who has descended into the forms of the many human beings busy through the work of their evolutionary journey. Let us read his message and try to follow it by realizing the spirit of universal life and impersonal work through centuries, races, nations, ages and stages. May the Man in Heavens bless us all.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Full Moon Meditations
Capricorn - Meditation in the Higher Heart Centre
9 September 2018
Chakras are whirlpools of energies continuously moving in a circular fashion. Lotuses are unfolding energies. Dawn is an aspect of the unfoldment of light. According to the law of correspondence Capricorn unfolds as the heart lotus which is located between the heart centre and the throat centre. The heart chakra is different from the heart lotus. The heart chakra is regulated by Cancer, because all respiratory and circulating activity is governed by Cancer. Just above that centre, there is the Capricorn centre where there is the unfoldment of the lotus in which the Lord exists in deep blue electric colour. It is like the electric blue in the form of a small pentagon. The sound through which we need to invoke Him is also fivefold. It is called “Narayana”. These sounds are not a name. They are the potential sounds that can make you reach the centre.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, Capricorn 1991
Sagittarius - The Path of Return through the Sushumna
9 August 2018
Sagittarius stands for shooting high. Noble goals can be set up and be reached with the energy of Sagittarius. Limitations can be overcome to accomplish the state of liberation through the will of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the shooter. Sagittarius is also the judge; hence the shooter fails not. Sagittarius stands for the Path of Return through Sushumna to reach the bliss of Pisces.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, Vaisakh News Letter Sagittarius 1999
Scorpio – The Seven Kingdoms of Nature
21 July 2018
Among the seven kingdoms of nature man stands in the middle. Below him are the animal, plant, and mineral kingdom. And above him are the three Deva kingdoms, which are the planetary, solar and the cosmic Deva kingdoms. Man can help to bring down the energies of the higher to the lower and thereby cause transcendence of the lower to the higher. It thus stands as a ladder between the mundane and the super-mundane worlds. When humanity is in its ignorance, it thus blocks the free flow of the higher to the lower, and thereby blocks the transformation of the lower to the higher. Man is the bottleneck or the throat of the whole system of the universe. The throat centre in man stands as such a channel between the higher and the lower in him.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar – Mercury, the Alchemist
Libra – The Fulcrum Principle of the Universe
12 June 2018
Libra represents the fulcrum-principle of the universe. This fulcrum causes the rotation of the wheel. When rotation is traced at the centre of a circle, it is a double force: it is the radiating force which brings diversity from centre to circumference. It is also a blending force from circumference to centre which brings the unity from diversity. This is true in the circle and a circle is only one of the 360 planes of the globe. Within the globe the force of Libra can be traced at the centre. The point which is the beginning of the whole creation bulges out into a globe through a process of radiation by the help of the Libra principle. This sign marks the grand miracle of the whole process of objectivity coming out of subjectivity.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Virgo - Spiritual Light and Spiritual Food
of Mankind
18 May 2018
The Virgin in the Virgo sign is described as having an ear of corn in one hand and a lamp in the other. The ear of corn represents her son as the spiritual food of mankind. It is a matter of interest that the winter solstice marks the return home of the fruits of cultivation in the fields. The lamp is the symbol of spiritual light or the light in darkness. Objectivity is darkness to the yogi. Our light is his darkness and his spiritual illumination through subjectivity is darkness to others. The lamp therefore represents the light of initiation in darkness. Virgin, the World Mother, conceives her son in the darkness of the midnight.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Leo – The Gateway of the Sun Centre
17 April 2018
To all the living beings of various planets, the Sun is the gateway to communicate with the intelligences of the cosmic plane. A yogi has to pass through the sun-centre to unfold into the higher levels. Our earth has got a sun-centre on it and this is Shamballa. A yogi has to contact Shamballa through the aid of the Hierarchy. This contact comes from the head-centre of man. For this reason, the head-centre is called the point of the highest illumination of his sun.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Cancer - The Reflections of the Divine Mother
13 March 2018
With reflections reaching the earth, the graceful role of the Mother-Goddess is working upon us in the form of the moon-phases. This is called Sri Vidya or the Science of Love about the Mother-Goddess and her role in creation. It gives us a practical key to behave in this world in all fields of our activity. It is an awareness into which we grow and transcend all our limitations. The awareness of Mother-Goddess, when properly established, will lead us to the highest experience of light in social, ethical, mundane and spiritual aspects.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Occult Anatomy
Gemini - The First Pair on the Threshold of the Temple
12 February 2018
According to the ancient Indian tradition, Gemini represents a pair of supplementaries, subjectivity and objectivity. Subjectivity is called the Lord and objectivity is called the power of the Lord in relation to his Lady. Hence the pair represents the birth of the first Androgyne, Sakti and Siva. The emblem is called Ardhanari (the male who is half female). The sign Gemini is worshipped as the temple of the Lord at the entrance of which there are two pillars, Boaz and Yakhin (word and meaning). Man passing through the gate between the two pillars represents himself expressing as word and his concept.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Full Moon Meditations
Taurus - Impregnation by the Divine Will
17 December 2017
Taurus is the bull. The bull is called Vrishabha in Sanskrit. Vrishabha also means the downpour of the energy of Will. The energy of Taurus is the bull. It is a bull of higher circles and the planet is the cow which is impregnated by the energies of the bull. This is an annual happening. The full moon of Taurus is an important event for the planet. The energy impregnates the earth and the beings on this earth. Therefore, Taurus full moon is known as the time where you can be impregnated by the Will.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, Taurus full moon 1998
Aries – Planet Blossom
23 November 2017
The planets we see now in the solar system are but symbols through which the concealed planetary principles are revealed as the workings of that planet. These workings of the planets form but an allegory of the life which is concealed in the planet as a principle and revealed through incidents.
Normally the sun, the moon and the earth are known only as planetary globes by the exoteric students of astrology. In fact these globes are the physical bodies of the planetary deputies in our solar system. These deputies are the conscious entities which live in those planetary globes as great living beings. They also live on these globes as the units of life that inhabit the planet. These units are called lives which are, in fact, the many atoms of the matter concerned, but of one life in the group-level or soul-level.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Pisces - Flower of Time Cycles
19 November 2017
Nothing is ever exhausted. Even this earth does not disappear before another earth manifests. That is how the globe chains continue to keep the existences. During the period of creation there is the formation from subtle to gross; and during the time of dissolution, they are more in the subtle than in the gross. If you take the seeds of a tree - even if you do not see the tree - you can always manifest the tree through the seeds. The creation is either in the seed form or in the manifested form. So are the beings. Sometimes we are in the subtle form, and sometimes we take to a gross form. If the gross form ceases to be, you cannot say that it does not exist. It exists, though not up to the gross physical. Nothing is exhausted, nothing is spent away. Everything that is spent away comes back to you. That is the cyclical functioning, just like the waters ascend during the season of summer and descend during the season of rain. It is a cyclical movement into the subtle and again into the gross.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, from the seminar about Sri Suktam
Aquarius – The Lord of the Eye
17 October 2017
The number ‘Purnam’ of Aquarius is hidden in the eye of Siva. Towards the end of the worlds (Pralaya) this eye is opened. This is the case with the disciple and with the cosmos. It marks the Pralaya of all activity. “Into the pupil of this eye, all the creative forces enter and disappear. There is a pause. Again there is the reversal of the whole process. The Parasu and the Damaru of Mahadeva (the axe and the drum as emblems of the spark of light and the emanation of sound) come out. All chandases (meters or measures), all devas (creative potencies) and all Rishis (consciousnesses or gurus of Wisdom) emanate from this eye, praising the Lord of the Eye.” “Varuna merges the whole creation upon the cosmic plane into this eye through his Uranian activity. He again emerges out of the eye through his Neptunean activity in the role of Mitra-Varuna. Vena, the Gandharva, lives through the gap.”(The Tantric Texts)
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Capricorn - The Column of Consciousness
11 September 2017
Space is the true representation of the divine principle. As we are in a form, it is very difficult for us to align to the space. That is why we are advised to meditate on white light. The Sushumna column present in us is full of this white light. It is like a lighted axis. We should visualise this column connecting the Sahasrara to Muladhara as a bright white column of light. We should remain meditating on that light. We can either visualise the light in one of the seven centres or we can visualise it as a column of light connecting the seven centres present in us.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Shivaratri message 2016
The Cosmic Person
24 August 2017
If you are sincere and regular in your contemplation, the Cosmic Person crystallises himself in you in this form. It is a crystallisation of God’s energy in your form, so that his form remains, even if you get out of this body of flesh and blood. That is how you have the Grand Masters. Their forms are crystallised forms of God’s energy, and they fulfil the work of God, no matter how long it takes. They continue to work, even for series of universes.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, Scorpio full moon 2005
Sagittarius – Sagittarian Contemplations
15 August 2017
The eagle represents a bird that soars from earth to the seventh sky. Its path is of ascent and is therefore considered vertical. It adapts to noble super-mundane aspiration. Sagittarius stands for such noble aspiration. The first constellation of Sagittarius is called Mula. It literally means the corner; it represents Muladhara in us (the base centre). The constellation Aquila (the eagle) is around four degrees in Sagittarius that enables the take-off.
Ganesha is the cosmic Jupiterian principle presiding over Muladhara. His head is a symbol of wisdom. His ears represent the ability to listen. His trunk represents the kundalini force. His tummy represents fulfilment. His vehicle rat represents skillfulness. His colour is a variation from golden yellow to honey.Our body is a temple and all the cosmic intelligences that constitute the Cosmic Man exist in us in a micro form. By contemplating upon that form we develop a relation and an attunement to the Cosmic Person.
From the teachings of Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar
Scorpio - Fall of the Spirit and
Birth into the Egg of Space
25 July 2017
The descent of the Spirit into matter-state is a converging spiral. The Consciousness of the higher planes gradually comes down to the state of space in time. It is then imprisoned in the space as in an egg. It then descends from the fine state of the deep-blue of space (Taurus) into the state of star-dust. This descent is in the form of an inverted cone; it is like a coiled serpent concealed in a cone. From the tail of the serpent, the star-dust falls into the earth state of many stars or physical globes of sun. This is the beginning of the solar systems which imprison the soul of the sun and help the existence of material worlds.
Man also falls into the womb of the mother and has his first steps of development for physical perfection. The spirit loses the spirit-consciousness through the gradual fall and becomes matter. “When it touches the ground, it is as dark as night” in the language of H.P.B. Through hundreds of trans-formations, matter attains the level of the spirit of the state of gods with the aid of the passage from Scorpio to Taurus on the reversed wheel.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Libra – Nyasa Vidya, Adjusting to the Planes
19 June 2017
Nyasa Vidya means relating the micro to the macro. The solar system has its macro arrangement with the micro; beings relate to the macro arrangement, so that we fall in order and thus tune up to the bigger system. ‘As above so below’ is the law. The practice stated here corresponds to this law. Relating oneself to a bigger system results in transmission of energies from the bigger system to the smaller one. By this the smaller gains the same energy system as that of the bigger. What is suggested is a process of orientation. When our orientation to a larger system is complete, the energies are totally rearranged in accordance with the larger system, and we become a mini solar system. Astrology has this facility and is therefore seen as a key for self-transformation and self-realisation.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Mercury - The Alchemist
Virgo - The World Mother and
the Four States of the Word
17 May 2017
Virgo represents the second aspect of the Logos as mother. If we can
have a comprehension of the matter that fills the Maha Para Nirvanic plane, we can have a
true understanding of the symbol of the World Mother that is located in this sign. All the
creation in the Logoic plane consists of four states of the emanation of the Lord as word,
from himself to the objective world. Three states of the emanation of word are hidden in the
subjectivity of man and the fourth state is the objectivity of this universe.
E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Leo – Hercules Conquering the Inner Lion
20 April 2017
The lion is the king of the animals. We know the animal in us, which is
our personality. It is that personality, which is put to death in the cave. The man returns
without any identity other than the identity of Existence. He only refers to it all the time
in the first person. When he refers to IT in the first person, naturally we take to his
personality than to the person, he is referring to. He refers to the Indweller of the form
in the first person, but we take to the form, through which IT is expressed.
Every time
it is THAT he refers to, which is called like "THIS". Only THAT appears in all. Since he has
to communicate in the world, he uses the names which are generally used by others.
K. Parvathi Kumar: Hercules – The Man and the Symbol
Cancer - Artemis, Layers of Reflection
18 March 2017
What we see as Sun is the reflection of the internal Sun-principle, as
the externalised solar image. This reflection of the internal principle into the external
brilliance is called "Moon principle". Our visible Sun is really the Moon of the Internal
Sun. To our Earth the satellite Moon works out the Moon principle for the sunlight to
reflect and be transformed into moonlight. Without the satellite Moon, our Earth would not
have inherited minds for her children. The cosmic mind is realised by man through the rays
of Neptune. The solar mind is realised through the rays of the Sun and the individual mind
is felt through the rays of our satellite Moon.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual
Gemini - Ardhanari, the Male-Female God
18 February 2017
The whole creation is an objectification of the subjectivity which we
call God. These two aspects, Subjectivity and Objectivity are visualized as the first pair,
Gemini. According to the ancient Indian tradition, Gemini represents a pair of
supplementaries, subjectivity and objectivity.
Subjectivity is called the Lord and
objectivity is called the power of the Lord in relation to his Lady. Hence the pair
represents the birth of the first Androgyne, Sakti and Siva. The emblem is called Ardhanari
(the male who is half female).
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Full Moon Meditations -
Taurus - Krishna's Flute,
Microcosmic and Macrocosmic Centres
29 January 2017
Lord Krishna playing his flute is enchanting the fellow-beings into a
plane called Brindavana. The flute has seven pores modulating the seven musical scales.
Similarly, along the spinal column there are seven sensitive points (the six chakras and the
head-centre). The region between the throat-centre and the birthplace of Indra (a point just
above the Ajna-centre and below the minor head-centre) contains all the seven main centres
which bear their correspondences in the seven centres along the vertebral column. There are
seven other centres above the neck (the portion of body ruled by Taurus) which bear a direct
correspondence and relationship on the solar-cosmic level (second bridge) with the seven
stars of the constellation of Pleiades.
Pleiades feeds the disciple with the spiritual
foods secreted through the glands of that region. The Pleiades are also thought of as the
wives of the seven great seers (the constellation of the Great Bear). Pleiades establishes a
link between the seven stars of the Great Bear and the seven centres above the neck of the
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Aries - Permeation
12 December 2016
The horse is a symbol in the Vedas for life force. Whenever they speak
of the ray of the Sun, they call it the horse. That is why the scriptures say, the Sun has a
chariot of seven horses and spreads as seven rays. The sunray bestows awareness and also
life. It is called Asva. Asva has a very profound meaning. Asva means not Sva. Sva means
past or future. That which is not past, that which is not future, is the present. Asva is
the awareness which is focussed for the present; it is the most alerted one. Any being
fulfilled with life is most alert.
The seers observed nature, and they found that in the
horse the life force is fulfilled. So, they took the horse as a symbol for life force and
the sunray as the transmitter of life force. The seven rays are a beauty to observe. Their
movement is one of permeation.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Seminar on Sri Suktam
Pisces - The Great Fish
and the Seed of the Universe
14 November 2016
Der Fisch ist das Symbol ewiger Weisheit, die in der Vorstellung des
Menschen Gestalt annimmt und mit dem Meer seines Hintergrundes verschmilzt. Das Annehmen der
Form nennt man den Abstieg des Herrn als Fisch nach der grossen Flut. Aus den Wolken der
schöpferischen Vorstellungen ergiesst sich der Regen in die Richtungen des individuellen
Willens, welcher sich wiederum zu einem Meer des Willens sammelt, auf dessen Oberfläche das
Schiff treibt. Das Schiff ist der Träger oder die notwendige Begrenzung der Menschen, und es
wird vom Fisch mit Hilfe des Bewusstseinsfadens geführt. Dieser Faden verbindet das
Individuum mit dem allumfassenden Bewusstsein, damit es nicht im Meer des Unbewussten
verlorengeht. Regelmässig wiederkehrende Fluten kennzeichnen Ende und Anfang des Jahres mit
seinen zwölf Monaten. Dann wird jeder Monat durch eine Überschwemmung gekennzeichnet. Vom
Vollmond zum Neumond gibt es die Startlinie für die Einschiffung der 14 Manus. Der ganze
Ablauf der Fortpflanzung des Samens des Universums ist ein regelmässig wiederkehrendes
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Meditation zum Vollmond - Fische
Aquarius - The Aquarian Pot and
the Eternal Dancer
8 October 2016
The gap from the unknown to the known is what is shown to us as the pot
in the symbol of Aquarius. There is water coming out of the pot, and the pot is also open on
the other side. If we look at the other side there is nothing, but when we look at this end
of the pot there is the continuous flow of the water.
The waves of the ocean of the space
are from that centre of the space. The waves are represented by the Gandharvas and they
continuously have rhythmic dancing-like movements. The king of all these Gandharvas is
called Soma. Soma is another name of Shiva. You may have seen some symbols of this Lord as
the dancing Lord of the universe. It is this dancing Lord that keeps making so many
universes one after the other, and his dance is eternal.
From the Teachings of Sri K.
Parvathi Kumar
Capricorn - The Mount, the Star,
the White Robe and the Gate of
8 September 2016
The sign Capricorn is called “the Mount”. It is the Mount Sinai which
marks the ascent of Moses to experience the Burning Bush in “I am that I am” and again come
down to earth to lead his fellow-beings through the great journey. The formula of the
Burning Bush in Man is expressed by a ‘name’ of five words which means “THE ROBE, THE
GLORIOUS ROBE OF MY STRENGTH” as given out by Master Jesus. Christ gave this robe to the
world once again through Jesus.
Capricorn is called the gate of death just as Cancer,
the opposite sign, is called the gate of life. Souls die (enter the cycle of birth and lose
themselves in the tombs of matter) into the earth life through Cancer and await the call of
the Day of Judgment in Capricorn. This has got a profound symbolism.
The five words on
the robe denote the inner man (the soul of man) who is the robe of the spiritual microcosm.
This robe of the Lord shines forth as the five-pointed star through the gateways of his five
senses. From within the man, the robe comes out as the five-pointed star and gradually
covers him as the regular pentagon, when the disciple gets the investiture of the robe
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Sagittarius – Seven Seers and
Seven Layers of Consciousness
11 August 2016
There are seven judges in the heavens as seven stars of the Great Bear.
They come down to earth as principles, expressions, races and prototypes of men. The seventh
and last of them in order is the law of protection, service and love.
Sagittarius is
called the sign of judgement. Eminent judges are born under this sign. To the spiritualist,
the judge in him is awakened through a meditation of the symbolism of this sign.
By the
seven judges, who come down through Sagittarius as the seven layers of consciousness in man
to lay the law, the balance of judgment in world affairs is conducted through the sign
Libra. Man is saved by law after the judgment through Leo. The word of law is expressed
through Gemini. The application of this key is left to the intuition of the student for the
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Scorpio - Mars the Kumara
and the Six-Armed Cross
18 July 2016
A Kumara represents the symbol of three-dimensional cross while the God,
meaning the Cosmic Person, represents a two-dimensional cross. The two-dimensional cross is
fourfold, the three-dimensional cross is sixfold. When the Cosmic Person descends, he
descends as a Kumara. Cosmic Person in us exists in sahasrara, when he descends as Kumara,
he descends into the six centres from ajna to muladhara. The one that functions in all the
six centres is Kumara, while the one who is un-manifest remains in sahasrara. Hold this
basic understanding, when un-manifest he is potentially fourfold, when manifest he is
The months of Taurus and Scorpio entertain the energies of the Kumara. The
female aspect of the Kumara is presented in Taurus, while the male aspect of the Kumara is
presented in Scorpio. Taurus-Scorpio is but the androgynous aspect of the Kumara. In the
human constitution the vertical axis of Taurus-Scorpio permeates from ajna to muladhara.
K. Parvathi Kumar: Mars. The Kumara
Libra – Passing through the Sun Centre
14 June 2016
To all the living beings of various planets, the Sun is the gateway to
communicate with the intelligences of the cosmic plane. A yogi has to pass through the
sun-centre to unfold into the higher levels. Our earth has got a sun-centre on it and this
is Shamballa. A yogi has to contact Shamballa through the aid of the Hierarchy. This contact
comes from the head-centre of man. For this reason, the head-centre is called the point of
the highest illumination of his sun.
Every living being has got a sun-centre in him,
which is his own consciousness as “I am”. This is the centre of his circle (horizon or point
of view). This centre has its counterpart in the sun-centre of our solar system. The
individual and the universal sun-centres are supplementary in nature.
Dr. E.
Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Virgo – The Rainbow Aura of the World Mother
14 May 2016
In popular astrology, the colour of Virgo is an admixture of all
colours. Designs and various combinations of colours are located in it. But the true picture
is the manifestation of the rainbow in order. The World Mother of many ancient religions is
decorated with an arch of rainbow around her head. The grace of the Lord comes down through
the World Mother in seven planes, seven colours, seven scales of musical sounds, seven
rounds of planets, seven planetary chains, seven root-races, etc. The whole creation is the
result of His grace through seven periods of time that are called the Seven Days of
creation. Hence the rainbow represents the unfolding of the Lord’s grace.
Dr. E.
Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Leo – The Path to the Super-Soul
14 April 2016
The soul is beyond the five elements. When the inner man is formed the
soul is gaining its disassociation with the outer form and it relates more to the super
soul. There is a super soul in you and the soul which is the man centre and there is the
body in association with the soul. This is a three-in-one-situation: the god centre; the man
centre, which is solar; and the body, which is related to the planet.
Dr. K. Parvathi
Kumar, Kandersteg 2010
Cancer – Descent and Growth of the Soul
in Matter
6 March 2016
The descent of the Spirit into matter-state is a converging spiral. The
Consciousness of the higher planes gradually comes down to the state of space in time. It is
then imprisoned in the space as in an egg. Cancer is called the gateway for the souls to
enter into the cycle of birth.
The gestation of the individual in his mother’s womb is
but an imitation of the sun’s path along the annual rotation of the earth and also the
diurnal rotation of the earth on its own axis. His development in the womb through the ten
months is a symbol of his own evolutionary development or the path of the soul.
birth he follows the same path of development within the egg of his twelve mundane houses of
the horoscope. After the birth of his personality he follows the same path within the egg of
twelve signs.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology, extracts
Gemini - Group Consciousness, Merging and
8 February 2016
In the cave of the heart OM reverberates and it is a different OM when
uttered with the vocal cords. The OM reverberates in the cave and then moves upwards. Follow
it up consciously. This is a practice suggested by Lord Krishna in the 8th chapter of the
Bhagavad Gita. Join the OM as far as you can, even beyond the Sahasrara. Just get lost with
it. Visualise that we are moving from the cave of the heart, upwards to Sahasrara and above.
This kind of uttering 7 times creates a funnel. When it is uttered as a group, it is much
effective and it becomes a tunnel for the higher energies to descend. When we utter first,
the funnel is formed and we have to be silent before uttering again. While being silent,
visualise that the energies are descending from above downwards.
Dr. K. Parvathi
Kumar, Discourse of 30 May, 2015, Bengaluru
Taurus - The Higher Bridge and the Awakening
of the Third Eye
25 December 2015
The passage of the disciple from Gemini to Taurus marks the construction
of the secondary bridge (manas-buddhi) from the ending of the purpose of the vocal cords in
voice and the ending of the purpose of voice in Prana. The starting point of the bridge is
yellow (golden) and its culmination is in blue. When the disciple loses his eyes and
attempts to see inwardly through the third eye by uttering forth the sacred word, he gets to
a point where his vocal sound merges in the sound of his Prana (breath). Then his Prana
merges in his mind. This leads him to the buddhic plane. All this path, when successful,
gives the experience of a splendorous golden-yellow light. When this fades away into the
deep-blue of the sky, it is a sign of the disciple having completed the construction of this
bridge. This is also the stimulation for the birth of the third eye.
Dr. E.
Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Aries - The Three Great Fires and
the Cosmic Kundalini
16 December 2015
The signs of the fiery triplicity are called the three great fires of
the ritual (Tretagni). In the cosmic fire they exist as the electric fire (Vidyut), the
solar fire (Jyothi) and fire by friction or the terrestrial fire (Pavaka). The ritual of the
whole creation is described as the great day with three fires. The star dust is given out as
the jet of fire which is known as the great serpent Anantha, who takes shape in the great
constellation of the Dragon (cosmic Kundalini). This star dust forms into three great
centres in a space globe before it is distributed into stars or solar systems. This whole
story is epitomized in the three signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.
Dr. E.
Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Pisces – Alpha in Omega, Omega in Alpha
12 November 2015
Pisces represents the “alpha in omega” and also “the omega within alpha”
of creation. To the average man, this sign ends with the vernal equinox but to the man of
the reversed wheel it begins with the vernal equinox. One who can link up these facts gets
The Light. In the physical body, this sign represents the pair of feet. There is a double
nature to this sign also and for this reason this sign also is located along the Sushumna
like the three previous signs. These two fishes of the sign are therefore located once again
in the pineal gland and pituitary body. For all the average men, they serve no function. For
a disciple, who is building his Antahkarana, they aid to produce the light which builds the
Higher Bridge. This light is the fusion of two great yogic impulses, the beginning and the
ending of creation, that are constantly ex-pressed through man in the passage of
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Aquarius – The Aquarian Passage
12 October 2015
For want of terms the Absolute is called the God beyond Creation who
functions through as God in Creation. In the Indian mythology the all-permeating God in
Creation is called Vishnu. The God beyond Creation is called Siva. The God beyond Creation
enters into the Creation and the passage for such entry is called the "Eye of Siva".
Normally for a student on the occult path 'the third eye' is opened during the process of
building the Antahkarana, but the third eye of Siva in man is located in the centre of the
head above the Ajna centre and forms "the Higher Bridge". The eye of Siva in us is far
superior to the third eye in us. The eye of Siva is the Aquarian Passage, where the seeming
nothingness transforms into apparent something. The passage stands for the gap between one
Creation and the other and during the gap only Aquarius remains. The whole Creation is
sucked through into God beyond and is to be drawn once again.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar:
Capricorn - Ascent, Peak and Descent
2 October 2015
Capricorn symbolises the ascent. Ascent is to the peak. In the year it
symbolises inauguration of the ascent of consciousness from the mundane. It marks the path
to liberation of man; the consciousness from man, the mind. The purpose of Capricorn is to
ascend into the pure state of consciousness, which is akin to a clean sky. For this he needs
to clear the individualised clouds of thoughts. The man is suggested therefore to
contemplate upon the basis of the mind, which exists in him as awareness. The light of
awareness is the basis of all thoughts.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Vaisakh Newsletter
Capricorn 2008
Sagittarius - The Upward Journey
4 August 2015
The arrow mounted on the bow is symbolic of an aspirant. The arrow by
itself is an aimless soul. There are many who live without any aspiration. We are here
concerned with aspirants, but not others. The aspirants have to set their goal and move
towards that goal. Therefore, the bow is important. The bow is required to be drawn by the
string, when the arrow is mounted upon it. The drawing back of the string along with the
arrow represents the withdrawal of the five senses, down deep into their buddhi. Having thus
withdrawn deep into oneself, one has to sound forth the sound OM with the help of
exhalation. It is exhalation that leads one to move upwards and move beyond the brow centre.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: The Mysteries of Sagittarius
Scorpio – The Heart of the Turtle
13 July 2015
There is an upper dome of energies presided by the North Pole. In this
dome, the Great Bear of Seven Stars is seen. The upper dome is visualised by the seers as
the convex shell of the turtle. The lower pole energies look like an inversed dome or a
dish. In this dish, it is seen the movement of the southern star called Sirius. The Sirius
Constellation works like a dog, while the Seven Stars, moving around the North Pole, work
like a great bear.
The southern star is the Dog Star, while the Seven Stars of the
North Pole are the bear. In the human body, the North Pole is above the head. The Seven
Stars of the Great Bear are in the upper dome of the skull in the region of Sahasrara. The
dome of the skull is like the cave of the bear. The bear resides therein. Similarly, the Dog
Star at the South Pole can be visualised in the human body, near the tip of the
Extracts from: Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: “Occult Meditations”
Libra - From the Periphery to the Center
13 June 2015
From your periphery, you step into the depth of your being. It is not
already total depth. You come to a point where the horizontals meet verticals. The man turns
from objectivity to subjectivity, and moves to subjectivity. Then he meets the vertical
column within. That is what exactly Patanjali speaks of as a step after Pranayama. When your
respiration has receded you into pulsation, your pulsation has receded you into subtle
pulsation, then Prana is regulated. Then you meet a vertical column. This is stated as,
“horizontals meet verticals”.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Lectures on Secret Doctrine 1
Virgo - Mother Nature Protecting
the Solar Child
14 May 2015
Isis is veiled. That is the symbol of Virgo. The symbol has a message.
The message is, unveil the veils to see the Beauty, the Splendour and the Divinity of the
Isis. Protection, nourishment, purity, creativity are the tools to work with. When these
tools become effective in one's own life, in thought, speech and action, the unveiling
process starts.
From beastliness to human and from human to Divinity is the growth, when
these tools are practiced. Then Isis graces through her looks. Thus he gains the status of
‘the Son of Virgin'.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, Vaisakh News Letter Virgo 2007
Leo – The Tree of the Universe and
the Cosmic Teaching Principle
17 April 2015
The Puranas speak of an innumerable number of space globes containing
infinite number of physical suns emerging and merging. They compare these globes to the
banyan fruits and the suns of each globe to the seeds in a fruit. The path to the garden of
God is supposed to have many roads all lined by such trees on either side.
The universe
is the form of Sri Guru Datta (Dattatreya). Sri Guru Datta permeates the whole creation as a
teaching principle and is the backbone of the Hierarchies of various planetary and solar
systems. Dattatreya is the Grand Teacher or "Guru principle" in the universe. The teachers
in various planes are the manifestation of the one teaching principle who is referred to in
the ancient Indian wisdom as Dattatreya.
Extracts from: Dr. E. Krishnamacharya:
Spiritual Astrology; Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Sri Dattatreya
Cancer – Narada's Neptunian Music
26 March 2015
Narada is a messenger in Gemini and a musician in Cancer. For this
reason he is the final guru of our solar system and leads even the beings of Shamballa to
the supra-cosmic plane.
On the cosmic plane Narada works as an eternal principle (not the
name of a person whose activity is one unit, including the activity of Mercury, the Planet
on the one end, Neptune on the other via Venus). Sanat Kumara is his colleague on the plane
of Venus-consciousness. On the plane of Mercury Narada works as the intelligence to compare
and contrast things (figuratively called the bringer of conflict). On the plane of Neptune
he is the founder of the musical hierarchy who bestows the word of the Lord through the
power of music.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: ‘Spiritual Astrology' and ‘Book of Rituals'
Gemini – The Messenger of Light
24 February 2015
Mercury is the compromising principle between the higher and the lower
worlds. For this reason, he is called the messenger of gods, the speech of the divine beings
and the arbitrator of the angels.
Gemini is the sign of transformation of the lower into
the higher. Mercury, as Hermes the great alchemist, is the lord of this sign.
That shade
of green which produces blue or which is a half-tone of blue is the colour of Gemini that
helps the occultist in his meditation. One can have an idea of this colour from the crystal
of copper sulphate.
The occultist can heal his fellow-beings physically, mentally and
spiritually by meditating upon the throat-centre with a self-expression attuned to the
vibration of the colour of Gemini and then by uttering words of comfort from that plane of
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Taurus: The Bull and the Lingam
25 January 2015
When we come to Taurus from Gemini by following the path of the
equinoxes we come across a very brilliant star which is one of the Pleiades. This is
Aldebaran or the eye of the bull. When we locate the fishes also with it in a plane which is
just above the Ajna centre, we find the link between the pineal and the pituitary bodies.
This link is to be constructed by the disciple as the higher bridge. This is also called the
birthplace of Indra (Indra Yoni) in the Vedas. The two fishes serve as the two graceful eyes
of the elevated mother-nature (Minakshi). The higher bridge serves as the third eye. Only
through this third eye and from the point between the 'two horns of the bull' the Lord in
the temple can be seen. In the temples constructed for and consecrated to the double symbol
(Lingam) of Siva, there is a rule that the Lord should be seen only through the horns of the
bull located outside. Then, there comes a necessity for the lord to create a Kumara in the
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Aries – The Ruler of the Solar Dynasty
14 December 2014
In the ancient past, there was the Solar Dynasty, the Lunar Dynasty and
the Dynasty of the Yadavas. We can rightfully say that the Solar Dynasty was the first ray
royal dynasty. The Lunar Dynasty was the second ray dynasty, which also was royal. The
Yadava Dynasty was the mixed quality. It was the dynasty of the third ray, and was also a
royal dynasty. In it there was the mixture of intelligent activity of the third ray and the
wisdom of the second ray. They carried wisdom and also intelligent activity.
The culture
of solar dynasty still exists in some parts of Rajasthan in India. Master Maruvu (Morya) is
a descendent of the solar dynasty, he is a descendent of Lord Rama. That is why his vision,
speech and work are straight-forward. He is of fiery nature.
From two speeches of Dr.
K. Parvathi Kumar
Pisces - The Tablet of the Universe
17 November 2014
Pisces represents 'the tablet of the universe' on which an adept can
read the past, present and future of the whole creation. The adepts of various schools train
their students to read the "Akashic records" and the invisible books of the cave-temples by
stimulating the Piscean activity in them. This is done by linking up the activity of the
“eye of the bull' with that of the two fishes, the pineal and the pituitary bodies.
secrets of the human frame and its relationship with the frame of the cosmic man are
preserved and concealed in this sign as 'photographs' and reflected in the depths of the
consciousness of the disciple.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Aquarius - Apollo and the Song of Light
16 October 2014
There is a plane of consciousness in the human mind to which colour and
sound are one. This plane finds its expression through Aquarius. It is called the plane of
Gandharvas in the Vedas. "Vena" the musician who encircles the whole cosmos of 7 solar
systems, singing out merrily the `song of light', is mentioned in the Vedic hymns. Apollo is
no other than Vena of the Vedas. Due to his influence, the sound principles and the light
principles of the cosmic, solar and planetary planes are expressed in identical scales. By
establishing a link with the workings of this angel, one can mould the material existence of
the universe in the required manner.
Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Capricorn - The Sunrise
05 September 2014
The activity of the dawn is ever a mystery. It cannot be fully explained
by all the sages together of the scriptures. Many are the hymns in the Rig Veda that are
devoted and dedicated to the intuitional descriptions of the dawn with all its secret keys
of sound and symbol. The effect of dawn upon the beings of earth is not so simple as it
seems every day. The mystery of awakening cannot be completely understood by the
consciousness of objectivity. The sun's rays contain spiritual activity which will be
showered upon the beings of earth during the first two hours after sunrise. The month of
Capricorn in the year bears correspondence with this time. Spirit meets man through soul in
this sign. The highest principle which is above creation is concealed in man through the
activity of this sign.
Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Sagittarius - Fiery Alignment
08 August 2014
All forces in you should be directed to one purpose and that is your
lifework. Everyone should aim at the consciousness of the Group. This is beyond individuals.
Everyone should prepare his activity like an archer who aims at the object which is
revolving in space up above their heads. To trace this target, they should look into
themselves, i.e., their own thoughts and emotions filtered into spiritual aspirations and
synthesized into the one aspiration of our planet, the will of our Lord.
Dr. Ekkirala
Krishnamacharya: Full Moon Meditations
Scorpio - The Master of the Violet Flame
09 July 2014
CVV stands for cosmic violet vibration, it is the ray of the cosmic
system. The cosmic violet vibration is the 7th ray of the cosmic system. The 7th ray on the
planet is violet and it is represented by the most sublime and noblest Master, Master Count
Saint Germain. From cosmic vibration of violet to planetary vibration of violet a channel
has been established by the great initiate coming from Master Jupiter's ashram. Master
Jupiter is known in the oriental scriptures as the great sage Agastya. The advent of the
cosmic violet vibration was as per the plan to lift up humanity. The lift up is something
when humanity can experience within him and around him the beauty of the Kingdom of God.
K. Parvathi Kumar: May Call Day 2012
Libra - The Upper and the Lower Bird
and the Magnetism of Life
04 June 2014
It is said that there are two birds on the vertical trunk of the tree of
life. They are identical and co-existing. One of them enjoys by eating the fruit of the
tree. The other enjoys by seeing the first bird rejoicing in eating. It is pleasant to
notice that persons born under the influence of Libra are charitable and rejoice in the
sight of others enjoying. The bird above exists in immortality, while the bird below eats
immortality and enjoys the taste as the fragment of its experience.
Magnetic iron is the
metal of this sign because it forms the lower pole of the magnet. Iron can be magnetized by
the mere touch or even by the presence of a powerful magnet and this causes polarity. The
effect of the touch and presence of the guru through the soul-level, which helps the
disciple to build his Antahkarana is but a manifestation of magnetism.
Extracts from Dr.
E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Virgo – The Mother and the Maturing of the Souls
10 May 2014
The Lord decides to enter into you when you have gained a pure mind
which enables the reflection of the Light. When you devote yourself more to the subtle
planes of existence, you come very close to the light of Buddhi. Be on the Buddhic plane,
contemplate and live in Him, then you have reached and accomplished the energy of Virgo.
This means, you are concentrated to receive the Light in Pisces. The two eyes of the Mother
are the two fishes which transmit the rays of grace. Thus the Second Logos himself gets born
in the virgin mind of the one who has a virgin nature. This we call “the birth in
From the teachings of Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar
Leo - The Sun Centre in the Heart
09 April 2014
The home of every soul is the heart center. The heart center for the Sun
is in Leo, therefore, the Sun is extremely comfortable being in Leo. The key word for the
Soul in the heart or Sun in Leo is "I am". Every living being has got a sun-centre in him,
which is his own consciousness as "I am".
Our earth has got a sun-centre on it and this
is Shamballa. A yogi has to contact Shamballa through the aid of the Hierarchy. This contact
comes from the head-centre of man. For this reason, the head-centre is called the point of
the highest illumination of his sun.
From the teachings of Dr. E. Krishnamacharya and Dr.
K. Parvathi Kumar
Cancer - Cosmic Musicians and the Moon Principle
02 March 2014
Gandharvas sind suprakosmische Intelligenzen und werden nicht durch die
Schöpfung konditioniert. Sie sind wie die musikalischen Noten und Wellen, die sich innerhalb
und außerhalb der Schöpfung frei bewegen. Unter ihnen ist Soma einer der Hauptgandharvas und
ist das Prinzip der Reflexion. Er verleiht Glückseligkeit, die eine unaussprechliche
glückselige Verschmelzung der Seele mit der Überseele verursacht. Wenn dieser Gandharva
erfreut ist, dann sondert er von einem Zentrum im Kopf ein Sekret ab und ermöglicht die
Verschmelzung der Seele mit der Überseele. Auf drei verschiedenen Ebenen arbeiten seine
Strahlen durch Neptun, Venus und Mond. Soma führt den Vorsitz über die ganze himmlische
Musik und ist das Zentrum, aus dem das heilige Wort OM hervorkommt. Wenn Somas Segen den
Verehrenden erreicht, dann erfährt dieser den Geburtsort der männlich-weiblichen Energien in
sich. Das Somazentrum ist das höchste yogische Zentrum, wo sich die männlich-weibliche
Energien im gleichen Verhältnis vermischen.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Rudra
Gemini – The Son of the Sun
and the Great Cycles of Time
09 February 2014
Manu is the progenitor of man. It is a solar intelligence that moulds
forms for the beings for a Manvantara. The present Manu is called Vaivasvata. He is the
solar angel of the buddhic plane and is considered in the Puranas as the son of the Solar
God, the Sun we see. With the help of rays emanating from the Sun, the solar angel Manu
weaves the bodies. Since he is the weaver of the bodies he is called Vaivasvata. He is
considered in Puranas as the son of the Sun, whose name is Vivasvata. Vivasvata is the Sun.
Vaivasvata is the son of the Sun. The Sun God is formed in the solar plane and his sole
purpose is to build the solar system and enable beings to reach the planet, who in turn work
out their evolution.
In this grand work the Solar God Vivasvata is ably assisted by his
son Vaivasvata. He prepares the moulds for the beings to reside. The beings that reside in
the moulds prepared by the Manu are called Manushya. Manushya means mankind. The word ‘man'
has come from the word Manushya. Manushya comes from Manu.
Dr. K. Parvati Kumar - Master
CVV Saturn Regulation
Taurus – Receiving the Flow
27 December 2013
There is a beautiful saying about the flow. It is said that the flow
exists in space, then it falls on the Sahasrara of Siva (Shamballa), and from there it falls
onto the Himalayas which exist in the Heart Centre. What is the Heart Centre of the planet?
It is the Hierarchy.
Thus, from space onto the head of Siva, from the head of Siva to
the Heart, the Himalayas, and from the Himalayas into the planes. Ganges when it comes from
space it is called Akasha Ganga, "the waters of space". These "waters of space" are invoked
by Siva onto his head. If the flow comes directly to Hierarchy, the Hierarchy cannot receive
it. The Heart cannot receive the flow. So, Siva stands at a point to reduce the impact and
the power of the flow.
Dr. K. Parvati Kumar - Jupiter
Aries - The Birth of the Butterfly
26 November 2013
Could one ever imagine that the butterfly, which is so beautiful, so
light, capable of flight and of other's delight, was once a caterpillar? Thus, the man too,
hitherto mundane, transforms in utter secrecy and silence through the internal triumph and
gains the Light, the flight and the delight of Life.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: The Aquarian
Pisces - Ascension, the Light of the Higher Bridge
28 October 2013
Pisces is the first and the last sign of the zodiac. It represents the
"alpha in omega" and also "the omega within alpha" of creation. In the physical body, this
sign represents the feet. The two fish of the sign are located once again in the pineal
gland and pituitary body. For the average men, these glands serve no function. For a
disciple, who is building his Antahkarana, they aid to produce the light which builds the
Higher Bridge. This light is the fusion of two great yogic impulses, the beginning and the
ending of creation that are constantly expressed through man in the passage of time. Past
and future run in opposite directions and meet in man. In the yogi, there is only one light,
the eternal present. The light that comes out as a result of the fusion is called the one
fish, the Fish-God. Pisces marks the ascent of man into God after passing through the final
pause (flood) of creation. The colour of the sign is that of the pure sky in bright
Extracts from Dr. E. Krishnamacharya: Spiritual Astrology
Aquarius - Agastya and Sirius
30 September 2013
The Master Jupiter is the Avatar of Synthesis who presides over the
Aquarian Age. He conducts himself with the triangular force of Neptune, Mercury and Jupiter.
He is called the Master of the Nilagiri Hills (Blue Mountains) in the Theosophical Society.
He is called the great Sage Agastya in the Vedic tradition. He is the Master whose abode is
in Sirius, whose functioning place for our earth is the Blue Mountains of South India.
Agastya is the great sage and is the counterpart of the 7 seers of the Great Bear. While the
Great Bear plays the role of Father to our systemic existence, Agastya, Master Jupiter plays
the role of Guru, Teacher to our system.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Jupiter
Capricorn – Varaha and Varuna
5 September 2013
Capricorn is the dawn of the solar year. It is also a dawn for the solar
system and is even called the dawn of a Manvantara, i.e., 71 Mahayugas. The group of solar
systems that are formed in a Manvantara are held intact by a great energy called Varaha, the
Great Boar. Varaha means, he uplifts the earth from matter to spirit. This Great Boar is
worshipped in the month of Capricorn.
What Varaha does, Varuna does the same in the yoga
of Master CVV. He uplifts the soul from the material of Muladhara, the base centre. Varuna
is the supra-cosmic intelligence who deals with the material right from the root-matter. You
can visualize Varuna in the forehead. Varuna is symbolized as a five year old boy with four
hands on a brilliant white dragon moving in the whitish-blue space waters. In one hand he
holds the trident representing Neptune. As he moves in the waters of space, the trident is
drawn on the surface creating lines of force, which are the directional lines set by Uranus
in Aquarian Age. Capricorn, called Makara in the Vedic scriptures, is the white dragon, the
vehicle of Varuna.
From the teachings of Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar
Sagittarius – Pre-Dawn Meditation
4 August 2013
Two hours before sunrise is called the true spiritual time in the day.
Practising spiritualism at this time yields the best results. The disciple gets the
co-operation of the Devas, who are preparing the subconscious levels of the sleeping souls
to receive the solar Logos at the dawn. The Seven Lords of Flame are said to chant the
prayers of the Sun God in a low tone at this time. In the day of gods, which is our solar
year, the passage of the annual Sun through Sagittarius marks this spiritual time. Let the
true disciple of the path of cosmic yoga use this whole month for his realisation.
Master EK: Spiritual Astrology
Scorpio: The Tree of Life and the Androgynous Man
17 July 2013
The scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita say that the Tree of Life is an
inverted tree. It grows from above downwards. Its roots are in space and its branches,
sub-branches, leaves and fruits are in various planes. It is an inverted tree which unfolds
from a centre. Do not look for the causes in the manifest world; the causes are high up. The
roots of the tree are subtler and the consequences are grosser. The Persians taught that
mankind is a product of the Tree of Life; that they grew in androgynous pairs until they
were separated from each other in a later human form, and that this made them weaker. This
story is also in the Hindu mythology. To regain the power, the union of man and woman is
recommended, because only together they are complete and round.
From the teachings of Dr.
K. Parvathi Kumar
Libra – The Ascent of the Soul from the Abyss
20 May 2013
We have to go through the make-believe world in Libra. To function in
the daylight is not so difficult, but to function in the pitch darkness of the night is what
is proposed to us in the months of Libra - Scorpio. The need for Light is much more during
this period. Whoever is encountering the illusion of the material eventually shall have to
remember the Light. If we do not remember, the energies that Libra offers are such that we
will very easily ski into passion. It is not walking into it, it is not even slipping, it is
just skiing into it, taking us into the bottomless pit! The Libra - Scorpio is the pit into
which everyone will fall, through passion, when we are disconnected with the thread of
Light. The need for the thread of Light to continue with us during the dark hours is an
important step. The importance of recollecting the Light is emphasised in the sun sign
K. Parvathi Kumar: Hercules
Virgo: The Sons and Daughters of the Virgin
12 April 2013
The way of discipleship consists in purifying ourselves on all planes so
that we can attune to the energies of the Mother and thus become Sons of the Virgin. The
World Mother can give us the experience of the seventh plane of existence. This is called
the maha-paranirvanic plane, the radiant Light of the universe. It is the origin, from which
from time to time the Sons of God are born by the grace of the Mother which is also called
the Virgin. Therefore a name of the Sons of God is “Sons of the Virgin”. Each Son of God is
a result of virginity. When we aspire to become accepted disciples, it is necessary to aim
at this purity, so that the grace of the Mother pours down to lift up the people to her
state of purity and be-ness.
K. Parvathi Kumar, Seminar on Virgo, 2001
The White Island
6 July 2013
The White Island deals with the Plane of Light, and the Plane of Light
is the field of the Soul. The White Island is beautiful in quality and in form. It carries
the divine brilliance and splendour. It is ever illuminative, eternal and perpetual. The
very thought of the White Island makes one stable and pleasant. The vision of the island
destroys once and for all the cycle of death and birth. The residents of the island live
with bodies of radiating light. They are ever engaged in uttering the sacred word that
guards the worlds. The rays of Love and Light form the brick and mortar of the residences in
the island. The human brow centre is a replica of this sacred land. In this land, the
residents and the residences have no difference in identity. The Lord of the Most High
shines forth in purity and poise endlessly, untouched by the hyper and hypo activity.
glorious White Island is not a place or a plane to be ascended. Wherever one is, it
manifests when one gains 'identity of himself with that of the surrounding'.
K. Parvathi
Kumar: The White Island
Leo: The Entry
17 March 2013
The cave of heart is called the ‘Sanctum Sanctorum'. One can remain
peaceful in that sanctorum. It is the place in one's own being where one can experience the
divine presence. It is also the spring board to step into the ashram of a Master. Madam H.
P. Blavatsky refers to this ‘Sanctum Sanctorum' as the ‘Holy of the Holies'. It is the
‘Golden Temple' relating to oneself. Reaching this temple enables one to reach the
Sri K. Parvathi Kumar: Ashram. Regulations for Entry.
Cancer - The Descent of the Solar Angel
into the Body
28 February 2013
The monad is the soli-lunar angel. There is the baby descending into the
womb. The lunar angel develops all the aspects of the form and the solar angel descends. In
solar there is lunar. Our sun is the lunar aspect of the cosmic sun, our sun is male-female.
That is why it prepares the body in the womb for seven months. When it is preparing the body
it prepares the form through the lunar aspect, and then the solar angel enters into the
lunar aspect of the solar angel. It is by itself male-female. The cosmic sun even is
male-female. That is how the work is. Preparation of the form and joining. We prepare the
house and when it is ready we enter into the building.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, Seminary
January 2012
Gemini: Pulsation - The Song of the Swan
10 February 2013
A swan moves in pure waters that are equal to the pure ether. Swan is
Hamsa in Sanskrit. Hamsa is the centripetal and centrifugal functioning of pulsation, the
double principle of pulsation. The door of pulsation is the heart. The Hamsas (Swans) are
the movements in us as pulsation and also as thoughts. The Swans of pulsation have the
characteristics of musical notes. They form the bases of musical singing by the beings. The
music details into varieties of Ragas (compositions) as per the time of the day and the
season. These Swans can muse the mind and the ego onto Pure Consciousness and Existence.
This is ‘the path of music' for the return of the beings to Samadhi. Such is the work of the
Swans of pulsation.
Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar: Saraswathi - The Word
Taurus: The Magic Flute of Krishna
21 December 2012
When Krishna played his flute, he expanded into the vicinity in the form
of his music: One consciousness thrilled through all the living beings. It started from the
flute of Krishna and reached the ocean through the pool of consciousness of the humanity.
Krishna began to come out of his body in the form of his exhalation as music. He began to
expand into the pervasion of his presence. After a few minutes, music seemed to flow through
the flute by itself and come out of the seven holes of the flute until it touched the heart
of the humanity and soaked it in bliss. All seemed to be a wave of soul consciousness. No
one existed except the one soul in all. The minds of all melted away and it was an ocean of
Master EK: Music of the Soul
Aries: The Birth of a Diamond
30 November 2012
The mineral kingdom marks the point of unique condensation. This is
produced under the action of fire and by the pressure of the "divine idea." Esoterically
speaking, we have, in the mineral world, the divine Plan hidden in the geometry of a
crystal, and God's radiant beauty stored in the color of a precious stone. The goal of the
universal concept is seen when the jewel rays forth its beauty. If you could study the
hidden processes which go on under the influence of fire, you would enter into the secret of
initiation. When the day comes when the history of the mineral kingdom can be grasped by the
illumined seer, he will then see the long road that the diamond has traveled, and - by
analogy - the long road that all sons of God traverse, governed by the same laws and
unfolding the same consciousness.
Alice A.Bailey: Esoteric Psychology I
Lifting-up the Earth to the Kings of Beauty
11 November 2012
In Raja Yoga, the grand Masters sitting in the North-East pull us up.
That is the lift-up. “May He lift up the Earth!” They lift up the Earth from North-East.
North-East is the junction point between Absolute God and God as Light. It is that point
where darkness is transformed into light. In the Raja Yoga practice, you visualise the
Masters at the North-East, at the top of your forehead, and seek their help, so that you are
pulled up to that state of awareness. In Hatha Yoga practice, the help of these grand
Teachers is sought for a push up. They can push you up or they can pull you up.
Parvathi Kumar, extract from the seminar on Scorpio
Pisces: The Alpha and the Omega
28 October 2012
The sign Pisces is normally understood as the last sign of the zodiac.
It is, in fact, the first and the last sign of the zodiac. This fact is denoted by the
symbol of the two fishes travelling in opposite directions. If Capricorn is the "alpha and
omega of the whole creation", Pisces represents the "alpha in omega" and also "the omega
within alpha" of creation. To the average man, this sign ends with the vernal equinox but to
the man of the reversed wheel it begins with the vernal equinox. One who can link up these
facts gets The Light.
Master EK: Spiritual Astrology
Aquarius – The Twin Gods
and the Downpour of Cosmic Energies
25 September 2012
The One manifests as two and the two interact with each other, making
various systems. The one centre from where these two energies descend is called "Aswins" or
the twin Gods. The sign Aquarius represents this state, in which the two potencies are
concealed, which form the expressions of time and space, of the divine breath. They are
called Mitra and Varuna or the "Not untrue Beings", because they are beyond the real and the
unreal. They descend from the supra-cosmic plane as the twin horses with wings. They both
conceive the great dweller of the supra-cosmic plane as Vasishta and in the cosmic plane as
Agastya. These two seers preside over the spiritual dwellers of their respective planes. At
the Planetary level, Vasishta functions through the Himalayan Hierarchy and Agastya through
the Blue Mountains. The two Hierarchies represent the two triangles. Vasishta governs the
higher triangle and Agastya the lower triangle.
From: E. Krishnamacharya: "Spiritual
Astrology" and K. P. Kumar: "The Aquarian Master"
Capricorn - The Dawn and the Light of the Higher Heart Centre
12 August 2012
The sign Capricorn is called "the Mount". In the year this month bears
correspondence with the dawn. Capricorn is located as the higher activity of the lotus
between the throat-centre and the heart-centre. This lotus is called the seat of Narayana
(the highest Spirit above creation). The lord within the chakra of the heart-centre is much
different from the lord within the lotus of the heart. The spiritual student who is born in
this sign has his path of direct yoga by meditating upon this symbol near his heart.
from Spiritual Astrology by Master E.K.
Sagittarius - Kalki, the Rider on the White Horse
5 August 2012
In the physical body of a disciple, Shamballa is located in the
head-centre and it is directly linked up with the Lord Sanat Kumara who resides in the great
centre on this earth called Shamballa. The Puranic prophecies assure that the Kali yuga
comes to an end by the advent of the world teacher, Kalki Avatar (the Man on the Horse or
the Man with the body of a Horse) who comes from a plane called Shamballa. The saviour is
said to return on a white horse, destroy injustice, conduct judgement, sit on the throne and
re-establish law. This is the story of the Kalki Avatar of the Puranas and the story of the
return of the Lord on a white horse in the Book of Revelation. This marks the working of the
equinox in Sagittarius. In this sign, the Lord on the white horse is concealed in the figure
of half-man and half-horse.
Extracts from Spiritual Astrology by Master E.K.
Scorpio – The Ascent of the Serpents Through
the Pituitary Hint
14 July 2012
The serpent (the downward spiral path of fall into matter) tempted man
and woman. They ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge (the origin of the mind). There was
the fall of the man. This is the story of the activity of Scorpio. When the serpentine
consciousness of Kundalini is raised from the bondage of Muladhara (the base-centre),
Swadhishtana (the spleen-centre) and Manipuraka (the solar plexus), it manifests as the word
of blessing from the throat-centre. If the disciple raises this further by keeping silent,
it manifests as the divine-winged serpent from the lotus that forms between the
throat-centre and the Ajna chakra. If the student of yoga closes his eyes, controls his
prana by pranayama and meditates upon the centre of the forehead in between the eyebrows,
this gives the disciple a thrill from the pituitary body downwards. This "pituitary hint"
calls forth Kundalini to travel safely upwards without the dangers of the lower regions.
from Spiritual Astrology by Master E.K.
Libra - The Birth of the New Earth
16 June 2012
Many are the secrets of Libra. The whole bubble bulging like a globe is
an aspect of Libra. Emergence of a point and becoming a space globe is an aspect of Libra.
An emergence of an impulse becoming a planetary globe is an aspect of Libra. The growth from
the centre to the circumference is an aspect of Libra. The point bulges on all sides, from
centre to circumference and from circumference to centre. The key is held by Libra.
by K.
Parvathi Kumar: Hercules
Virgo – Kwan-Yin, the Mother of Grace
11 Mai 2012
Kwan-Shai-Yin is identical with, and an equivalent of the Sanskrit
Avalokiteshwara, and as such he is an androgynous deity. Under his female aspect, he becomes
Kwan-Yin, the goddess of mercy, called the "Divine Voice." In the Vedic and the Puranic
symbolism, this plane of the divine Word is also called Gayatri, the Great Mother of the
Dawn. The World Mother is called the Virgin, who finds her expression as a principle in
nature and in man through the sign Virgo.
From the “Secret Doctrine” and “Spiritual
Leo - The Three Planes of the Sun
22 April 2012
Like every sun sign Leo has three planes. The Sun itself, the ruler of
Leo, is a threefold sun: The sun globe we know, in the centre of the solar system, is the
mind of the Sun, while the central sun is the soul of the Sun and the cosmic Sun is the
spirit aspect of the solar principle. The solar centre in us is the heart centre. The centre
of the central sun, also called Savitri, is the higher ajna centre in us. The cosmic centre
is in Sahasrara.
From the teachings of Sri K. Parvathi Kumar
Cancer - The Mother and the Birth of the Soul
into the Body
09 April 2012
The scriptures say that the solar God of fire comes to the lunar mansion
of the Goddess in Cancer. Cancer is the cardinal sign relating to the Mother, and then there
is reception of the Father into the Mother's house. Cancer is also known as the sun sign
related to the birth of the souls into the bodies. To some the birth of the soul is a
facility, to others a problem. It depends on the degree of awareness.
From the teachings
of Sri K. Parvathi Kumar
The Master May Call
24 March 2012
"THE MASTER", who transmitted pure energies into Master CVV, permitted
him to distribute the energies to those willing to get into synthesis. It was the 29th May,
1910. Since then this day is regarded important and is referred to as "May Call Day". Master
CVV stated that on every 29th May, THE MASTER MAY CALL those who wish to get into the
Energies of Synthesis.
Sri K. Parvathi Kumar: The Aquarian Master
Gemini - Saraswathi and Mercury
17 March 2012
The Mother of Light or Wisdom is called Saraswathi. The Vedic
understanding of Saraswathi is, a deity in resplendent white holding a seven-stringed
instrument in the hand, mounted upon a resplendent white swan. A swan moves in pure ethers
or waters; that which moves in higher planes is willing to descend into the one who holds a
body with light
The Heavenly Word moving in the higher planes continuously throws out
these swans; they are responsible for our ideas, thoughts and speeches. The Word is Truth.
It is received at the lower levels by Mercury. Mercury is the receiver of the Word. From
higher to lower he brings messages. All alchemy is with Mercury. Anything can turn into
gold, including speech. Mercury is the Lord of Gemini. This advantage is taken by the
Masters of Wisdom to initiate people into the kingdom of God in the month of Gemini.
the teachings of Sri K. Parvathi Kumar
Taurus - The Woman in the Heart of Man
12 February 2012
The disciple of the spiritual path has to lift the lower centre and
merge it in the higher. For this reason, the sign Taurus signifies the woman in man while
Gemini signifies the woman and the man. Woman as one-half of man is denoted by Gemini. Woman
as the heart of man is denoted by Taurus. Taurus is the symbol of Lord Vishnu with Lakshmi
in his heart. When the activity of the lower pole is sublimated into the purest expression
of love at the higher pole, it signifies the woman in the heart of man.
Master EK:
Spiritual Astrology
Aries: The Mother Principle
and the Descent in 10 Steps into
20th November 2011 / 2nd February 2012
The supreme God principle is self-existing without mother and father.
When He wants to come down as creation, He gives out the mother-principle which was hitherto
slumbering in Him. She comes down and conceives Him in her womb as her child. Then the Lord
comes down as the first manifestation of the Lord who is called Virat or Hiranyagarbha, the
self-effulging egg. The mother-principle descends into all the series of planes of creation
up to the grossest material plane. The Cosmic Person (Purusha) has come down in 10 steps and
presides over creation. The 10 points together form the Universal Soul, and the central
point represents the individual soul.
From the teachings of E. Krishnamacharya (Vishnu
Sahasranama) and K. Parvathi Kumar (Dattatreya)
Pisces: The Mother Blessing the Earth
Through the Grace of her Look
22nd October 2011
Pisces is the spiritual escape of death. The secret of longevity is
concealed in this sign.The two fishes serve as the two graceful eyes of the elevated
mother-nature (Minakshi). The disciple who comes under the influence of this sign or who is
born under this sign, can transmit and receive grace through the eyes. It is said that the
larvae of a kind of fish in the ocean are hatched by the looks of the mother. Blessing
through grace of look is one of the faculties that a disciple of this sign will inherit.
Master EK - Spiritual Astrology
Opening the Sheaths of the Soul Towards the Greater Light
8th October 2011 - 05th January 2012
All cause and effect only exist when you are in the state of thoughts.
In the state of awareness there is neither cause nor effect; they are dissolved. As long as
you don't understand and realise that you are pure consciousness you will not be able to
overcome the causal body. You know that you are only a light projected from THE LIGHT.
K. Parvathi Kumar
Aquarius – The Mother with the Aquarian Pot
1st October 2011
In Aquarius we see the Mother with a water pot. Through creation she
brings the unknown down to the known. She is the passage between the unknown and the known.
The symbol of Aquarius shows the pot with an opening on either side. We see the downpour of
waters from this side of the opening, but we do not see what is happening on the other side
of the opening. As the waters manifest we are able to see, but we are not able to see the
source of its manifestation. The passage from seeming nothingness to apparent something
cannot be known unless the Aquarian Consciousness is gained.
From the Teachings of Sri
K. Parvathi Kumar
Aditi - The Mother of Light and the
Birth of the Twelve Lights
24th September 2011
All Devas emerge from Devi, because She is the original light, the
cosmic light, the light of the world, the primordial light, called Aditi in Veda. Any light
is part of that Light. It is not independent of it, because the Mother is the Light from
which various lights emerge. Aditi gives birth to Adityas, the 12 sons, the 12 solar
principles which give birth to groups of dozens of solar systems.
From the Teachings of
Sri K. Parvathi Kumar
The Tree of Wisdom and the Waters of Life
3rd September 2011
The month of Sagittarius is dedicated to Narayana. Narayana means the
ascending and descending waters of life. The full moon of Sagittarius is the full moon of
Dattatreya, the Lord of Love and Wisdom who moves upon the planet in mysterious forms. Lord
Dattatreya is described as the Lord with three heads and four arms. All avatars of
Dattatreya are also avatars of Ganesha, because Ganesha is Dattatreya on the physical plane.
The Ficus Religiosa is the tree relating to the energy of the teacher, Dattatreya.
the teachings of Sri K. Parvathi Kumar
Expansion and Fulfilment
27th August 2011
The goddess of fullness and joy is called Lakshmi in India, the Mother
of Splendour, and worshipped in golden-yellow. Lakshmi represents wealth, effulgence, good
luck and beauty. The two lotuses stand for the unfoldment into the subjective and objective
light. The elephant stands for wisdom and fullness.
From the teachings of Sri K.
Parvathi Kumar
Scorpio – The Dark Mother
and the Consequences of Blindness
1st August 2011
Secrecy is the keynote of the sign. Oil mines and hidden treasures are
linked up with Scorpio. Wherever there is no possiblity for the sunshine to enter and
wherever there is constant darkness, there is the influence of Scorpio. Disappearance is the
activity of this sign and the house. The disappearance of the light of the soul, through a
gradual fall into matter-state is the proces that occurs here. Suspension of consciousness,
due to the predominance of the material plane on the higher planes is the activity. Death,
loss of consciousness, fainting and coma are caused by the influence of this sign.
E.K.: Spiritual Astrology
The picture shows Kali over the burning oil platform "Deepwater
Horizon" which has sank 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico.
Libra - The Mother with the Tiger
in the Jungle of the City
27th July 2011
In the Vedic tradition they worship the Mother Durga, the dweller of the
threshold. That threshold has to be consciously passed. You recognise the threshold as
Durga, the mother. Unless you are in a program of discharging your karma you will not enter.
Her tiger does not let you in if you don't do your objective work properly. That is why
Durga teaches the related discipline to subjectivity. From plane to plane there is the
threshold. You can only pass unless you have fulfilled the related activity and gained the
related enlightenment. If you walk into greater light without preparation you get back.
Parvathi Kumar, Seminar on “The Significance of the Cardinal Cross”, 2010
Antaryami- The Lord in the Heart
30th July 2011
""Master" means the omnipresent energy. In Sanskrit it is called
Antaryami, The One that dwells in all that is. He is present everywhere, therefore he is
also called omnipresent. That is called by Master CVV THE MASTER. THE MASTER is in you and
me and all.
K. Parvathi Kumar, Nuria 2010
Virgo - Purity and Holiness of Virgin Nature
19th June 2011
The symbol of Virgo is a virgin which denotes purity, holiness and the
sublime nature expressed through the highest concept of motherhood. The Virgin in the Virgo
sign is described as having an ear of corn in one hand and a lamp in the other. The ear of
corn represents her son as the spiritual food of mankind. The lamp is the symbol of
spiritual light of the light in darkness.
Master EK, Spiritual Astrology
Leo - The Mother with the Lion
11th June 2011
The Mother in the form of Parvathi exists even today in Himalayas. She
is the Guiding Star for the Hierarchy. She is the Star of the Sea, the World Mother who
moves along with a lion. In Himalayas from time to time the grand Masters have their
presence through the roar of the lion which accompanies her.
K. Parvathi Kumar, seminar
on Sri Suktam
Cancer – The Crab, the Tortoise and the Beetle
08th May 2011
When the earth begins to tilt back from the highest point of the summer
solstice, the Sun appears to travel sidewise from North to South. Hence it is described as a
crab while passing through this sign. A branch of symbolism represents it as the beetle
which can resurrect a worm into a butterfly. This marks the transformation of matter into
mind, the passage to spirit. The picture illustrates three aspects of the symbolism of this
Gemini - Union Beyond Duality
16th April 2011
According to the ancient Indian tradition, Gemini represents a pair of
supplementaries, subjectivity and objectivity. Subjectivity is called the Lord and
objectivity is called the power of the Lord in relation to his Lady. Gemini is worshipped as
the temple of the Lord at the entrance of which there are two pillars. The picture shows on
three planes, between and above the pillars, Krishna and Radha as a symbol of duality and
May Call Day – Receiving the Energies of Synthesis
21st May 2011
In the book Spiritual Astrology Master EK says that Uranus is the ruler
of the Aquarian energies and that Master CVV had a spark of the metal Uranium emanating from
his heart lotus. The picture symbolically represents the reception of the energies and how
they emanate from the heart centre.
Taurus - Receiving the Milk of Wisdom
11th March 2011
In the Vedas Taurus, the Bull, represents the sound principle. Creation
is also called the roar of the bull whose sound fertilises consciousness. The bull thus also
symbolises the Divine Word which is received by Spiritual Hierarchy in the month of Taurus
as the Plan for the year. Allegorically the bull is represented as Nandi, the vehicle of
Lord Shiva. Incessantly he looks at Lord Shiva who sits there in the form of a lingam. The
picture of the month, "Taurus - Receiving the Milk of Wisdom" illustrates this deep
Aries - The Fire of Life
04th March 2011
The beginning of the year of spring equinox precisely corresponds to the
beginning of the day where symbolically speaking the solar chariot, "drawn by seven horses
like one" appears on the eastern horizon. In eastern wisdom the horse is worshipped as the
vital force and Aries as the head of the horse. Symbolically this is represented by the
horse-headed God Hayagriva. The sound Hayagriva establishes a link between the crown centre
and the ajna centre, by which the spiritual light emerges in us. The picture shows the heads
of seven horses in the glyph of Aries above a radiant sunrise.
The Cosmic Man. Dance of the Light
14th November 2010
Man is an image of the Heavenly Man expressing himself through the
different planes of creation. The zodiac, the solar system, but also our planet earth are
different planes of the Cosmic Man. The picture expresses these planes, and by looking into
the twinkling eyes of the Cosmic Man, we can merge with them.
Pisces – Fusion. Synthesis of Existence
06th November 2010
The two fishes of the sign stand for the two eyes of the World Mother.
Through the eyes the light pours out and they convey the radiance of her grace. It says that
through the eyes a man can receive and convey blessing. The look of a master causes the
birth of the higher man in the lower. When the light descends into us, then it is the One
who sees through our looks. The picture shows the look of the World Mother, surrounded by
two fishes in the circular streaming of the energies of creation.
Aquarius - Eternal Flow of the Sound of Life
30th October 2010
In Sanskrit ether is called "Kam"; it is a sound which brings us out of
limitations and stabilises us in the etheric existence. The sun god Apollo with his
seven-stringed lyre is a symbol for the penetration of all planes of creation with sound,
from the unmanifest to the dense physical form. On the picture Apollo holds his lyre and the
Aquarian pot from which the etheric currents pour out through space and bring unfoldment on
all planes.
Capricorn - Celebrating the Dawn of the Year
17th October 2010
With winter solstice the light in the northern hemisphere starts to
increase again, and therefore we speak of the dawn of the years. At the time of dawn the
buds of the inner flowers can more easily orient to spiritual light and unfold, especially
during Capricorn. For at this time the sun rays contain a spiritual quality which is poured
out over the beings of earth and thus spirit meets man through the soul. The five-pointed
star is the sign of the descent of spirit for the ascent of the souls. The meeting
symbolically happens on the mountain top which the sign of Capricorn represents. Receiving
the energies in group form is particularly effective. The picture illustrates this encounter
with picture elements from group meetings of the WTT at the Guru Pooja in Visakhapatnam,
India, and Mount Kailash, which stands for the planetary entrance of spiritual energies.
Sagittarius - Shooting up, Pouring down
9th October 2010
Each year the month of Sagittarius offers us a big opportunity for
ascent if we focus our attention to shoot up. On a daily basis we experience the energy of
Sagittarius during the two hours before dawn, they are regarded as the best time for all
spiritual exercises. With the right alignment we can use the energy of Sagittarius to ascend
from the higher base centre through the spiritual column of Sushumna within the vertebral
column. The picture illustrates this focused ascent and how through invoking the energies
from higher circles pour down via the soul.
Scorpio - Eagle and Serpent
4th September 2010
The great symbols of Scorpio are the serpent and the eagle. The serpent
represents time, its downward movement leads to the densification of matter veiling and
hiding the soul. If this force is directed upwards it becomes a winged serpent and an eagle
of Light soaring up to the Divine. An initiate is compared with a winged serpent or an
eagle, for he has transformed the scorpion and liberated himself from all poisonous, harmful
inner tendencies. The picture shows the ascent of the serpent and the eagle rising to the
divine Light.
The Lotus of the Soul
14th August 2010
On higher planes Venus is the ruler of Libra in order to manifest pure
love through the unfoldment of the lotus of the soul. The heart lotus appears like a
twelve-petalled lotus, with four triangles placed one above the other in different
directions. Through the central channel the energy beyond flows vibrating like OM. The
picture is inspired by the description of the heart lotus in the book of Sri Kumar, "The
Teacher - Meaning and Significance", N° 46.
Libra – Balancing the Higher and the Lower Pole
08th August 2010
Libra begins with the autumn equinox. Its sign represents the horizontal
bar of the scales, the balancing of the pairs of opposites. It also stands for a bird with
spread out wings which don't touch the horizontal plane of the earth - the bird is always
floating above creation. The colour of Libra for the man on the lower plane is red, for a
disciple on the path violet, and later a mixture of blue and pure white. Venus is the ruler
in worldly and spiritual matters, Saturn is the teacher and its esoteric ruler is Uranus.
The picture illustrates the different symbols of the sign.
Virgo - The Light in Matter
18th July 2010
Virgo stands for the seed of slow maturing and deep transformation. She
carries in one hand an ear of corn, symbol of nourishing through the grains of wisdom, and
in the other a lamp, the light of wisdom. As the Mother of the World she is surrounded by a
rainbow as a veil. The picture shows the virgin as a part of a blossom of a lily. The lily,
symbol of purity, is based on the number 6 and has 6 petals, just as Virgo is the sixth sign
of the zodiac. In the soil there is the seed which might bring manifold fruit in future.
Unfoldment - The Heart of Man - The Heart of Space
11th July 2010
The picture: Unfoldment - The Heart of Man - The Heart of Space is
inspired by "Occult Meditations" 57.
Leo – The Mother on the Lion
27th June 2010
The sign of Leo is related to the heart centre. It is the seat of the
pulsating principle of life in us, whose movement is also called the song of life or the
roar of the lion. In the east it is symbolically presented as the Divine Mother on the lion.
The Spiritual Hierarchy is the planetary heart centre, thus Leo full moon is also celebrated
as the future festival of Hierarchy. The picture shows the "Mother on the Lion" in front of
the cave of the heart formed by the symbol of Leo, three Great Ones of Hierarchy as well as
the symbol of the sun, the ruler of the sign.
Cancer – Mother and Child
24th May 2010
The sign of Cancer stands for the mother and the birth of the souls into
matter. The mother is the light of consciousness. If we forget this light, we lose ourselves
in matter. The teacher helps us to keep the connection with the light. In India Cancer full
moon is therefore celebrated as the full moon of the world teacher. The painting "Cancer -
Mother and Child" represents the descent and ascent of the soul, the solar angel.
Gemini – Distribution
15th May 2010
The month of Gemini serves for the distribution of the energies received
through Aries and Taurus from Shamballa via the Hierarchy to humanity. Gemini full moon is
the full moon of humanity and of group initiation. The hierarchy guides humanity to become
intelligent servers and to devote their lives more and more to the selfless service of the
Transmission – Anchoring
01st May 2010
Taurus – Vaisakh Full Moon
25th April 2010
The Great Ones
26th March 2010
Becoming an Apple, for others to Eat
23rd March 2010
The apple tree is a symbol of the selfless distributions of its fruits.
The painting "Becoming an apple for others to eat" shows the way of the apple from the seed
via the flower to the fruit.
Metamorphosis –
from personality to the soul / consciousness,
the super-soul / universal consciousness,
the Mother of the World
20th March 2010
Messengers of Synthesis
16th March 2010
Serpent Flower
14th March 2010
Lingam of the Heart Lotus
23rd February 2010
Music of the Soul – Full Moon
29th December 2009
Planetary Healing Meditation
27th December 2009
Fire Ritual
26th December 2009
The Avatar of Synthesis coming from Sirius to Earth via Uranus
25th December 2009
The Lord of the Violet Flame and Chintamani
24th December 2009
The Energy of Synthesis
22th December 2009
Spring Awakening - Silent Joy, Jubilating
18th December 2009
The Hidden Flower - born nine months later. Night
18. December 2009
The Birth of the Soul / Venus
from out of Space / Ether / Jupiter
and Time / Matter / Saturn
15th December 2009
Descent of the Avatar from Sirius to Earth via the Comet
13th December 2009
Dance of the Flying Serpents - the Initiates - around the World
03rd December 2009
Kundalini Ascent: Higher Bridge Beginning
November 2009
Adoration of the Sun, through the 5 Elements
09th November 2009
These paintings can be spread
and used for making the
Wisdom Teachings accessible
to interested people.
» Ludger Philips: "Paintings"