Book Presentation
Dwelling and the Indweller
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

The human body is a house in which we live. We also create a home for the body. We would like to live well in our body and also comfortably in the house. Therefore, the house and our life should be arranged according to natural basic patterns. An unhealthy body is not a comfortable home for the soul; and an uncomfortable house is a problem for the inhabitants. If the body constrains the soul, the soul does not feel comfortable in it. The house likewise, should serve us well and not constrict our life energies.
The booklet "Dwelling and the Indweller" is based on the teachings given out by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar at Pr. Oldendorf, Germany, in 1993 and during the inauguration of Nandanavana at Mysore, India in 2017.
Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2022
To enter into a form and to live therein, is a science by itself. The form cannot be built in any which way, as we like. If so done, it does not give us the related joy or happiness. Likewise, we cannot live in the form as we like if we wish to derive the bliss of living in the form. We should know that when we are building a house, we are building a form into which we enter, to experience. We built this human form, and we started living in it. We enter into the womb of the mother and it is there that we build our form. After building the form completely, we try to experience. Be it building a city, or a house or the human form, the understanding is the same.According to the ancient understanding, a house is no different from the house of the consciousness, namely, the human body. The human body is a house, in which we live. The body is given with a view to enable the Soul to experience.
It is to experience an abode, that man builds a house. The instinct comes from within himself. The human body is the house for the Soul and the house we build externally is the house for the human body and the Soul. We all would like to live comfortably in the house called human body. Likewise, we build houses to live comfortably therein. To live comfortably in the human body, we need to observe certain rules. Similarly, to live comfortably in the house, there is a requirement to observe certain rules of construction and living therein.
The human body is built up with five elements. So also the house. The way we function with the human body, has its correlation to the way we have to function with the house. An unhealthy human body is not a comfortable abode for the Soul. Likewise, an uncomfortable house causes a lot of inconvenience to the ones who stay in it. Please note that the abode which we call the human body and the abode which we call the house have many correspondences.
The human body is made by certain intelligences, the intelligences of nature. The effort of human being is to build the house also in tune with such a pattern. The ancient wisdom relating to building houses was more out of their understanding of the human frame. For example, the human is considered to be septenary, represented by a triangle over the square. Likewise, he started building houses as triangle over a square. The triangle represents that which is the immortal and divine aspect in man, and the square represents the mortal aspect. Thus, in man, there is a part which is immortal and a part which is mortal. Based on the same principle, since ancient times, houses have been built as a triangle over the square. Most of the houses have a triangular roof and a square base, which is now slowly disappearing into square blocks. Square blocks do not enable the invocation of energies into the house.
The subtle energies, which are in the atmosphere, find their attraction towards projections into the atmosphere. When there is a projection into the atmosphere as a convergence, it enables the descent of subtle energies into the grosser plane. It is for this reason, temples all over the planet are built with a triangular roof. It is so with any place of worship, be it a church, a temple, or a synagogue. As a principle, any building that requires invocation of energies was built with an excellent projection into the atmosphere or space. Sharper the tip, greater is the ability to draw subtle energy to the grosser plane. That is how the cupolas and the domes have come up as a part of building architecture. Such is the comparison between the human frame and the ancient understanding of the building architecture.
The triangular part in the human being is considered to be the head and the square part is from the throat up to the feet. One's body is of no use if the triangular part is missing. Without the head, one is a square block! With this analogy, we better understand the energy system of a house with only a square block. It does not enable energies to pierce through if it is a square block without a triangular structure over it.