Book Presentation
Hanuman - An Introduction
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

The book ‘Hanuman: An Introduction‘ presents a few dimensions relating to Hanuman, collected from various teachings given by Dr K. Parvathi Kumar.
Content: Introduction; Antiquity of Hanuman & Root Races; Hanuman; Birth of Hanuman; Maruti and Vali; Maruti receives the title “Hanuman”; Hanuman and Ramayana; Hanuman and Mahabharata; Hanuman and Music; Kanchana Varna & Vajra Sareera; Worship of Hanuman; Hanuman and Prana; Hanuman, the Sadguru; Appendix - Hanuman Chalisa.
Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2019
2. Antiquity of Hanuman and Root RacesThe story of Ramayana has the story of three races embedded in it, which no typical scholar could describe. The Kama-Rupas or the monkey forms are from the Lemurian race. Ravana and his clan are from the Atlantean Race. Lord Rama is from the Aryan Race. Ramayana is a story relating to three races and all are from different Manvantaras, but all on one platform. Only those who have the esoteric keys can explain it.
Madame Blavatsky could see all this and express because she could turn inward. Madame Blavatsky had a tremendous support coming to her, from one of the grandest Masters of Wisdom and she had unwavering faith in him. She demonstrated so many subjective and objective adventures. She upheld all that is true and valuable and destroyed all that is false. She said, “I have not yet met a Brahmin scholar who knows the true import of Ramayana''. A typical Brahmin would feel offended when he reads such statements, because he thinks he knows, he discourses, and he does so many things about the Scripture, not knowing what it is!
A root race relates to the beginning of a race. From the culmination of a race, there is the beginning of the next race. It is the same crop coming up to another seed. The personality, the form, the outer vehicular manifestation may be new, but as Souls we have the same identities. Through evolution, we have gained different forms. It is like, even when we change our dresses, we remain the same.
Our identity is same. Our personality is the clothing of the Soul. The personality is needed for the Soul to experience and evolve. Without it, the Soul has no possibility to experience.
Currently, the fifth or the Aryan race is in evolution. In the first 3 races, it was the time for the Soul to prepare the form in its completeness. In the fourth race, it is complete. In the fifth, there is evolution. The planet is in existence for 30 million years. It went through its own changes six times thus far. Many continents emerged, that were in water before. What we see as Pacific Ocean was once a huge continent. Likewise, there was Atlantis. There was a time when there was no Europe. Everything constantly changes in nature. The story of man on this planet is 18 million years old.
The first race is the sweat-born, the initial phase. It is known as Swetha Dweepa and its inhabitants, the White Islanders. The second is the emergence of the two-fold beings, the egg-born, androgynous beings. This root race is known as Hyperborean race. In the third root race, there are three stages of development. First stage is the left and right divided in the higher throat centre and in the second stage there was development of the two sexes. In the third stage, the two-fold beings became separate beings. The third root race is known as the Lemurian race, the fourth Atlantean and now, the fifth root race is known as the Aryan root race.
Hanuman belongs to the Lemurian age. The Lemurians are all immortal beings. If they wish they can manifest. If they wish to disappear, they can. For them there is no death. In the Lemurian time, there was no death. Because man was only of three aspects- Sat, Chit and Ananda. Third root race means they have three qualities - they are existing; they know they are existing and they are blissful. They have all the power. Sat, Chit and Ananda, the triple aspect was the state of the beings in the Lemurian Age.
In the Atlantean times, they have taken to the fourth principle- self will, self desire and now we also carry the same thing. He (the Creator) said to the created being, “you know everything, you have the truth, so do what you like”. That is where, in the later part of the third root race and the early part of the fourth root race, people started using the will. There were some who were using the will for their benefit, and there were some who were using it for others benefit. Those who pursued it for themselves are represented by the Ravana and his clan. they destroyed themselves by their own behaviour.
Hanuman belongs to the Lemurian age which lived much before the Atlanteans. Though he lived during the time of Rama, his existence is from times much earlier. During the Lemurian time, all humans were Kama-Rupas. All those mentioned as monkeys in the Ramayana, especially the major ones, whom we call Mahaviras were Kama-Rupi. Kama-Rupi means, they could take to any form, through Yoga. They were ‘Vanaras’, meaning ‘Vishistha Naras’, the special ones among the ‘Naras’ (the indestructible ones). That is what the man of this age wishes to achieve: to have a form of light and be able to take to any shape or form as required.
Lemurians existed on a vast expanse of land. What we call the Indian ocean today, was also a big piece of land at that time. Pacific and Indian ocean together were part of Lemurian land. The western part of USA like California, Mexico etc. were a part of Lemuria. California is therefore, one of the ancient most lands like India. Even today, the land of India vibrates with Lemurian energies.