Book Presentation
"Health and Harmony"
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

Ethics are the need of the present times. Just like a magnet transmits its energies to the surrounding iron pieces with or without its touch, a healer also can transmit energies with or without his touch. Just as magnets are used for the release of blocked energies, magnetic healing energies can also be transmitted to clear congestions, blockages, and even tumors. Sickness is generally due to a blockage of life energies. When such blockages are cleared, health is the result.
In 60 articles by Dr. K. P. Kumar the book “Health and Harmony” presents practical and helpful aspects of healing.
The World Teacher Trust-Global, Dhanishta, 2008, ISBN 978-3-9523145-9-3
6. A Few Dimensions of Disease and CureHealers, natural practitioners, and physicians may ponder over the following with open-mindedness:
Disease is purifying in effect. The health system within the human constitution naturally throws out the discomfort, which is seen as sickness. Symptoms of sickness are only messages of the effort of the inner auto-healing mechanism. The cure shall have to be assistant to this auto-healing system.
Cure and healing are peculiar to humanity. Humanity contacts more diseases than the plant and the animal. This is because sickness has its origin in mind, which is the speciality of man. Therefore the cure has to be more psychological than physical. This needs greater attention from the health helpers.
Disease is a process of liberation from the static state of energy. This statement needs to be thought over. Disease makes energy dynamic. A disturbance to the static state would bring in a new balance when the disturbance is met with. Many times, after cure, the patient looks more tender and radiant. The seers see disease as a means of liberation.
Disease is the state of disharmony and absence of alignment. Such disharmony exists all over. But man has to find harmony in conflict. This is gained through right understanding, right attitude and right action.
Man’s approach to disease should be positive. He should gain right understanding of disease and even of death. Ignorant fight with disease is not wisdom. Fighting with disease can energize the disease.
Disease should be cured more from the psychological and emotional angles than from the symptomatic angles. Cure has to be attempted more from the inner side of man than from the outer side. From within outwards, from more important limbs to less important limbs, from above downwards are some of the deeper cures, not the other way round. From this angle curing skin diseases requires keen attention.