Book Presentation
Light upon Death. Overseas Messages VIII
by Dr Ekkirala Krishnamacharya

Content: Light upon Death; The Way to Samadhi; The Occultism of Zodiac; The Science of Reincarnation; The Concept of Zero; God, Love and Sacrifice; Healing and Healers; Preparation for Death.
Kulapathi Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, India 2019
Light upon DeathWe have created many hells and heavens that will be there after death. But remember, the hells of all religions and the heavens of all religions, they are all seen and worked out by people who have not yet died! So, man stood on the one side of death and discussed about death, and discussed about the life on the other side of death and created his own heavens and his own hells. As a result of which, a staunch Hindu will experience a Hindu death; a Christian experiences a Christian death, whereas a Buddhist experiences a Buddhistic death. For example, a holy pious Christian, suppose he is going to die, in the last moments when the consciousness is merging into God, he sees a brilliant Cross and winged angel showering flowers and taking the fellow into the Cross; a staunch Hindu before he is closing his eyes, he sees a big buffalo on the back of which there is a stalwart person called the Lord of Death coming directly and throwing a noose and picking up the astral body and packing up in his bag and going away; a pious Buddhist, while going, he sees Golden Lord Buddha above and this fellow is being lifted by Buddhist monks lifting to the feet of Buddha.
There is truth in every type of death. But the wonder of truth is, it appears to everyone according to his own understanding of truth. That is the versatility of truth. Everyone works out his own concept about truth and that is his truth and it serves as his solution. It solves his problems and the other man has no right to say that it is not true. This is the truth about truth. No, it is not humorous, just think over the matter. I am just presenting to you the whole purview of human ability to understand truth. We have two theories. One is life after death going to God or waiting until the Day of Judgment, and then there is the Judgment of what all we have done is considered and we are given the due position into the next position of life. This is one aspect which carries much truth but which should be studied carefully in a scientific way.
When we leave the body, there are many layers and we leave layer after layer when we die. This is observed by a Master of wisdom. After leaving the physical body, we have some more layers which are with us. Some part is broken on the physical plane but fellow exists with many more vehicles. The outer most vehicle which we call the physical body will be broken first. But there is the second layer which we call the etheric body which is made up of lines of force just as the physical magnet has another invisible magnet in it, which is made up of lines of force which can be seen only by experimenting with iron dust. Just as the physical magnet is different from the invisible magnet, the physical body is different from the body of forces.
So, after the physical body is broken, we still exist in the etheric body for some time. But many of us see only the physical death and we say the person is dead. We look at the remnant called the corpse and we express our feelings and sentiments looking at the body and thinking of the person. The person is not there. The memory is there and he lives only in our memory but there is some duration after the death of the physical body and it takes further layers, the layer of memories. It suspends for some time and then after a series of layers like this, there is what is called the real man, whom we can call the 'I AM' inside.
This includes two aspects. One is called soul, the other is called spirit. This is as far as it is common to all the scriptures. This is not belonging to any religion. Remember that scriptures do not belong to any religion though they are ignorantly owned or possessed by religious people. If you go to the spirit and try to understand it as the purest of our existence, we will be disappointed. We miserably fail because there is nothing there except what is there in the space between you and me. So, the content of space, the indweller of space, when it begins to exist in our consciousness, as long as this vehicle is there, as long as all the vehicles are there, it exists there. When all the vehicles are destroyed, it exists. It is not destroyed.