Book Presentation
Merry Life Day. The 26th of July
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

On 26th July 2021, Master K. Parvathi Kumar gave an inspiring and insightful talk on the Merry Life Day and the energy of Master CVV. As a part of the talk, he laid out aspects relating to Plenty of Prana and how Master CVV has ushered in the Aquarian speed into the process of spiritual evolution of humanity. The wisdom talk links up various facets of wisdom between the five pranas, their regulation, the symbolism of the Eagle, the importance of the order bestowed by 7th Ray, the yoga aphorisms of Patanjali, the related practices and the energy of Master CVV Yoga.
The text of this booklet is based on this lecture of Dr K. Parvathi Kumar about “Merry Life Day''. It is a message to be cheerful in life. To be cheerful is an essential quality for any person to progress in their path of life, and much more so in the path of discipleship.
Sadguru Tapovana Bengaluru, India 2024
Master CVV has declared this day, the 26th of July as the day of Merry Life. In the year 1910 on this day, the Master was able to link up the Cosmic, Solar and Planetary “Kundalini” in the aspirants who relate to the Aquarian age, the sound of CVV. It was a grand achievement in relation to the energy that descended into him around March 1910 which you all know.On 30th March 1910, he received the influx of the cosmic Energy, which the Master distributed to the disciples on 29th May 1910, naming it “The May Call day”. On the 26th of July, Master was able to utilize the energy to link up the Pranic principle in all three planes of existence. the Cosmic, Solar, and planetary energy with the Kundalini of the individual aspirants.
It is the first of its kind in this planet to enable the spiritual evolution of the Humanity on this planet and also the spiritual evolution of the other planets. This is considered an important day that has to be recollected and remembered to pay homage to the Grand Master CVV. To feel the pranic principle in the Head, in the upper part and in the Lower, and also in the Beings in relation to the three planes.
I, therefore, talk about the energy and how it relates to the Cosmic, Solar and Planetary energies. It is the opening of doors to life from muladhara to sahasrara. We have to function on this, to know about the existence of the same in all the seven centres of our body. The chief centre happens to be the Heart for the Life principle. The Energies of Master CVV enable us to link up the pulsating principle which functions from the Centre of muladhara to the pulsation principle which functions at the Heart centre and it is considered the first link-up.
The second link-up enables the pulsating principle to further link up to the ajna centre. The third link-up is from ajna to the sahasrara centre. The three links that we gain relate to the pranic principle, which enables us to permeate into the surroundings. That is what the Master intended to work with our life force in the path of Yoga.
We should know that we, as souls, relate to the body which is physical, subtle and causal. We have to link the body through the life principle, as the Life principle exists in the physical body. It exists at the physical, subtle and also at the causal plane.
Life enables us to link up to the body that the Soul begets. Either at the physical, subtle or causal planes. The Soul has another thread which is called the thread of awareness. It is also called the thread of Life. The two threads by which we function in life. The thread of awareness enables us to fulfil the purpose of our life. The thread of life enables us to hold ourselves steadily in the body so that we can conduct life's purposes.