Book Presentation
"Overseas Messages Vol. 2"
by Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya

Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya (Master E.K.) toured the European countries seven times during the period
1972 to 1983. He gave lectures at various places at the request of the groups. The 2nd volume of
“Overseas Messages” contains a collection of seminar transcriptions from lectures given in Europe in
the early 80ies.. Master E.K.'s teachings continue to inspire even years after his departure from the
Content: Advanced Astrology, Discipleship in the Modern Age, Spiritual Life,
Journey of the Soul (The Evolution of Consciousness).
Kulapati Book Trust Visakhapatnam, India, 2006
(339 p.)
ISBN: 81-85943-24-9
- Book order information
- About the Author
- We have a few English copies to distribute for free.
Advanced Spiritual Astrology: Planets and Karma (extract)In the horoscope there are two types of planets, there are the speedy planets and there are the slow planets. The speedy planets indicate the first type of results of karma and the slow planets indicate the second type of karma. So from Jupiter onwards all the other planets are called slow planets; they are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Mainly these are the planets that are called the slow planets, causing the deeper and the long standing plan of karma.
Evolution expects you that you should enter from the first type of planning into the second type of planning. So it goes on exposing you to situations that require your attempt because you will grow only with your attempt. So we have the positive reaction to planets and the negative reaction to planets. As long as we are in the first three lower planes, planets give us the natural good results and we are also exposed to unfavourable conditions. And when we respond to the polarities, we show two types of reaction to planets, they are the positive and the negative reactions. For example, the Sun in your horoscope indicates will-power, your power to decide. Your capacity to make changes in life. But in the first three planes, you may show the negative aspect of will. That is what is called obstinacy. Generally obstinacy is understood as will. People oppose others, criticize others and disobey others. They call it will-power. But that is lack of will-power and a negative and false image of will-power. Real people of will-power are very polite and they have no opposition with anyone in this world. That is those who have the first ray activity as the soul ray.
The Moon in your horoscope should give you the power of mind, that is the quickness in thinking. It has its negative aspects that is inconsistency, lack of continuity of purpose and change. The fellow cannot do any one work for one hour. That is how one reacts negatively to Moon. We have the positive trait of Mars, it is called courage. It is the drive of a person. It has its negative aspect, the risk mind. That is he always likes to take a risk (The born gambler). And we have the positive trait of Mercury, intelligence. It has its negative aspect, cunning nature. That is to try to find out the defects in others and take advantage of it. Also one of the positive traits is, he has the capacity to compare the various sciences, and find out what is common. Its negative aspect is, contrasting. That is if he sees two persons he tries to estimate who is worse than the other. That is he finds the differences between persons. He has always differences of opinion with anyone.
Next it is the ancient wisdom which never changes. That is the secret of creation and nature that is what is known by the grace of Jupiter. The negative trait that you find is pride, that is the ego that he knows many things. And he has also self confidence. He knows how he is correct. Another negative trait is also there, foolishness. That is he believes that whatever he thinks is true. Actually Jupiter is the lord of extravagance, not greediness. And also he is the lord of happy and decent living. The negative traits are extravagance. Generally the negative Jupiterians are those who spend away what they have and who eat and drink too much. They suffer from digestive problems. In the order of week days I have put it.
Then comes Venus, he gives you the pure divine love. In the negative side he gives indulgence, that is sensuous nature, he lives in his senses. That is, he wants to indulge in sensuous pleasures. And then comes Saturn. He gives you good order and discipline. The negative trait he gives is faultfinding, the negative side of discipline. He expects discipline from others and he is too indisciplined. So these are the positive and negative traits.
Whenever he responds to the negative traits, he will experience suffering either from the society or through the food and drink or through the disturbances of health or unfavourable circumstances. In anyway he experiences the result of his wrong reaction. If it belongs to the immediate karma he experiences it immediately. But if it belongs to the long standing karma he will experience it upto old age, if it belongs to Saturn, because Saturn is the lord of old age. But if it belongs to Saturn, Uranus and Neptune and Pluto, he will experience the results in the next birth, because no human body can live as long as the higher planets complete one cycle in the zodiac.
When the karma belongs to the higher planets the results will be waiting in the next birth. And they will be in the form of tendencies, to make defects in eating and drinking, when the results will be experienced as ill-health. Or if the results belong to a very very deep nature, the fellow will be attracted to unhealthy parents and he will get the hereditary diseased condition congenetally. And he will suffer from sickness frequently. In this sense, planets are called bad and good. But every painful experience gives its expected wisdom to the person and offers a good opportunity to change the tendencies that are there by birth. When the change is made, the wrong reaction will be neutralised. When we begin to enter into the Buddhic plane, the negative reaction will be very rapidly eliminated.
So from the time we enter the Buddhic plane, the progress is very very rapid. Until then it is very difficult. The change is compared by Patanjali like this. Suppose you are climbing up a see-saw mechanism with a very heavy weight on your back. As you approach the centre, it will become very difficult for you to climb up. And again and again you will slide back, because of your weight. But when once you cross the fulcrum, your weight will help you progress on the other direction. Such a change takes place when you have entered into the fourth plane of consciousness. Then you will react with the planets only in the favourable way. Before that time the planets are controlling you. After that time the planets are advising you and helping you. So thank you all!