Book Presentation
"Saraswathi - The Word"
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

The seers of old considered the manifestations of consciousness to be the work of the Word. Many
filthy words occupy the present languages, and we are even distorting the words. When we express, our quality
becomes visible. The knowledge related to utterance is one of the 7 keys to the Truth. For this reason the
Hierarchy is interested in introducing the mantrams and the seed sounds. In the book "Saraswathi - the Word" Dr.
K. Parvathi Kumar explains on the basis of the Saraswathi Hymn, how sounds work out an alchemical transformation
in us, when we are listening to them while uttering forth appropriately.
Dhanishtha Publishing House,
Visakhapatnam, India 2003.
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- About the Author
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- We have a few English copies to distribute for free.
IntuitionThere is a way, an intelligent way to work with thought. It is to imagine.
Regular imagination, deep, intense imagination, leads to visualization. It is not day dreaming. Day dreamers have neither the will nor the constancy. Seldom they work with the will, much less they can direct the will.
Imagination is scientific. All scientists are imaginative. Jules Verne, Madam Curie, Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein, etc. all were imaginative. Imagination is the basis of all creativity. “Imagine, visualize and create" are the instructions for White Magic. Every scientist is deeply and intensely imaginative. His intense, focused imagination knocks the door of intuition. An idea flashes forth and then invention is made. That is the process of White Magic with a scientist. Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi and the like, are social scientists. Their intense and focused concern for the well being of the society unfolded the means to work for social welfare. Jesus Christ, Buddha, Pythagoras, Moses, Zarathustra and the like, are spiritual scientists. In any field of activity, imaginative thoughts can lead to function intuitively. The intuitive function is the function of the soul!
I hope some of you have read the book written by Richard Bach "Jonathan Livingston Seagull". In that book, Jonathan was told by his Teacher: "If you wish to be on that mountain peak, you are there". Jonathan asked: "How is it possible?” The Teacher said: "It is possible. Close your eyes and think that you are there". Jonathan thought. Then the Teacher said: "Open your eyes" and Lo! Jonathan was on the peak! Such is the beauty of the velocity of the Word, when we know how to work with it as thought.
Sitting in meditation, one can reach the centres relating to the body, also the centres anywhere on the planet and the centres anywhere in the solar system. One can permeate the solar system. Permeation, again, is essentially the quality of the soul, which we are. We are the soul and we have bodies, but we live under a mistaken identity. Our's is ‘a case of mistaken identity'. We limit ourselves by our name, form, colour, race, nationality, language etc. We build them, fortify them and hold them close to us. Consequently, we are held by them, then it is limitation. Limitation is what we create for ourselves.
Let us use the gift of velocity of thought and try to permeate into the subtle Existence. Imagination, visualization, intuitional functioning are focusing exercises. It is also a technique of meditation among others. In meditation, it is not enough to just sit. Meditation also suggests an action, kriya.
The import of kriya is action. When we close our eyes to contemplate, there has to be some kind of action, for example: the application of the mind upon respiration or upon a thought; focusing upon the sacred centres within us like Shambala, which is the top of our head (Sahasrara), or on Ajña (Brow Centre) or on Visuddhi (Throat Centre) or on Anahata (Heart Centre). We do not allow the thought to move vaguely. During a time span of 15 to 20 minutes we close our eyes to remain in silence. How many of us are able to focus upon a sacred centre either within ourselves or outside? Focusing within is considered more advantageous.
Shambala is in the Gobi Desert and it is also the cap of our head. The Himalayas and all the ashrams relating to the Himalayas are in our Heart Centre (Anahata). The South Pole corresponds to our Base Centre (Muladhara), the Equator, to our navel. We can dwell in akasha or in the ether by being in the Visuddhi or Throat Centre. We need to focus on something while we are in contemplation, because the thought enables us to be there in a split second.
In India we have an effective instruction to be give to the students of meditation. It is a bit harsh to listen to, but effective. It is as follows: "When you sit in meditation, do not move like a stray dog. A stray dog has no program. It goes from house to house, gets beaten and keeps licking its wounds. A trained dog is alert. If you are a trained dog, you can listen and make contacts at a farther distance. If you close your eyes and allow the thought to move as it likes, you are still a stray dog. Please, do not apply this example to others, apply it to yourself”.
Kriya yoga means yoga relating to action. Action here is mental, mentally we have to apply ourselves either upon respiration or upon sound or upon a spiritual symbol or upon the beautiful decorated form of a deity, or upon the smiling face of a Master. The mind has to be engaged in action with something relating to buddhic or even higher planes. Meditation is also a mental action of observation of thoughts. Master CVV and Lord Krishna suggest such observation. In any case, meditation is not vague sitting. Master D.K. suggests to keep the mind receptive (to higher, nobler things/thoughts). Thus, meditation is Kriya. Non-doing is the happening of the mind but cannot be a proposal of the mind. Please think it over again and again.…
Intuition is the other name for 'Electric Hint'. It happens in a split second, like a flash. Our antenna (the crown of the brain) works better, stands as a good receptor of intuitional flashes for the brain cells. The flash happens and one knows that it is true even though there seems to be no logic behind it.
Scientists who were innovators followed their intuition. When man intuitively discovers something, he proceeds because he knows, even if it takes time for the masses to realize the truth. At all times there are only a few who can understand intuitive work. After an intuitive person dies, people write volumes about him, make a golden calf of him and worship him. Anyway they do not follow the teachings! This pattern has been demonstrated repeatedly by humanity.