Book Presentation
"Saturn - The Path to Systematized Growth"
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

Saturn is the deepest of the 7 planetary principles. In the Indian Scriptures he is called "the
Old Man". Through him we receive the things that we don't like, because that which we don't like is nothing but
our limitation. He gives a small dose of dislike and sees how we work with it. When we accept it, he gives a
bigger dose. If we can still accept more, he gives a bigger does. When we completely accept things, Saturn is
pleased with us and places us in the hands of Venus. Saturn removes the walls that are built around us, by us,
by our own mind.
Content: How it is / how it is becoming; Saturn Rings
Illusion-Protection; Time; Saturn and the Planets; Transformation; The Path of Narayana; Karma; Death and
Dhanishtha Publishing House, Visakhapatnam, India 2001.
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Chap. 3: TIME. (extract): The Time SenseThe time sense of man is governed by Saturn. Man is made to wait by his own limitation. We say: “I am late." When we say that we are late or early, it is relative to a pre-fixed time. Suppose, that we fix our breakfast at 9 o' clock in the morning. If we reach the dining table at 8.30 a.m., we say that we are early, and if we reach at 9.30 a.m. We say that we are late. Whether late or early, it is relative to a time point fixed by us. Now, suppose that we have not fixed a time point, then there is no such thing as late or early. That is why there is one spiritual statement, which says: "There is no such thing as delay'. Delay is when we expect an event to happen in a particular time, and relative to that expectation there is delay.
Suppose that we have fixed a time point to go to the beach at 4 o'clock and if we reach at 4.30 p.m. we feel: “Oh! We have delayed." The feeling of delay is arising out of a prior fixation, by a prior expectation. If there is no expectation, there is no delay. Where there is expectation there is delay. Where there is expectation, there is disappointment; thus, it works relatively. The time sense of man is also governed by Saturn.
Delay, Disappointments and Obstacles
Suppose, that while we are sitting here, recapitulating the teachings on Saturn, a Saturnine person comes. This person delays our reading of Saturn, we get disturbed by it and start thinking: "Why should this person come without prior appointment; he has put himself between us and the teachings of Saturn”. We grow impatient, but we should remember that he is Saturn! It is Saturn! It is the original Saturn visiting and sitting with us, showing us what Saturn is. We cannot ignore the live teachings taught in life.
Saturn is the one who teaches us the Law of Acceptance. Accept that which comes. Man is made to wait by his own limitations. Saturn will see whether we like to wait or not. If we don’t like to wait, he will make us wait more. That is Saturn. If we like waiting he will say: "Okay, you need not wait." He always works from the opposite angle. Delay, disappointments and obstacles present themselves to the mind of man through the effect of Saturn.
Suppose we go to the airport to catch an Indian Airlines flight. On the telephone they say that the flight may land, that the flight may not land, that the flight may be delayed by three hours. After reaching the airport, they will tell us that the flight is definitely delayed by three hours. What we do in such moments is, try to criticise the airline, the crew, our telephone system, and through that criticism we become weak and exhausted. To a child it makes no difference whether the flight is two or three hours late. We are disgusted with three hours delay, but the child is not, and he keeps playing during those three hours in the airport.
In India it is very common that when we go to the railway station the train will be delayed by two to three hours. The Indian railway stations are very ill-organised, and we get really bored, but to a child it is not so, because to the child the concept of delay does not exists. It keeps playing. If a child does not play, it is not a child. So, when we are mindful of the delay, we feel the delay more. Suppose that the train is three hours late, we can take a book and read, and the delay does not exist to us. Or we take to a corner and sleep, the delay does not exist to us anymore.
It is an aspect of Saturn to work ourselves up more and more through the delay and disappointment. When we try to progress in life, there will be so many obstacles on the way, and we get disgusted with them. We get depressed, and irritated, we become angry - all these states of mind arise from our inability to accept the situation. Accepting, is the positive way of working with Saturn. If we accept, he will clear the mental block. If we don’t accept, the mental block will be more. That which is inevitable, when accepted, will be more in tune with us. When we do not accept it, we are in opposition with it, so it breeds greater fighting and the related consequence is the loss of energy.
Delay, disappointment and obstacles present themselves to the mind of man through the effect of Saturn. There are people who cannot wait a minute. They are totally disturbed when they are made to wait a minute. To such people, more and more waiting is the encounter, and the more they wait, the more they suffer. But if we accept waiting, then there is the natural law that we will not have much to wait at all. That is how it works.