Book Presentation
Sound and Colour (Overseas Message, Vol. 12)
by Dr. E. Krishnamacharya

There are mainly seven colours producing many colours. If you study the classical music of the scripture, there are seven scales of sound called the musical scales. The utterance of the sacred word in the beginning of this creation was done as the expression of the first three colours and sounds or the expression resulted in the externalization of the first three colours or the first three sounds.
Dr E. Krishnamacharya (Master EK) gave many discourses during his tours to Europe which are profound and enlightening. This 12th and last volume of Overseas Messages, “Sound and Colour”, contains 7 lectures on various topics.
Content: Sound and Colour; Homeopathy and Ayurveda; Spiritual Healing and Ayurveda; What I know of My Master; Health, Hope and Positive thinking; Astro, Homeo Healing; Illness in the Transition
Kulapathi Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, India 2020 .
Sound and ColourSo, now let us read the sentences of the Master. How the meditation on the golden yellow colour saves and protects us? Unless we know the value at least to some extent, we cannot appreciate the need of the meditation. Unless we appreciate it, we are not pleased to follow the path. So, we read the sentence of the Master once again. "Much good can come from the frequent use of the colour yellow. One should surround himself with this colour". That means, on the physical plane also, use as many articles in your room as possible with this colour. It serves to keep inflowing energies in the head or to prevent their descent, not lower than the diaphragm. This deprives the solar plexus of a constant flow of energy. That is, it stops a constant flow of energy to and from the solar plexus and greatly aids in freeing the psychic from the astral plane.
Visualize a vivid golden yellow, ponder on the true significance, value and reward of silence. So, you should think of silence, its significance and its value while meditating upon the golden yellow colour. This is how we have to do. I will repeat the few sentences, very important.
"Much good can come from the frequent use of the colour yellow. One should surround himself with this colour. It serves to keep inflowing energies in the head or to prevent their descent, not lower than the diaphragm. This deprives the solar plexus of a constant inflow of energy and greatly aids in freeing the psychic from the astral plane. Visualize a vivid golden yellow colour. Ponder on the true significance, value and reward of silence".
Another meditation: "Visualize a vivid electric blue around yourself. Ponder on the true significance, value and reward of joy."
So, while meditating upon the blue colour, you should think about joy, its significance, its value and its reward. So, these two colours are to be meditated in the given form. So, for some time, meditate upon the yellow colour along with the concept of silence. Meditate upon the electric blue colour along with the concept of joy. After completing these two processes, utter OM three times audibly with thought in mind as you sound it in the following manner.
While uttering OM first time, you have the thought that you are cleansing your aura. That is, you are having a shower bath of OM, cleansing the entire aura. When you are uttering it for a second time, meditate the silencing of all discards. That is, whatever there is undesirable in us and around us, it is silenced. This should be the meditation when you are uttering OM for a second time and then for a third time, the expression of joy. So, this should be the meditation of the succession- yellow colour, blue colour, 'OM' as cleaning, 'OM' as silencing and 'OM' as joy. This is the procedure. The colour you meditate upon should be much bigger than your own size.
It is not effective at all, if you meditate it a little in Brow Centre or in Heart centre in the form a little candle flame, it begins to flicker whenever the mind flickers and then disappears when the air blows. So, let it engraft you from all sides and also from within you outside, the same colour shine. This is technically called 'sealing the door where evil dwells'.
We will utter OM thrice as the Master asked us to do and then do the Gayathri thrice.
Meditating that idea and visualizing that colour in the sunlight you are witnessing, to repeat the words, I repeat. This is the passage given by the Tibetan as the translation of one of the stanzas to meditate upon the Golden yellow light. Please repeat with closed eyes and all the parts of the body completely relaxed.
"The golden rays that issue from the heart of the sun pour forth and bathe my soul and the soul of all created forms. Within those forms, the life of God awakens, and the power of God streams forth as Will, as dedication to the Plan, as strength to work and give - as must a son of God."
('OM' 3 times Chanting)
Now, you have to think of glittering deep blue colour which is called electric blue. Think of it as a big ocean without any movement at all and then think of it as the ocean of sky around you. Repeat the passage by thinking so. "Within the darkness of the soul, prisoned within the form, a point of light is seen. Then there arises, all around that point, a field of deepest blue and this becomes irradiated by the soul, the inner sun, shining within a brilliant field of blue. The points of light become the many lines or rays of light; these lines then merge and blend until the lighted Way appears before the eyes of each tired pilgrim on that Way.”
Repeat OM thrice, with the idea of the blue ocean of sky around and within yourself. Having the silence dissolved everywhere in it.
(Master chants OM 3 times)
Now meditate upon milk white light, a big lotus in milk white colour and a grand big lotus as big as the space you can imagine. The lotus is around you in the form of course of light. You are completely and deeply immersed in the middle of the lotus, and a part of the lotus is within yourself also. The middle most portion of the lotus from your heart to your head, the petals of the lotus are giving you a touch of fresh cool breeze.
Now let us utter OM thrice thinking of the expression of joy, that is satisfaction, fullness and happiness.
(Chanting OM three times)
Now you can open your eyes. This meditation should be followed every day for one full year. That is, if you note down the date today, you should do it until the date returns next year. You should do it once in the morning and once in the evening. These two passages given by the Tibetan, as meditative words about the Golden yellow and blue light are the translations of the stanzas of an Upanishad. You will see a few lines on meditation in the beginning of the book "Treatise on Cosmic Fire". Those are a few lines, few Mantrams from a scripture called the Swethopanishad. Similarly, the present passages we uttered now are also taken from another Upanishad called the Rudra Upanishad.
You select your own time in the morning and evening. But, keep up the time exact to hour and minute to begin the meditation. It is better to do the English translation passages during the first one year, before you actually begin to utter the original Mantram because the concept is to descend into us completely. Only along with the concept, the sound of the Mantram and the number value of the Mantram and the colour of the Mantram begin to work upon us.
Another clarification is, these are the only two colours and the milk white in the end that everyone is permitted to meditate daily. No one except the advanced disciples is given the procedure as to what to do, colours of their own Rays and colours and sounds. So, the thoughts we have learned in the previous days, seeing the equivalents and correspondences of the choice.
From time to time, some ideas will be given to you in the form of some passages in your own language or English. You have to note down those passages with the date and keep it for yourself without discussing about them and they will be sometimes useful in the future. So, you are expected to maintain a diary book separately and the indication of the diary book is that, the cover of the diary book should be of this colour. When you are having a book with this cover, here is another book and using it as a diary after your meditation, it is an indication to the advanced disciples of the Master that you are an aspirant, that you are aspiring to be one with them.
So, they begin to respond automatically within a few weeks. This has nothing to do with any religion or any recognized esoteric school or any society or any association. All the societies and associations and groups are attempts to form a spiritual group and you may belong to one of those groups or you may be forming as one new group and what happens is not concerned. We are not concerned. So, to what group we belong is not a matter which concerns us. The procedure is the same and the contact is the same and the communication is the same. The progress is the same. The experience is the same to all those who want to be part of the humanity of this planet.