Book Presentation
Teachings of Lord Maitreya, Vol 1
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

Lord Maitreya is a sage of great brilliance. He teaches synthesis, the unity of existence, and Love and Wisdom. His work of the Lord is to orient the seekers to Truth.
Under the direction of Lord Krishna, he inaugurated 5000 years ago the "Path of World
Discipleship" in the name of "Bhagavata Marga' and has been preparing disciples in the Path, who in turn help
the aspirants to enter the Path of Truth. When Krishna departed from the physical over 5000 years ago, he
installed Maitreya as the World Teacher for the present age.
The book "The Teachings of Lord Maitreya" contains instructions of Lord Maitreya, which
have been propounded by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar in the Vaisakh News Letters.
Dhanishta Foundation,
Visakhapatnam, India 2014
1. Time's DeceptionDeceived by Time, sometimes even knowers propose their name and form to the aspirants for contemplative and meditative purposes. They do not realise the danger of such distortion. It becomes difficult for the disciple at a later stage to overcome the form and the name that he fixed in his heart. The Lord is seated in the heart of every being and the Yogi or the Master should emphasise to the aspirant to reach the Lord, who is the Light within and the life too. The Teacher should stand as the guide but not as the goal. If the Teacher becomes the goal, the aspirant's progress gets stunted. It is unfortunate that today the one who shows the Path to the Truth unwittingly stands in between the aspirant and the goal!
2 . The Reality
Today the brothers related by blood have no cordiality between them. In this context, speaking of Universal Brotherhood appears to be a paradox. It is our fundamental commandment to the aspirant that he should recognise the brother in the other as the preliminary practice. This must be practised regardless the behaviour and the qualities of the other. This has to be established in his behaviour, if he aspires to link up to the Hierarchy. There may be disagreement in the views, opinions and assessments. That should be considered as surficial, while the undercurrent of cordiality remains. Discord is different from disagreement -learn to be cordial even while disagreeing. This will enable better flow of Light and Love. Universal Brotherhood is the reality of the creation. Ignorance causes one to feel its superficiality.
3. Equality and Fraternity
To comprehend equality and fraternity one needs to have education, in the true sense of the word. Unless one is obedient and learns to be responsible, these two qualities cannot be comprehended. Today's education is mostly informative but not really educating. Today's man is much more informed than his ancestors, but we cannot say he is much more evolved. Equality and fraternity are the natural qualities of evolved beings. Enlightened beings such as Krishna, Buddha and Christ playfully demonstrate such qualities as equality and fraternity. Among their contemporaries, most of the people misunderstood them and even misbehaved with them. The reason for this lies in the gap in their respective states of evolution. The Law of Evolution and the function of the hierarchical system go hand in hand with equality and fraternity. Without the former the later becomes shallow and illusory. Today's slogans of equality and fraternity cried out in market places are mostly diabolical. Ponder on this.
4. The Groups
In recent decades, thousands of esoteric groups emerged on the globe. Though the groups are thousands in number, what they lack is group consciousness. The thread of fraternity does not run through the group members. That is the dexterity of Kali. Members gather only to fight but not to build group consciousness. The fundamentals of group consciousness are mostly substituted by such emergence as pride, instinct to dominate, disbelief, discontentment, doubt and suspicion. All groups speak of Light and Love like parrots. These groups are mostly becoming sects and cults capable of using esoteric jugglery with little service accomplished in the world. Till date, they remain ineffective to be in the windows of Light. Every good intention of the Hierarchy is being distorted in this way. We too wait for time's sanction and yet work relentlessly.
There are co-operative movements which lack co-operation. There are wisdom groups without wisdom. There are groups of synthesis without synthesis. All names indicate their opposites in action. Groups speak of harmony and they are eternally in conflict! We wait and yet work relentlessly.