Book Presentation
The Seven Rays. Overseas Messages VII
by Dr. Ekkirala Krishnamacharya

Spiritual science is there only to elevate ourselves, not others. Those who want to understand this science of the Seven Rays should not believe that they are giving spiritual wisdom to others. They should believe that they are enlightening themselves.
The book “The Seven Rays. Overseas Messages VII” contains five teachings of Master EK (Ekkirala Krishnamacharya) about the eternal wisdom: The Seven Rays; Basics of Spiritual Astrology; The Seven Keys; Yoga and Attainment; Yoga and Healing.
Kulapathi Book Trust, Visakhapatnam, India 2019
We find many people discussing their own rays. "My soul ray is Second Ray, my mental ray is Third Ray, and my physical ray is First Ray"- a horrible combination. But still there is fighting and fighting because the combination is horrible. But when he has mastered all the wisdom of the rays, from all the volumes of Alice A. Bailey, he is still in a wretched state of trying to know his own rays that is self-centred. The truth is how it helps, which ray we belong to? If I belong to a Second Ray on the soul level, or the First Ray on the soul level, what difference does it make? Suppose I know it correctly, or suppose I know it wrongly, what difference does it make?The thing that actually helps us is the work we do for others. Until our mind forgets ourselves, until we begin to do something useful to others and get absorbed in the work which we do, be sure that no spiritual evolution takes place in us. That is the disadvantage of a human fellow. In the minerals, plants and animals, they have the advantage of having evolution naturally without having their own effort. An animal is not responsible for its betterment. It automatically takes place. For example, if a dog is with a human master, if the dog begins to serve a human fellow and begins to experience the continuous physical presence of a human being, and when it is able to recognize its own master, different from others, and when it is capable of returning to the house of the master after going out, all the process helps its betterment and its advancement in the evolution. The dog need not know anything about the evolution at all. But automatically its evolution takes place.
Whereas after we reach the human kingdom, our piece of chalk is given to our hands and we are expected to write our own future on the board. That is the peculiar crisis the fellow faces the moment he enters the human kingdom. There is the individual karma which he has to pass, whereas the plants and animals have no karma of their own at all. The evolution of the minerals, plants and animals is part of the planetary karma of this earth. But the evolution of an individual leaves part of the evolution to himself, so that he creates his own good or bad karma and once again he has to clear his own karma and cooperate with the planetary plan of this earth. Then only his further evolution takes place. Until then the human fellow stands where he is, sometimes for ten rebirths or hundred rebirths or thousand rebirths. His evolution is never better unless he takes it up.
This is the play of Nature because Nature wants the human fellow to be creator on the background of the Creator. God made man in His own image and likeness. So, we are made a creator and left on this earth. So, every moment, we create our own future. Though the planetary plan never changes, our local plan takes a zigzag path if we do not tune ourselves with the planetary work.
For example, when a ship is travelling from north to south, a fellow can run in the opposite direction on the deck of the ship from south to north. So, we are creators of our own individual future within our own limits. And unless we understand this plan, and make a wilful cooperation with the planetary activity, our further evolution is suspended. The evolution on the three lower planes automatically takes place. The building of the human vehicle on the physical plane automatically takes place. Similarly, the activity of the etheric plane and the mental planes automatically takes place. But the activity of the spiritual development is to be proposed by everyone for himself. Everyone should build his own Antahkarana and create his own idea of light and enlighten his idea of light with the light of himself. His idea of light with his own light, and then make a constant presence of his own light possible by making a constant proposal of light in his mind and then he should read his life as a book in that light. Then the Seven Rays help him to read his own light.
In the previous stage, the Seven Rays help him in conditioning his behaviour. One Ray conditions him as the soul activity; another Ray conditions him as the personality activity; another Ray conditions him as his mental behaviour and another Ray conditions him as the type of necessities of his physical vehicle.
For example, the physical body of some fellows requires more food than that of others. Some physical bodies require more liquids than solids, some physical bodies require more solids than liquids and some physical bodies require minimum quantity of food and maximum mental activity without which they fall sick. Like this we have the physical activity of the individual differing from the physical activity of another individual. In such a way, the Seven Rays condition the fellow. This conditioning is only to regulate him and put him in the right line. This is the purpose and the purview of the activity of the Seven Rays. The Seven Rays can be called the Seven Masters on the Supra Cosmic plane because they are the Masters of all Masters. The Masters have become Masters only by following the path of the Seven Rays.