Book Presentation
"The Theosophical Movement"
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

The Planetary Hierarchy externalised itself during the last 100 years through such initiates as H. P. Blavatsky, Alice A. Bailey, Master CVV, Master EK and Master KPK. The Divine plan as it works on earth is unveiled. The universality of the truth and its patterns of manifestation are expressed in the Western languages to unfold the concept of human brotherhood. There is the movement of Theosophy in an order from H.P.B., A.A.B., Master CVV and Master EK. This book contains in brief the movement of Theosophy since 130 years. It is a talk at Misiones, Argentina, by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar, in 1992.
Content: Self-Magnetization; The Four Functions of a Theosophist; To Be; Aquarius - Uranus; Master CVV; The Five Instructions of the Master; The Secret of Death.
Dhanishta Publishing House, Visakhapatnam, India, 1996.
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Chapter 1 (Extract)Theosophy is Divine Wisdom and it moves. That is the Theosophical Movement. Wisdom moves through those who have become wise, it cannot otherwise move. Periodically there is the movement of wisdom. There are small periods of movement and bigger periods. There is Theosophy right from the beginning of humanity. It is not correct to say that the Theosophical Movement started with Madam Blavatsky. Madam H.P. Blavatsky inaugurated a period, a movement of Theosophy. Periodically man gets an opportunity to move into the Divine Wisdom and thereby to realize his own identity. The identity of every being is that he is a son of God. Through cycles of time man forgets that he is a son of God and again through cycles of time he is recollected that he is a son of God. Time cyclically brings to us the wisdom. One such cycle of time which we know is the Theosophical Movement, brought to us by Madam H.P. Blavatsky, and hence we shall have to be grateful to her. She has brought light once again to humanity, from certain sublime centres of humanity. The wisdom did not flow from H.P. Blavatsky, but it flew through her. It could flow through her because she became a good channel to the wisdom. Without her becoming a channel or without her getting magnetized, she could not have given the wisdom to the world.
The first and fundamental step as we understand for theosophical experience is, that we work with the wisdom upon ourselves. We need not be anxious to spread the wisdom without working it with ourselves. It is a wrong understanding if one thinks that he can spread wisdom. Wisdom knows how to spread itself. It only needs channels. If we have a wall of bricks the sun rays cannot enter into the hall, but if we have a wall of glass the sun rays can enter into and through it. The difference between an initiate and non-initiate is between the glass and the wall of bricks. In the wall of bricks the matter is very heavy, in the glass the matter is very light. The wall of bricks does not allow the light to pass through, the glass allows the light to pass through. When the glass allows the light to pass through, the glass is only enabling the light to pass through, but the glass cannot claim that it is giving the light. What can the glass do when there is no sun? That is all what an initiate can do. He can be a transmitting point for wisdom but he is not the giver. The giver is someone whom we do not know. We do not know because we are too much preoccupied with names and forms. Even the sun whom we know as the centre of the solar system, is not giving the light. He is himself a channel to a higher centre. Like that, everyone is a channel to a higher centre. Like that, everyone is a channel and that which we know as "The Absolute" channels itself through all these channels. This understanding is the basic understanding of Theosophy. That is light exists, wisdom exists and it moves according to a time-cycle, and there are some channels which enable its movement. The best that a channel can do is to see that it becomes transparent. What all one has to do is to see that he becomes transparent as a vehicle. Thereafter it is for the light to decide what to do, how to do, where to do and when to do. Even if the glass is transparent, it cannot give light when the whole area is clouded. Just like a glass cannot give light, a prepared vehicle cannot give light unless it is intended in the higher circles. That is why an initiate functions in tune with time and space. He does not think that he can spread it everywhere, anywhere and any time. He stands as a focusing point and according to the decision of the higher planes he transmits it. That means that he is all the time ready to transmit. So, a theosophist is a channel and he functions according to the time and the place.
There was an opportune time around the end of the last century where wisdom decided to dawn itself. Then they found a vehicle pure enough, transparent enough, brilliant enough to reflect the wisdom, that is the vehicle whom we call Madam H.P. Blavatsky. She is the one through whom the wisdom could reach humanity from the Masters of Wisdom. Remember that even the Masters of Wisdom are not the givers. They act according to the purpose coming from the Higher Centres. It is the understanding of time that they carry and accordingly when it is dawn for humanity the light is transmitted.