Book Presentation
Wisdom of Nakshatras
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

The zodiac of 360 degrees is divided into twelve houses of 30 degrees each by the ancient seers. It is also divided into twenty-seven nakshatras (constellations) of 13°20' degrees each. Every constellation has its basic characteristics, and the transit of Moon brings out the characteristics of a particular constellation as it resides for about a day in each constellation.
The book on the ‘Wisdom of Nakshatras’ by Dr K. Parvathi Kumar sheds light on the characteristics of the constellations (nakshatras) and provides a window into the vast knowledge relating to the sky.
Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2019
AshwiniAshwini is the first constellation covering 13°20' starting from 0°0' Aries in Vedic astrology (Eastern astrology). The Vedic astrology follows the fixed star method. The table provided in the introduction helps locate every constellation as per the astrology followed in the West for easy reference.
The term Ashwini means “of the horse”, meaning born out of the horse energy. Ashwini is considered to be the horse-head. In puranas this constellation represents the energies of Ashwins. Ashwins are the twin gods. At the supra-cosmic plane, they are known as Drasyu and Nasatya (Mitra and Varuna). Together they are called Ashwini Kumaras. They are the two fundamental alternating principles that descend into cosmic, solar and planetary planes. At the planetary plane they exist as the sons of the Sun. They represent inhalation and exhalation of prana. They also constitute the basic healing energies in the solar system. Ashwins are the celestial healers. They are frequently invoked since ancient times for miraculous healing and even for rejuvenation of an old body into a young, vital and virulent body. Many are the stories relating to the twin gods who are said to be born through the Sun to benefit our solar system. They represent the highest form of healing deities.
Horse itself is a symbol of dynamic energy and horse-head is much more so. The persons born with Sun or Moon in this constellation are very active, intelligent and skilful at work. They have bright eyes, a broad forehead and a slightly bigger nose like the Greeks. They are gentle in manners and intelligent in handling situations. In brief, they are dexterous. If a person has Sun in this constellation, he would be much more dynamic and even stubborn.
The natives of Ashwini are faithful persons and are willing to sacrifice. They constitute good friends and are reliable during times of difficulties. They are good advisers but cannot accept criticism. They cannot be easily influenced and are generally committed to work. They belong to the category of believers yet they are not slaves of sentiment. They reason out with intelligence. They would like to take the central place in any congregation and generally would like to rule.
Persons born with Moon or Sun or ascendant in this constellation are natural healers and they would do well in the field of medicine.
The natives of Ashwini are swift and fast in their thought and action and hence there is danger of being hasty, impulsive and weak in detail. They are good starters but are not good finishers. They can be good administrators, physicians, psychologists and even marketers.
The ruling planet for this constellation is Anti-Node (Ketu). It indicates that they are susceptible to sudden depressions, disillusionments and loneliness. This is seen as their major weakness. Anti-Node (Ketu) is known for all types of beginnings and is directly related to initiatory impulse. It also carries the power of the past. Anti-Node supplements the healing energies of Ashwins. It has the ability to rejuvenate just like Phoenix.
Mars, being the planetary ruler of Aries, connects to this constellation. Mars is known for its active energy, initiatory impulse and warring nature. Natives of Ashwini carry the impulse to fight for a cause - either good or otherwise. Ashwini represents the top of the head, and Mars in Ashwini is indicative of headaches, head injuries and troubles relating to head.
Since Sun is exalted in Aries, Sun also connects to this constellation giving the needed recognition, rulership, etc. Anti-Node (Ketu), Mars, and Sun express themselves through the constellation Ashwini.
The natives of Ashwini would do well to worship either the Ashwins or the Sun god.
The numerical potency of Ashwini is 1, the gender is male, the animal symbol is horse, the bird is eagle, and the tree is ashwatha.