Here you can download the publications of the Circle of Good Will as pdf-files.
The Lunar Messenger
Cycle 21
N° XXI/1: Vistas of Wisdom 139: The Founding of the Present Hierarchy
N° XXI/2: Vistas of Wisdom 140: The Guiding Star of Hierarchy
N° XXI/3: Vistas of Wisdom 141: The Community of Maitreya
N° XXI/4: Vistas of Wisdom 142: Impersonality
N° XXI/5: Vistas of Wisdom 143: Free Will and the Law
N° XXI/6: Vistas of Wisdom 144: The Ring Pass Not
N° XXI/7: Vistas of Wisdom 145: The Asvins
Cycle 20
N° XX/1: Vistas of Wisdom 128: Mantram
N° XX/2: Vistas of Wisdom 129: Courage
N° XX/3: Vistas of Wisdom 130: Inspiration
N° XX/4: Vistas of Wisdom 131: Immortality
N° XX/5: Vistas of Wisdom 132: The Jewel in the Lotus
N° XX/6: Vistas of Wisdom 133: The Ascendant
N° XX/7: Vistas of Wisdom 134: Sacrifice
N° XX/8: Vistas of Wisdom 135: Periodicity
N° XX/9: Vistas of Wisdom 136: Theosophy
N° XX/10: Vistas of Wisdom 137: Communication
N° XX/11: Vistas of Wisdom 138: The Appearance of Hierarchy
Cycle 19
N° XIX/1: Vistas of Wisdom 117: The 12 Adityas
N° XIX/2: Vistas of Wisdom 118: The Rishis
N° XIX/3: Vistas of Wisdom 119: North Pole, South Pole, Equator
N° XIX/4: Vistas of Wisdom 120: The Ashram
N° XIX/5: Vistas of Wisdom 121: Progress on the Path
N° XIX/6: Vistas of Wisdom 122: Justice
N° XIX/7: Vistas of Wisdom 123: Transition Period
N° XIX/8: Vistas of Wisdom 124: Goodwill
N° XIX/9: Vistas of Wisdom 125: Blessing
N° XIX/10: Vistas of Wisdom 126: Joy
N° XIX/11: Vistas of Wisdom 127: Varuna
Cycle 18
N° XVIII/1: Vistas of Wisdom 104: Symbolism 4 – Animal Symbols
N° XVIII/2: Vistas of Wisdom 105: Symbolism 5 – Cross and Swastika
N° XVIII/3: Vistas of Wisdom 106: Symbolism 6 – Pyramid and Double Pyramid
N° XVIII/4: Vistas of Wisdom 107: Symbolism 7 – The Eagle
N° XVIII/5: Vistas of Wisdom 108: Sleep and Turiya
N° XVIII/6: Vistas of Wisdom 109: Symbolism 8 – The Horse
N° XVIII/7: Vistas of Wisdom 110: Continuity of Consciousness
N° XVIII/8: Vistas of Wisdom 111: Symbolism 9 – The Monkey
N° XVIII/9: Vistas of Wisdom 112: The Chain of Continuity
N° XVIII/10: Vistas of Wisdom 113: The Inner Master
N° XVIII/11: Vistas of Wisdom 114: Shambala and Sanat Kumara
N° XVIII/12: Vistas of Wisdom 115: Sacred Trees 2
N° XVIII/13: Vistas of Wisdom 116: The Nodes of the Moon
Cycle 17
N° XVII/1: Vistas of Wisdom 92: The Significance of Sirius
N° XVII/2: Vistas of Wisdom 93: The Seven Rays
N° XVII/3: Vistas of Wisdom 94: The Third Ray
N° XVII/4: Vistas of Wisdom 95: The Seventh Ray
N° XVII/5: Vistas of Wisdom 96: The Fourth Ray
N° XVII/6: Vistas of Wisdom 97: The First Ray
N° XVII/7: Vistas of Wisdom 98: The Fifth Ray
N° XVII/8: Vistas of Wisdom 99: The Sixth Ray
N° XVII/9: Vistas of Wisdom 100: The Second Ray
N° XVII/10: Vistas of Wisdom 101: Symbolism 1 - Introduction
N° XVII/11: Vistas of Wisdom 102: Symbolism 2 – Numbers and Geometrical Figures
N° XVII/12: Vistas of Wisdom 103: Symbolism 3 – Cosmic Symbols
Cycle 16
N° XVI/1: Vistas of Wisdom 80: Discrimination
N° XVI/2: Vistas of Wisdom 81: Worship
N° XVI/3: Vistas of Wisdom 82: The Pitris
N° XVI/4: Vistas of Wisdom 83: The Science of Correspondence
N° XVI/5: Vistas of Wisdom 84: Evolution
N° XVI/6: Vistas of Wisdom 85: The Inner Government
N° XVI/7: Vistas of Wisdom 86: Collaboration
N° XVI/8: Vistas of Wisdom 87: Prophecies
N° XVI/9: Vistas of Wisdom 88: The Aquarian Age
N° XVI/10: Vistas of Wisdom 89: Patience and Perseverance
N° XVI/11: Vistas of Wisdom 90: Marriage and Family Life
N° XVI/12: Vistas of Wisdom 91: Right Priority
Cycle 15
N° XV/1: Vistas of Wisdom 69: Creativity
N° XV/2: Vistas of Wisdom 70: Visualisation
N° XV/3: Vistas of Wisdom 71: Right Relations
N° XV/4: Vistas of Wisdom 72: Crises and Development
N° XV/5: Vistas of Wisdom 73: Sacred Trees
N° XV/6: Vistas of Wisdom 74: Mystic and Occultist
N° XV/7: Vistas of Wisdom 75: Pralaya
N° XV/8: Vistas of Wisdom 76: Spiral Movement
N° XV/9: Vistas of Wisdom 77: Telepathy
N° XV/10: Vistas of Wisdom 78: Wisdom
N° XV/11: Vistas of Wisdom 79: Bodies of Light
Cycle 14
N° XIV/1: Vistas of Wisdom 57: The Kingdom of God
N° XIV/2: Vistas of Wisdom 58: Intuition
N° XIV/3: Vistas of Wisdom 59: The Vertebral Column
N° XIV/4: Vistas of Wisdom 60: Rituals
N° XIV/5: Vistas of Wisdom 61: Guidance
N° XIV/6: Vistas of Wisdom 62: Spirituality
N° XIV/7: Vistas of Wisdom 63: Magic
N° XIV/8: Vistas of Wisdom 64: The Bridge
N° XIV/9: Vistas of Wisdom 65: Cycles
N° XIV/10: Vistas of Wisdom 66: Initiation - 1
N° XIV/11: Vistas of Wisdom 67: Initiation - 2
N° XIV/12: Vistas of Wisdom 68: The Emotional Plane
Cycle 13
N° XIII/1: Vistas of Wisdom 45: Prenatal Life and Birth
N° XIII/2: Vistas of Wisdom 46: The Aspirant
N° XIII/3: Vistas of Wisdom 47: The Truth
N° XIII/4: Vistas of Wisdom 48: Motive and Motiveless Action
N° XIII/5: Vistas of Wisdom 49: Devotion
N° XIII/6: Vistas of Wisdom 50: The Father
N° XIII/7: Vistas of Wisdom 51: The Son
N° XIII/8: Vistas of Wisdom 52: The Mother
N° XIII/9: Vistas of Wisdom 53: Gratitude
N° XIII/10: Vistas of Wisdom 54: The Qualities of the Soul
N° XIII/11: Vistas of Wisdom 55: The Speech
N° XIII/12: Vistas of Wisdom 56: The Inner Temple
Cycle 12
N° XII/1: Vistas of Wisdom 33: The Externalisation of Hierarchy
N° XII/2: Vistas of Wisdom 34: The Energy of Synthesis
N° XII/3: Vistas of Wisdom 35: Karma
N° XII/4: Vistas of Wisdom 36: Working with Colours: Violet
N° XII/5: Vistas of Wisdom 37: Working with Colours: Blue
N° XII/6: Vistas of Wisdom 38: Working with Colours: Green
N° XII/7: Vistas of Wisdom 39: Working with Colours: Golden Yellow
N° XII/8: Vistas of Wisdom 40: Working with Colours: White
N° XII/9: Vistas of Wisdom 41: Working with Colours: Red
N° XII/10: Vistas of Wisdom 42: Working with Colours: Orange
N° XII/11: Vistas of Wisdom 43: The Divine Plan
N° XII/12: Vistas of Wisdom 44: Prayer - Meaning and Practice
Cycle 11
N° XI/1: Vistas of Wisdom 21: Lord Krishna
N° XI/2: Vistas of Wisdom 22: The Mahachohan
N° XI/3: Vistas of Wisdom 23: Durga
N° XI/4: Vistas of Wisdom 24: Kali
N° XI/5: Vistas of Wisdom 25: Lord Dattatreya
N° XI/6: Vistas of Wisdom 26: The Agnishvattas
N° XI/7: Vistas of Wisdom 27: Hanuman
N° XI/8: Vistas of Wisdom 28: Lord Narayana
N° XI/9: Vistas of Wisdom 29: Purusha
N° XI/10: Vistas of Wisdom 30: The Deva Kingdom
N° XI/11: Vistas of Wisdom 31: Vayu and the Maruts
N° XI/12: Vistas of Wisdom 32: Narada
Cycle 10
N° X/1: Vistas of Wisdom 8: The Avatars
N° X/2: Vistas of Wisdom 9: The Manu
N° X/3: Vistas of Wisdom 10: The Gayatri
N° X/4: Vistas of Wisdom 11: Savitri
N° X/5: Vistas of Wisdom 12: Master St. Germain
N° X/6: Vistas of Wisdom 13: Lord Ganesha
N° X/7: Vistas of Wisdom 14: Aditi
N° X/8: Vistas of Wisdom 15: Agastya
N° X/9: Vistas of Wisdom 16: Indra
N° X/10: Vistas of Wisdom 17: Agni
N° X/11: Vistas of Wisdom 18: Lakshmi
N° X/12: Vistas of Wisdom 19: Saraswathi
N° X/13: Vistas of Wisdom 20: The Gandharvas
Cycle 9
N° IX/1: Signs of Transformation 13: The Element Fire
N° IX/2: Signs of Transformation 14: The Element Akasha
N° IX/3: Signs of Transformation 15: The Three Gunas 1 - Tamas
N° IX/4: Signs of Transformation 16: The Three Gunas 2 - Rajas
N° IX/5: Signs of Transformation 17: The Three Gunas 3 - Sattva
N° IX/6: Vistas of Wisdom 1: The Devas
N° IX/7: Vistas of Wisdom 2: Lord Shiva
N° IX/8: Vistas of Wisdom 3: Lord Vishnu
N° IX/9: Vistas of Wisdom 4: Lord Brahma
N° IX/10: Vistas of Wisdom 5: Lord Rudra
N° IX/11: Vistas of Wisdom 6: The Kumaras 1 - The Lords of the Flame
N° IX/12: Vistas of Wisdom 7: The Kumaras 2 - Sanat Kumara
Cycle 8
N° VIII/1: Signs of Transformation 1: The Heart Centre
N° VIII/2: Signs of Transformation 2: The Throat Centre
N° VIII/3: Signs of Transformation 3: The Solar Plexus Centre
N° VIII/4: Signs of Transformation 4: The Sacral Centre
N° VIII/5: Signs of Transformation 5: The Base Centre
N° VIII/6: Signs of Transformation 6: The Higher Heart Centre
N° VIII/7: Signs of Transformation 7: The Ajna Centre
N° VIII/8: Signs of Transformation 8: The Head Centre
N° VIII/9: Signs of Transformation 9: The 5 Elements
N° VIII/10: Signs of Transformation 10: The Element Earth
N° VIII/11: Signs of Transformation 11: The Element Air
N° VIII/12: Signs of Transformation 12: The Element Water
Cycle 7
N° VII/1: Aquarian Wind 1: Crises
N° VII/2: Aquarian Wind 2: Transparency
N° VII/3: Aquarian Wind 3: Opinion and Originality
N° VII/4: Aquarian Wind 4: Manifesting
N° VII/5: Aquarian Wind 5: Dissolving
N° VII/6: Aquarian Wind 6: Sushumna
N° VII/7: Aquarian Wind 7: Beyond Concepts
N° VII/8: Aquarian Wind 8: Etheric Existence
N° VII/9: Aquarian Wind 9: Expansion
N° VII/10: Aquarian Wind 10: Electricity
N° VII/11: Aquarian Wind 11: The Stream of Life
N° VII/12: Aquarian Wind 12: Transmission of Energies
N° VII/13: Aquarian Wind 13: Protection and Protecting
Cycle 6
N° VI/1: Sun and Consciousness
N° VI/2: Mercury - The Light of the Soul
N° VI/4: Mars - The Power of Will
N° VI/5: Jupiter, the Principle of Expansion
N° VI/7: The Work of the Uranus Energy
N° VI/8: Neptune, the Power of Merging
N° VI/9: Pluto, the Lord of Regulation
N° VI/10: The Work of the Moon 1: New Moon
N° VI/11: The Work of the Moon 2: Full Moon
N° VI/12: The Work of the Moon 3: The Magic of the Moon
Cycle 5
N° V/2: Nature and Natural Living
N° V/4: Kali Yuga, the Dark Age
N° V/9: Rejecting and Accepting
N° V/12: Music and Soul Awareness
Cycle 4
N° IV/1: Friendliness and Friendship
N° IV/2: The Wisdom of Waiting
N° IV/4: Dealing with Obstacles
N° IV/5: Concentration and Alignment
N° IV/6: Death, Birth and Continuity
N° IV/8: Free Will and Freedom
N° IV/9: The Masters of Wisdom
N° IV/12: Thread of Life and Thread of Consciousness
Cycle 3
N° III/2: Purity and Purification
N° III/3: The Play of Illusions
N° III/5: Disciple and Discipleship
N° III/6: The Secret of the Dawn
N° III/7: Space and Consciousness
N° III/9: Impulse and Impulsiveness
N° III/10: Chakras and Lotuses
N° III/12: Fundamentals of Occultism
Cycle 2
N° II/1: Fire and Flame
N° II/2: The Mother of the World
N° II/3: Awareness and Thought
N° II/4: The Mystery of the Serpent
N° II/5: Eternal Wisdom
N° II/6: Working with the Key of Time
N° II/7: Magnet and Magnetism
N° II/8: Dissolution and Creation
N° II/9: The White Island
N° II/10: The Buddhic Plane
N° II/11: The Art of Breathing
N° II/12: Cooperation with the Devas
Cycle 1
N° I/1: Symbolism and Use of the Hands
N° I/2: Woman and Man
N° I/3: Balance and Beyond
N° I/4: Union with the Will
N° I/5: The Journey Inside
N° I/6: The Eternal Law
N° I/7: Meditation for the Aquarian Age
N° I/8: Building the Bridge
N° I/9: The 7 Races
N° I/10: The Spiritual Hierarchy
N° I/11: The Essence of Man
N° I/12: The Power of OM
N° I/13: Lord Maitreya
Basics of Spiritual Life
N° 1: Yoga - The Path of Synthesis
N° 2: Rhythmical Living
N° 3: Working with Sound
N° 4: The Power of Motives
N° 5: Soul and Personality
N° 6: Love and Loving
N° 7: The Teacher-Student Principle
N° 8: The Power of Habit
Good Will in Action
N° 1: Fundamentals of a Spiritual Education
N° 2: Money and Good Will
N° 3: The Value of Service
N° 4: Food and Drink
N° 5: Body and House
N° 6: Dying and Deathlessness
N° 7: Etheric Existence and Good Will
N° 8: Groups and Group Consciousness
N° 9: Serving the Plan
N° 10: Dealing with Sexuality
N° 11: Giving and Taking
N° 12: Cooperation
"Ideas and Recipes for a Lacto-Vegetarian Diet"
Download the brochure (pdf, 196 kb)
“H.P.B. - Trailblazer for the Aquarian Age”
Download the brochure (pdf, 196 kb)
Powerpoint Presentations
on Eternal Wisdom Teachings and Everyday Practice
1. Meditation - Experiment and Experience
1. Fundamentals – The Process of Meditation - as PDF
2. Recognising, Understanding and Overcoming Obstacles - as PDF
3. Fundamentals and The Path of Spiritual Development- as PDF
4. The Importance of a Teacher on the Path - as PDF
2. Basics of Spiritual Life
1. Silence - Speech - Sound - as PDF
2. Routine, Rhythm, Ritual - as PDF
3. The Call of the Soul
Letters on Spiritual Astrology
Aries N° 1 |
Taurus N° 1 | Gemini N° 1 |
Cancer N° 1 |
Aries N° 2 |
Taurus N° 2 | Gemini N° 2 |
Cancer N° 2 |
Aries N° 3 |
Taurus N° 3 | Gemini N° 3 |
Cancer N° 3 |
Aries N° 4 |
Taurus N° 4 | Gemini N° 4 |
Cancer N° 4 |
Leo N° 1 |
Virgo N° 1 | Libra N° 1 |
Scorpio N° 1 |
Leo N° 2 |
Virgo N° 2 | Libra N° 2 |
Scorpio N° 2 |
Leo N° 3 |
Virgo N° 3 | Libra N° 3 |
Scorpio N° 3 |
Leo N° 4 |
Virgo N° 4 | Libra N° 4 |
Scorpio N° 4 |
Sagittarius N° 1 |
Capricorn N° 1 |
Aquarius N° 1 |
Pisces N° 1 |
Sagittarius N° 2 |
Capricorn N° 2 | Aquarius N° 2 |
Pisces N° 2 |
Sagittarius N° 3 |
Capricorn N° 3 | Aquarius N° 3 |
Pisces N° 3 |
Sagittarius N° 4 |
Capricorn N° 4 | Aquarius N° 4 |
Pisces N° 4 |