Book Presentation
Aries. Sign and the Symbol
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

Spring equinox is considered to be the most sublime time of the year. We need to know the cycles
of time and understand what they can offer to us, to gain a better co-operation of Nature to transcend our
This booklet was released by Sadguru Tapovana, Bangalore, on the
occasion of a congregation of students of Master C.V.V. Yoga during Spring Equinox Celebrations, March 20-21,
2010 in Kumbakonam, in the centenary year of Master C.V.V. Yoga and conducted under the guidance of Sri K.
Parvathi Kumar. It is a compilation from his teachings relating to spring equinox and the cardinal sign of Aries
discoursed in Bangalore in 2004 and Mysore in 2006. It is not a published work for release; the text may be used
for study and private circulation.
CONSECRATIONConsecration is to get committed to a sacred rhythm. Consecration is called Diksha in Sanskrit. Take to a Diksha. From winter solstice to spring equinox, we take to a Diksha. That Diksha, if it is worked out for ninety days, there is a revelation. Each revelation is a veil lifted; a veil of darkness is lifted. When it is lifted there is a little more measure of light, and then again when it is lifted, there is some more measure of light. So this lifting of veils can happen if we take to consecration.
Consecration is a process by which we take to certain virtues. We see certain virtues as they exist in the saints, seers, sadhus and rishis. This, we can find in all the biographies of these great ones. Take to some virtues and say, "let me practice them". Take one virtue each time. That is the way of Self-binding. Self-binding is very important. It is like threading the bull through the nose, to use it for cultivation. It is like saddling the horse and also giving the girdle, such that the sides of the eyes are covered and the eyes only stay focused. This is how for right use we need Self-binding, Self regulations, Self-analysis and introspection.
Make Self-analysis and introspect to find out what exactly we would like to do to improve ourselves. There are many ways of working with it. One way is, we do not go anywhere and everywhere unless there is a duty. Just because we are given legs, we do not move. We move if there is a duty and if there is a requirement. Otherwise we do not move. Likewise we use the hands only for the right work; otherwise, we do not work. That can be a consecration. Likewise there can be consecration about food, consecration about sight and above all consecration about speech. We shall not utter forth things that spread unpleasantness.
Man is gifted with speech and that gift shall have to be dedicated for divine purposes. Then man can get to those states of awareness that he gets that Vak shuddhi and Vak siddhi. Vak Siddhi is that when he utters it happens. Meaning, he utters only what happens. He does not utter otherwise because Vak has the ability to create. But then how responsible are we with our speech? How much have we trained our tongue, in relation to the speech? It is one of the greatest consecrations. Many times it is said, what we take through the tongue is not so very important as what we put out from the tongue. So there can be consecration in relation to it or in relation to any practice. All these practices are meant for the spirit to move up from the matter.