Book Presentation
Parikshit - The World Disciple
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

Spiritual aspiration happens to every human in one incarnation or the other. If you deeply
intend to see the Lord and if your effort is towards that end, then you are symbolically called Parikshit. The
story of "Parikshit -The World Disciple" by K. Parvathi Kumar is the story of transcendence of death through
continuous aspiration.
2nd Edition 2012 · Revised Edition © 2011 Dhanishta, #15-7-1,
Angels Enclave · Krishna Nagar, Visakhapatnam-530 002, Andhra Pradesh, India. Phone: +91 / 891 270 15 31.
ISBN 978-3-9523338-7-7 ·
Buddhic planeThere are many dimensions of life that are not known to many, and they are in a great hurry to move into the Divine plane. To move into the Divine plane, your mental, emotional and physical planes should have been fulfilled in all their dimensions. The religions teach to negate and move forward. Without exception, every religion speaks of negating and moving forward, but Nature does not agree to this. Man has to experience, fulfil and thereby transcend and this cannot happen without experiencing. The one in the buddhic plane is supposed to have the understanding of the mental, emotional and physical planes in their totality. That means that before you cross over from the mental plane to the buddhic plane, you would have fairly fulfilled the experience relating to the mental, emotional, and physical planes. You cannot get into the buddhic plane and then think of emotional things. It is like our house. You cannot think of seeing television here in the prayer room. You cannot gossip here. There is a room for gossiping, a room for sleeping, and likewise, a room for cooking and eating. So, also in creation there is an arrangement of the seven planes. What you do in the bathroom you cannot do here. Unless you are fulfilled, you think of doing it here. If anyone thinks of doing things related to the bathroom in the prayer room or teaching hall, is he allowed? So he has to finish those jobs and then come here. Do we allow cooking here? Do we allow gossip here? Do we allow entertainment programs here? This place is meant for relating to the Divine and for teachings relating to the Divine, and only the related things could be done. Likewise, it is also so in creation.
When you enter the buddhic plane, you would have fulfilled the other lower planes. Esoteric students have a fantasy for the buddhic plane, since they listen and read much relating to that plane. The students feel that they need to get there, for it is a fantasyland. But they cannot get into the buddhic plane unless they have appropriately discharged themselves of the three mundane planes. They need to do well in the triple-mundane; they need to fulfil and unfold their consciousness enough to be at the threshold of the fourth plane. Until such discharge takes place, one is allowed to relate to the buddhic plane and fulfil mundane purposes through prayers, rituals, worship or meditation.
Those who are in the so-called esoteric groups think that, "The others are mundane and we are tending to the super-mundane." Before we think of supermundane, we have to ask ourselves, "Have we fulfilled all our mundane requirements? Can they come back and affect us later?" In 1993, we had a seminar near Bonn on the theme 'The Heart.' The heart relates to the buddhic plane. I was explaining many aspects that would lead us into the heart. One lady, after two days of morning and evening classes, came to me and said that she was fairly well done with money, health, sex and family; that she was in good health and was now single. She said she was eligible to enter into the Kingdom of God. I smiled. Then the lady asked, "Why do you smile?" I said, "Are you sure that you do not get back to sex? Are you sure that you do not get back to the experiments of money? Are you sure that you continue to hold on to good health?" She said, "Yes, I am done with them and I am now free."
Within two years, she asked me by telephone to look at two charts: one was hers and the other one was of the person whom she had met. I said, "When I come to Europe, I would see the charts." When I was seeing the charts, she already started saying how good the other man was, and that he was a soul mate and not anything less than that. She had already pre-decided, so why consult through natal charts? Only to have my stamp of approval! I told her, "If you feel that he is your soul mate, you may proceed. But you said before that you no more needed marriage." Then she had some logic to support her decision. All logic is just mental stuff used for self-defence. A knower of the buddhic plane looks at the people with logic as he looks at children. They have their own logic and they go by it. So, she went into a marriage and then the marriage was in trouble after two years. In that marriage, she also lost her health. And her sickness and her soul mate have taken away her money. She had to work again for money, for self-sustenance. Then she found that the man was not her soul mate. She left him. Then after five years, she met another soul mate! She is still working with those things. How can you say that certain things are really completed?
We move in rounds and rounds around the mental, emotional and physical plane when we do not know how to fulfil through right understanding and right action. If you know what to do, if you know how to do and if you do not do it, you are not fulfilled. If you know how to cook and what to cook but you do not cook, you do not get the experience of cooking. This is in relation to so many thousands of aspects of human life. Many times we do many things repeatedly, but we are not satisfied. How many times we had breakfast in the morning? For the moment we are satisfied, but again tomorrow we want breakfast.
There are certain things for daily fulfilment like taking a shower, having breakfast, lunch, dinner. They become habits and just for these habits a few lives will go wasted away because we walk into a loophole in relation to these aspects. Instead of keeping them simple, we get into complications. We desire more and more. You have shoes, but you want to buy other shoes. You have watches, but still you find a watch you want to buy. You move in rounds all the time. Only through maturity you tend to make your life simple. Make it simple with respect to daily needs like food, clothing, and shelter. Keep the requirements at the minimum.
If you wish to progress life after life, you should move with the swiftness of the Third Ray. The Third Ray wants you to relate to the material in a minimum possible way. More and more gathered material will condition you. If you have a house bigger than what you need, it demands your energies. If you have a body, an over-weighing body, it is really a heavy thing. You have to pull it; it does not pull you so much. The body is supposed to be your vehicle to fulfil your purposes. But generally you undergo an inversion. The body fulfils its purposes with your presence. The horse demands service from its master, instead of serving him! It is a paradox, but it is true with the majority of humans. Keep the bodily requirements to the minimum. This is about the physical plane.