Book Presentation
Temple and the Work
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

The human body is the Temple and man is the image of God in the Temple. This Temple is an
esoteric temple, esoteric in the sense that, it is within us. To realize this Temple in us, it is necessary that
we turn subjective and inward. There is a process of learning to build this Temple in each one of us. That is
what we call as discipleship.
The science and technique of accomplishing building the
Temple within was given by Master K Parvathi Kumar at the seminar in Miami in September, 2007.
Bangalore (Sadguru Tapovana) 2008.
Copies: The World Teacher Trust, "Sadguru Tapovana",
Royal Park Residency, near Nandi Gardens, JP Nagar IX Phase, Bangalore - 560 062. Ph. : 080-28436109 / 28436843
/ Jagadguru Mandiram, `Radhamadhavam', 14-38-2, Muppidi Colony, Visakhapatnam - 530 002
The ultimate truth is that every human body is a Temple and the image of God is within the human. In fact every human is an image of that God. To know this, is the Path of knowledge. To work for experiencing how God exists in us and how we are HIS image is the Path given by the knowers from time to time. The Path is one. The knowers give it in different ways. They are not different paths but are different expressions of the ONE Path. A German would say something else, the Indian would say Maarga (In Sanskrit, Maarga is the path). So if one says Maarga, another says Path, the third one says Sendero they are speaking of the same thing but the expression is different.
There is one truth and the ONE Path is explained in different parts of the globe differently. We need to understand that the ultimate truth is that man is a prophecy fulfilled in creation. In the creational process, advent of man is the fulfilment of the creation. Intelligences called Devas in their creational work have ultimately conceived man and they felt fulfilled; because the advent of man is advent of God himself in its completeness. Every man is seen as a mobile Temple with all the potential of Temple energies. The biggest Temple is the universe. The smallest Temple is a human being.
We know about the four Yugas. The first Yuga is the Krita Yuga. In that Yuga there were no Temples, because man could experience Temple in himself and other human beings. It was so even in Treta Yuga. During the second half of Dwapara Yuga, man could not see God in himself and God in a fellow human being due to pride. The pride grew and then he could not see. Before the pride grew, he had the third eye. Once pride manifested, the eye gradually got closed. So to him, experiencing God in himself and in the fellow human being was not possible. He then started building Temples. Temple was an agreeable concept to man because he could not see God in the fellow human beings and in himself. So slowly the Temples came so that we worship someone who does not interact with us. It is a monologue and very comfortable! We speak to God whatever we want but there is no need to hear, because if he says something, which is not pleasant, we are not willing to hear. If he tells us don't talk much — do we listen? We don't listen! So we created a God who just listens to us and very rarely He speaks to us. He also does not speak, because He also knows that we do not listen.
To enable experiencing God came varieties of rituals, worship and prayer. Before that there was alignment with God. When we are in alignment with God, no prayer is needed. When we are one with HIM, we are in the bliss of fulfilment. It is just like when we are fulfilled of hunger we don't think of food. So prayers, rituals, worships and varieties of them have come and then different prayers, different rituals, different temples came. Man was more engaged with differences than with the Temple. They were fighting with differences. Like this there is a digression. So be it Temple, be it a Church, be it a Mosque or be it a Synagogue; the Path is not so much evident but the Path is kept intact from the beginning.
From time to time great Initiates like Pythagoras, Buddha, Krishna, Jesus; they all came and tried to restore the Temple in the human being. lt is that Temple that we speak of now and not the Temple that has more of an exoteric understanding than an esoteric understanding. There are human beings with knowledge who have realized the Temple in them and collectively do the Temple work every week. So knowers' conducting a Temple work is different from others conducting the Temple work. Today man is looking for that kind of Temple. A small percentage of humanity is looking for such Temple to find a lasting solution.
This Temple is an esoteric Temple, Esoteric in sense that it is within us. There is a process of learning to build this Temple in each one of us. That is what we call as Discipleship.
The Temple is having an outer compound, the territory. Beyond the territory it is the world and within the territory it is the subtle world. So there is what is called `OUTSIDE' and what is called 'INSIDE'. Outside activity is different, totally different from the inside activity. When we are inside the hall the activity we do here is different from the activity we do outside the hall.
Outside activity is called as the `OBJECTIVE ACTIVITY' and the inside activity is called as the `SUBJECTIVE ACTIVITY'. Everyman knows that there is something within him and something outside him. In his lonely hours he thinks more inside. Man has two minds; a mind