Book Presentation
Wisdom of the Nodes
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

The booklet “Wisdom of the Nodes” by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar is based on the teachings given out at Rigi, Switzerland in December 1998 and in January 2010 at Visakhapatnam.
Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2022
1. Node and Anti-Node: An IntroductionNode and Anti-Node are two very important principles in astrology. These are also known as the ascending node and the descending node of the Moon. In Vedic Astrology, they are referred to, as Rahu and Ketu. The first understanding that we have to make about Node and Anti-Node is that they are not planetary bodies but formations in the sky. These are two centers of intersection, of the paths of the Earth and the Moon. They are centers of a three-fold magnetic current of Earth, Sun and Moon.
Node and Anti-Node are very important, to make a complete understanding of the influence of the Planets on the subject and therefore, they are studied along with the Planets. For this reason, they are also seen as one among the planets and we take the name of Rahu and Ketu also, when referring to the ‘Nava-Grahas'.
The zodiac signs are twelve in number. The chemistry that the zodiac brings through its twelve sun signs, being transited by nine planets, is of a variety of 108. (12 x 9). There is an awareness necessary, of the energies of the node and anti-node as well, along with the seven planetary lights. We call them as Navagrahas. ‘Nava' means nine and ‘Graha' means a planet. The Node and Anti-node are also considered along with the seven ray qualities, before an interpretation is made.
Node is seen as the energy that enables accomplishment, and the Anti-node as the energy that signifies relinquishment. They are also known as the North Node and the South Node or the Positive Node and the Negative Node. The Node or Rahu indicates accomplishment, while Anti-Node or Ketu indicates relinquishment. One relates to expansion, the other relates to withdrawal. Accomplishment or expansion is from within to the outer. That is why, Node is sometimes considered akin to Jupiter. An accomplishment also has the ability to possess. It also has the characteristic of amassment. When Node is well placed, you will be able to amass or accomplish, and you are positive. Node relates to the positive aspect of the psyche. Anti-node relates to the negative side of the psyche.
In your birth chart, if you have planets proximate to the Node, the positive aspects of those planets are stimulated by the Node. Likewise, if you have planets proximate to Anti-Node or South-Node, there is a stimulation of the negative aspects of the planet which is proximate. That is how, there is an impact of the Node and Anti-Node, as seen in the birth chart.
There is an order of arrangement of the nine energies which you will find in every Temple. This altar is called a ‘Navagraha Mantapa' where all the seven planetary energies and the Node (Rahu) and Anti¬Node (Ketu) are related to. To the right side of the deity, the Lord of the Temple, the nine planetary symbols are arranged within the premises of the Temple, in a specific manner and facing specific directions, where there is the Sun leading the arrangement, with the two regents (Mercury and Venus) on either side, and then you have the other planets arranged. Saturn is kept in the back, and on either side of Saturn, the Node and Anti-Node are posited. Other planets are in-between.
In India, we often see that people frequently wear finger rings, on which all nine planets are engraved, i.e., the seven planets and the two Nodes arranged in an order of three per row. Generally, they hold such rings to receive a balanced impact of the energies, of all the nine principles (Navagrahas). By this, I am not promoting such kind of rings! It only gives us an understanding, to work out a balanced impact of the planetary energies and the Nodes. These traditions and practices, only tell us, that there is an awareness relating to working with all the nine energies.