Book Presentation
"Doctrine of Eternal Presence"
by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar

When you stand in the Presence of the Lord, Wisdom can flow through you. Love can flow through
you. Light can transmit itself through. Healing can also happen. Stand in Light, Light flows
through you, is the dictum of Masters of Wisdom at all times. All is possible when you stand in Light, in the
Presence. Great acts were conducted by many initiates standing in Light, in Love and in the
The booklet “Doctrine of Eternal Presence” is an introduction to Srimad
Bhagavatham by Dr. K. Parvathi Kumar. It is from a talk given on 16 August 2003 at Tapovan,
Bangalore. It shows that the work of Bhagavatha is found to be the simplest and direct way, and the shortest
route to the Lord. It is the path of Synthesis.
Dhanishta, Visakhapatnam, India 2004
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- We have a few English copies to distribute for free.
Srimad Bhagavatha is the ultimate of the Vedic wisdom and for this yuga, the Vedic wisdom is once again given out in the simplest way by the grandest of the seers who is no other than Vishnurupa (embodiment of Vishnu) and who has been a very high soul. He systematised the Vedic knowledge, classified the Vedas and hence is called Vedavyasa. His original name is Krishna Dvaipayana. He is one of the three Krishnas or one Krishna in three bodies. They are: Lord Krishna himself, the seer, Krishna Dvaipayana and Krishna as the power and beauty of the time, Draupadi. Mahabharata describes three Krishnas. One is the Lord and another is a dimension of the Lord as the seer and yet another, a dimension of the Lord as beauty and power. Vedavyasa must be remembered whenever we think of Vedic knowledge be it Vedas, Vedangas, Brahmasutras or Puranas, Mahabharatha, Bhagavad-Gita and ultimately Srimad Bhagavatha.
Bhagavatha was the ultimate initiation to Vedavyasa and he in turn gave out the entire scheme of Bhagavatha to Sri Suka, his son and to his followers as it revealed to him at the culmination of his incarnation for that time. Bhagavatha is the ultimate doctrine of synthesis, a doctrine that gives the simplest practice of experiencing the Divine at any time and in any moment. The 'Presence' is the fundamental principle when it comes to Bhagavatha. Bhagavatha was the initiation received by Vedavyasa from Maharshi Narada and that was not the first time that Bhagavatha initiation happened. Bhagavatha was initially given out by Lord Narayana to the Chaturmukha Brahma, the four faced Creator and Srimad Bhagavatha also mentions it. That the secret of Bhagavatha-Marga, (the path of Bhagavatha) was first given out by the Lord Narayana that is the Lord beyond creation, to the Creator when the Creator was finding difficulties in creating. As Chaturmukha Brahma practiced and stood stable in the Presence of the Lord, the creation happened through him. He was made to realise that in spite of he being the Creator he is only a medium for the creation to happen and that it is the ONE beyond the Creator who uttered forth the whole creation through the Creator. The Creator remained the utterer; the Lord absolute is essentially the utterance. So the utterance itself prepared its vehicle, the utterer and uttered forth itself as creation. Thus it is the ONE who uttered forth himself as creation, including the Creator. The Lord uttered forth Himself as the Creator and the creation.
We utter, provided there is the Word in us. If there is no Word there is no uttering forth. This microphone by itself cannot transmit any word. This is the exoteric microphone. The throat is the esoteric microphone. Through that the uttering forth is happening. Before the word reaches the throat it exists as AUM. Unuttered AUM in the form of exhalation. Before it existed in the form of exhalation it existed as inhalation, before it became inhalation and entered through your nostrils it is there all over. That which is all over enters through the nostrils becomes inhalation and through exhalation when it crosses through the throat it utters forth itself into letters, into words, into sentences, into discourses, into scriptures and into so many details. That is how the One beyond utters forth Himself. All that comes out of Itself remained to be its vehicle. At best it can cease to be the vehicle. So even the Creator is uttered forth to utter.